- 2024
Kováč, P., Berek, D., Kováč, J., Búran, M., Hain, M., Melišek, T., and Hušek, I.: A Rutherford MgB2 cable with resistive NbTi barriers and a CuNi30 sheath, Supercond. Sci Technol. 37 (2024) 105013.
Kováč, P., Búran, M., and Kopera, L.: Essential properties of sub-cooled water ice and background field properties of MgB2 coil measured in it, Cryogenics 141 (2024) 103897.
Melišek, T., Berek, D., Búran, M., Bennár, M., and Kováč, P.: Joining of single-core ex-situ MgB2/Fe wires by termination architecture, Cryogenics 140 (2024) 103857.
Kováč, P., Búran, M., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Berek, D., Mauceri, P., Spina, T., and Bruzek, Ch.-E.: Electrical and mechanical limits of ex situ MgB2 wires for cabling, Supercond. Sci Technol. 37 (2024) 065004.
- 2023
Búran, M., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., and Kováč, P.: E–I characteristics and critical currents of small Bi-2223/Ag coil thermally stabilized by solid and liquid nitrogen compared to water ice, Supercond. Sci Technol. 36 (2023) 105013.
Búran, M., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., and Hušek, I.: Thermal stability of 6-filament MgB2 wire with resistive CuNi sheath cooled by liquid He and water ice, Cryogenics 133 (2023) 103694.
Srivastava, N., Mehrotra, S., Sharma, D., Shalini, Búran, M., Hušek, I., Goswami, Kováč, P., and Santra, S.: Effect of wire diameter on structure and electrical properties of (Al + Al2O3)-sheathed MgB2 with Nb barrier, Ceram. Inter. 49 (2023) A34627-34637.
Srivastava, N., Mehrotra, S., Búran, M., Hušek, I., Sharma, D., Kováč, P., and Santra, S.: Interfacial reactions and critical current density of Cu-sheathed Cu-doped MgB2 wire with Ti diffusion barrier, J. Alloys Comp. 966 (2023) 171657.
Kováč, P., Berek, D., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Hušek, I., Búran, M., Lee, D.G., and Choi, J.H.: Influence of filament number and size on the basic properties of in situ made MgB2 wires, Supercond. Sci Technol. 36 (2023) 045014.
Fos, A., Švec, P.Sr., Gejdoš Janotová, I., Janičkovič, D., Butvinová, B., Búran, M., Kyritsi, A., Konstantinidis, N., Marcin, J., Škorvánek, I., And Novák, P.: Microstructure and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Fe-Sn-B based alloys, AIP Conf. Proc. 2778 (2023) 040004.
- 2022
Fos, A., Švec, P., Janotová, I., Janičkovič, D., Butvinová, B., Búran, M., Kyritsi, A., Konstantinidis, N., and Novák, P.: Effect of Cu and Co addition on non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of rapidly quenched Fe-Sn-B based alloys, J. Non-Crystall. Solids 593 (2022) 121785.
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Berek, D., Hain, M., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Kováč, J., and Búran, M.: High-current-density Rutherford MgB2 cable sheathed by CuNi30 alloy, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 115003.
Búran, M., Kopera, L., and Kováč, P.: Transport measurement of MgB2 wire under the sub-cooled water ice compared to other cooling conditions, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 105004.
Kováč, P., Búran, M., and Kopera, L.: Behaviour of Al2O3-oxide insulated and non-insulated superconducting MgB2 coils cooled by water ice, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 095007.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Búran, M., Hušek, I., Rindfleisch, M., and Tomsic, M.: DC characterization of advanced fine-filamentary MgB2 superconducting wires, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 055004.
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., Búran, M., Hušek, I., Berek, D., and Kováč, J.: Water ice-cooled MgB2 coil made by wind and react process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 055001.
- 2021
Búran, M., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., and Melišek, T.: I-V characteristics of MgB2 conductors with different metallic sheaths, Cryogenics 120 (2021) 103370.
Mošať, M., Šouc, J., Vojenčiak, M., Solovyov, M., Búran, M., and Gömöry, F.: Influence of current change rate during DC current limitation on the coated conductor degradation, IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 31 (2021) 5601905.
Kováč, P., Kováč, J., Perez, N., Scheiter, J., Búran, M., Kopera, L., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., and Berek, D.: Low‐purity Cu and Al sheathed multi‐core MgB2 wires made by IMD process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 34 (2021) 075010.
Fos, A., Švec, P.Sr., Švec, P.Jr., Janotová, I., Janičkovič, D., Tiwari, R., and Búran, M.: Effect of annealing on microstructure of rapidly quenched Fe-Sn-B based alloys, AIP Conf. Proc. 2411 (2021) 050003.
- 2020
Pekarčíková, M., Mišík, J., Drienovsky, M., Krajčovič, J., Vojenčiak, M., Búran, M., Mošať, M., Húlan, T., Skarba, M., Cuninková, E., and Gömöry, F.: Composite heat sink material for superconducting tape in fault current limiter applications, Materials 13 (2020) 1832.
- 2019
Búran, M., Vojenčiak, M., Mošať, M., Ghabeli, A., Solovyov, M., Pekarčíková, M., Kopera, Ľ., and Gömöry, F.: Impact of a REBCO coated conductor stabilization layer on the fault current limiting functionality, Supercond. Sci Technol. 32 (2019) 095008.