RNDr. Boháček Pavol, CSc.

Zaťko, B., Hrubčín, L., Boháček, P., Gurov, Y.B., Rozov, S.V., Evseev, S.A., Bulavin, M.V., Zamiatin, N.I., Kopylov, Y.A., Sekáčová, M., and Kováčová, E.: Spectrometric performance of 4H-SiC detectors after neutron irradiation, AIP Conf. Proc. 2778 (2023) 060012.

1. Long, Z.: Nuclear Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1064 (2024) 169326.

Zaťko, B., Hrubčín, L., Šagátová, A., Osvald, J., Boháček, P., Kováčová, E., Halahovets, Y., Rozov, S.V., and Sandukovskij, V.G.: Study of Schottky barrier detectors based on high quality 4H-SiC epitaxial layer with different thickness, Applied Surface Sci 536 (2021) 147801.

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16. He, X.Y.: Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 075943.
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Hrubčín, L., Gurov, J.B., Zaťko, B., Boháček, P., Rozov, S.V., Rozov, I.E., Sandukovskij, V.G., a Skuratov, V.A.: The amplitude defect of SiC detectors during the recording of accelerated Xe ions, Yadernaya Fizika i Inzhiniring 10 (2019) no. 3, Phys. Atomic Nuclei 82 (2019) 1682-1685.

1. Gao, R.L.: IEEE Trans. Nuclear Sci 68 (2021) 1169.
2. Zhang, X.P.: J. Instrument. 18 (2023) P09038.

Kubanda, D., Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Žemlička, J., Zápražný, Z., Boháček, P., Dudák, J., Kováčová, E., and Nečas, V.: Performance of bulk semi-insulating GaAs-based sensor and its comparison to Si-based sensor for Timepix radiation camera, J. Instrument. 14 (2019) C01023.

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Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Sedlačková, K., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M., Kováčová, E., and Nečas, V.: Neutron detection using epitaxial 4H-SiC detector structures. In: ASDAM 2018. IEEE 2018. ISBN 978-1-5386-7488-8. P. 41-44.

1. Slavicek, T.: J. Instrument. 15 (2020) C01036.

Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Nečas, V., Dubecký, F., Tu, L.A., Sedlačková, K., Boháček, P., and Zápražný, Z.: From single GaAs detector to sensor for radiation imaging camera, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 3-9.

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Zaťko, B., Hrubčín, L., Šagátová, A., Osvald, J., Boháček, P., Zápražný, Z., Sedlačková, K., Sekáčová, M., Dubecký, F., Skuratov, V.A., Korytár, D., and Nečas, V.: Schottky barrier detectors based on high quality 4H-SIC semiconductor: electrical and detection properties, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 276-280.

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Sedlačková, K., Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Nečas, V., Boháček, P., and Sekáčová, M.: Comparison of semi-insulating GaAs and 4H-SiC-based semiconductor detector covered by LiF film for thermal neutron detection, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 242-248.

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Zaťko, B., Zápražný, Z., Jakůbek, J., Šagátová, A., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M Korytár, D., Nečas, V., Žemlička, J., Mora, Y., and Pichotka, M.: Imaging performance of Timepix d etector based on semi-insulating GaAs, J. Instrument. 13 (2018) C01034.

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Dubecký, F., Kindl, D., Hubík, P., Mičušík, M., Dubecký, M., Boháček, P., Vanko, G., Gombia, E., Nečas, V., and Mudroň, J.: A comparative study of Mg and Pt contacts on semi-insulating GaAs: electrical and XPS characterization, Applied Surface Sci 395 (2017) 131-135.

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Dubecký, F., Osvald, J., Kindl, D., Hubík, P., Dubecký, M., Gombia, E., Šagátová, A., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M., and Nečas, V.: Photocurrent spectra of semi-insulating GaAs M-S-M diodes: role of the contacts, Solid-State Electr. 118 (2016) 30-35.

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Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Boháček, P., Sedláčková, K., Sekáčová, M., Arbet, J., and Nečas, V.: The influence of high-energy electrons irradiation on the electrical properties of Schottky barrier detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs, J. Instrument. 11 (2016) C01076.

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Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Sedláčková, K., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M., Kohout, Z., Granja, C., and Nečas, V.: Radiation detector based on 4H-SiC used for thermal neutron detection, J. Instrument. 11 (2016) C11022.

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Sasinková, V., Huran,  J., Kleinová, A., Boháček, P., Arbet, J., and Sekáčová, M.: Raman spectroscopy study of SiC thin films prepared by PECVD for solar cell working in hard environment, Proc. SPIE 9563 (2015) 95630V.

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Huran,  J., Hrubčín, L., Boháček, P., Borzakov, S.B., Skuratov, V.A., Kobzev, A.P., Kleinová, A., and Sasinková, V.: The effect of xe ion and neutron irradiation on the properties of SiC and SiC(N) film prepared by PECVD technology. In: RAD Proc. Ed. G. Ristič. Niš: RAD Ass. 2015. ISBN: 978-86-80300-01-6. P. 399-403.

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Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Sedlačková, K., Pavlovič, M., Fulop, M., Boháček, P., and Nečas, V.: GaAs detectors irradiated by electrons at different dose rates, J. Instrument. 9 (2014) C12050.

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Zaťko, B., Sedlačková, K., Dubecký,  F., Šagátová, A., Boháček, P., and Nečas, V.: Semiconductor detector based on 4H-SiC and analysis of its active region thickness, J. Instrument. 9 (2014) C05041.

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Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Sedlačková, K., Nečas, V., Dubecký, F., Boháček, P., and Chodák, I.: Semi-insulating GaAs detectors optimized for fast neutron detection, J. Instrument. 8 (2013) C03016.

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