Hrubišák, F., Hušeková, K., Zheng, X., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Ťapajna, M., Mičušík, M., Nádaždy, P., Egyenes, F., Keshtkar, J., Kováčová, E., Pomeroy, J.W., Kuball, M., and Gucmann, F.: Heteroepitaxial growth of Ga2O3 on 4H-SiC by liquid-injection MOCVD for improved thermal management of Ga2O3 power devices, J. Vacuum Sci Technol. A 41 (2023) 042708.
1. Woo, K.: J. Phys.-Mater. 7 (2024) 022003.
2. Vo, T.H.: Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 173 (2024) 108130.
3. Akyol, F.: Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 170 (2024) 107968.
Šichman, P., Stoklas, R., Hasenöhrl, S., Gregušová, D., Ťapajna, M., Hudec, B., Haščík, Š., Hashizume, T., Chvála, A., Šatka, A., and Kuzmík, J.: Vertical GaN transistor with semi-insulating channel, Physica Status Solidi (a) 220 (2023) SI2200776.
1. Woo, K.: J. Phys.-Mater. 7 (2024) 022003.
Gucmann, F., Nádaždy, P., Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Priesol, J., Egyenes, F., Šatka, A., Rosová, A., and Ťapajna, M.: Thermal stability of rhombohedral α- and monoclinic β-Ga2O3 grown on sapphire by liquid-injection MOCVD, Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 156 (2023) 107289.
1. Jewel, M.U.: Physica Status Solidi A 220 (2023) 2300036.
2. He, H.: Electronics 12 (2023) 4315.
3. Zhang, Y.F.: Nanotechnol. 35 (2024) 165502.
4. Vo, T.H.: Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 173 (2024) 108130.
Dobročka, E., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Nádaždy, P., Hrubišák, F., Egyenes, F., Rosová, A., Mikolášek, M., and Ťapajna, M.: Structure and thermal stability of ε/κ-Ga2O3 films deposited by liquid-injection MOCVD, Materials 16 (2023) 20.
1. Girolami, M.: J. Mater. Chem. C 11 (2023) 3759.
Kozak, A., Sojková, M., Gucmann, F., Bodík, M., Vegso, K., Dobročka, E., Píš, I., Bondino, F., Hulman, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Ťapajna, M.: Effect of the crystallographic c-axis orientation on the tribological properties of the few-layer PtSe2, Applied Surface Sci 605 (2022) 154883.
1. Zeng, S.Y.: Adv. Function. Mater. 34 (2024) Iss. 6.
2. Minev, N.: ACS Omega 9 (2024) 14874.
Kozak,A., Hofbauerová, M., Halahovets, Y., Pribusová-Slušná, L., Precner, M., Mičušík, M., Orovčík, L., Hulman, M., Stepura, A., Omastová, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Ťapajna, M.: Nanofriction properties of mono- and double-layer Ti3C2Tx MXenes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 (2022) 36815–36824.
1. Rosenkranz, A.: Adv. Mater.35 (2023) 2207757.
2. Sattari, B.: Front. Mechan. Engn.8 (2022) 965877.
3. Guo, J.: ACS Applied Mater. Interfaces 14 (2022) 52566.
4. Rosenkranz, A.: Adv. Mater. 35 (2023) Iss. 5.
5. Zhang, K.P.: Tribol. Inter. 184 (2023) 108469.
6. Zhang, K.P.: Wear 526 (2023) 204953.
7. Guo, J.L.: Tribol. Inter. 186 (2023) 108611.
8. Baboukani, B.S.: Front. in Mechan. Engn. 8 (2022) 965877.
9. Wang, J.H.: ACS Sustainable Chem. Engn. 12 (2023) 96.
10. Wait, J.: Carbon 213 (2023) 118284.
11. Fan, X.J.: Nanotechnol. olume35 (2024) 075706.
12. Hussain, I.: Mater. Today Phys. 42 (2024) 101382.
Ivashchenko, V.I., Onoprienko, A.A., Scrynskyy, P.L., Kozak, A.O., Shevchenko, V.I., Ťapajna, M., Orovčík, L., Lytvyn, P.M., and Medykh, N.R.: Structural, mechanical, optoelectronic and thermodynamic properties of bulk and film materials in Ti–Nb–C system: First-principles and experimental investigations, Physica B 646 (2022) 414311. (Not IEE SAS)
1. Chen, R.Q.: Nuclear Mater. Energy 38 (2024) 101604.
Kozak,A., Precner, M., Hutár, P., Bodík, M., Vegso, K., Halahovets, Y., Hulman, M., Siffalovic, P., and Ťapajna, M.: Angular dependence of nanofriction of mono- and few-layer MoSe2, Applied Surface Sci 567 (2021) 150807.
1. Bondarev, A.: ACS Applied Mater. Interfac. 14 (2022) 55051.
2. Yu, K.: Mater. Today Adv. 18 (2023) 100380.
3. Zhu, C.T.: Chalcogenide Lett. 20 (2023) 685.
4. Ando, Y.: Applied Surface Sci 637 (2023) 157991.
Bodík, M., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Ťapajna, M., Truchlý, M., Vegso, K., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Španková, M., and Šiffalovič, P.: Friction control by engineering the crystallographic orientation of the lubricating few-layer MoS2 films, Applied Surface Sci 540 (2021) 148328.
1. Golovynskyi, S.: Surfaces. Interfac. 26 (2021) 101343.
2. Sathyamoorthy, G.: Proc. Inst. Mechan. Engn. Part J-J. Engn. Tribol. 236 (2021) 1674.
3. Ren, A.H.: Engn. Failure Anal. 143 (2023) A106934.
4. Demchenko, H.: Thin Solid Films 788 (2024) 140170.
5. Liu, J.: Wear 538 (2024) 205190.
6. Ren, A.H.: Surfaces. Interfac. 44 (2024) 103674.
Kuzmík, J., Adikimenakis, A., Ťapajna, M., Gregušová, D., Haščík, Š., Dobročka, E., Tsagaraki, K., Stoklas, R., and Georgakilas, A.: InN: breaking the limits of solid-state electronics, AIP Adv. 11 (2021) 125325.
1. Damas, G.B.: J. Chem. Phys. 158 (2023) 174313.
2. Loo, C.C.: Mater. Character. 205 (2023) 113279.
3. Enayati, H.: Crystals 14 (2024) 105.
Onoprienko, A.A., Ivashchenko, V.I., Scrynskyy, P.L., Kovalchenko, A.M., Kozaka, A.O., Sinelnichenko, A.K., OlifanaE.I., Ťapajna, M., and Orovčík, L.: Structural and mechanical properties of Ti-B-C coatings prepared by dual magnetron sputtering, Thin Solid Films 730 (2021) 138723. (Not IEE SAS)
1. Luan, X.A.: Sensors Actuators A 346 (2022) 113865.
2. Wang, C.: Applied Surface Sci Adv. 18 (2023) 100531.
Ťapajna, M. and Koller, C.: Reliability Issues in GaN electronic devices. In Nitride semiconductor technology : power electronics and optoelectronic devices. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2020, p. 199-253. ISBN 978-3-527-34710-0.
1. Wang, H.: IEEE J. Emerg. Select. Topics Power Electron. 9 (2021) 6476.
2. Sinnwell, M.: IEEE WIPDA 2021, p. 277.
3. Zafar, S.: IEEE Trans. Dev. Mater. Reliab. 23 (2023) 72.
4. Doring, P.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 70 (2023) 947.
5. Chakraborty, S.: Physica Status Solidi A 221 (2024) SIss.13.
6. Al-Mamun, N.S.: Microelectron. Reliab. 160 (2024) 115470.
Egyenes-Pörsök, F., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Sobota, M., Mikolášek, M., Fröhlich, K., and Ťapajna, M.: Growth of α- and β-Ga2O3 epitaxial layers on sapphire substrates using liquid-injection MOCVD, Semicond. Sci Technol. 35 (2020) 115002.
1. Tak, B.R.: J. Phys. D 54 (2021) 453002.
2. Zhou, J.G.: J. Mater. Res. 36 (2021) 4832.
3. Yang, D.: Electron. Mater. Lett. 18 (2022) 113.
4. Biswas, M.: APL Mater. 10 (2022) 060701.
5. Liu, Z.: J. Phys. D 56 (2023) 093002.
6. Jewel, M.U.: Physica Status Solidi A 220 (2023) 2300036.
# 7. Jewel M.U.: Proc. SPIE 12422 (2023) 1242204.
Ťapajna, M.: Current understanding of bias-temperature instabilities in GaN MIS transistors for power switching applications, Crystals 10 (2020) 1153.
1. Ballestin-Fuertes, J.: Electron. 10 (2021) 677.
2. Kammeugne, RK.: IEEE Inter. Electron Devices Meet. 2021
3. Minetto, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 68 (2021) 5003.
4. Minetto, A.: Microelectron. Reliab. 126(2021) SI114208.
# 5. Adamowicz, B.: IMFEDK Kansai 2021.
6. Waltl, M.: Crystals 12 (2022) 16.
7. Zhang, Y.: IEEE J. Electron Dev. Soc 10 (2022) 540.
8. Nelson, M.: Mechanic. Systems Signal Process. 182 (2023) 109536.
9. Gunaydin, Y.: IEEE Workshop On Wide Bandgap Power Dev. Appl. in Europe (WIPDA EUROPE) 2022.
# 10. Elangovan, S.: Proc. Inter. Symp. Phys.Failure Anal. Integrated Circuits – IPFA 2022.
# 11. Benjelloun, M.: Compound Semicond. Week – CSW 2022.
# 12. Mishra, G.S.: Proc. IEEE Inter. Conf. Electron Dev. Soc – EDKCON 2022, pp. 235-240.
13. Kammeugne, R.K.: Solid-State Electron. 200 (2023) 108555.
14. Benjelloun, M.: IEEE Access 11 (2023) 40249.
15. Irokawa, Y.: ECS J. Solid State Sci Technol. 12 (2023) 055007.
16. Sun, Q.: Micro Nanostruct. 178 (2023) 207562.
17. Nguyen, D.D.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 38 (2023) 095010.
18. Kuo, H.M.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 70 (2023) 2216.
# 19. Zhao, X.: InterSociety Conf. Thermal Thermomechan. Phenomena in Electron. Systems, ITHERM 2023.
Ťapajna, M., Drobný, J., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Gregušová, D., Hashizume, T., and Kuzmík, J.: Impact of oxide/barrier charge on threshold voltage instabilities in AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures, Mater. Sci in Semicond Process. 91 (2019) 356-361.
1. Duong, D.N.: J. Applied Phys. 127 (2020) 094501.
2. Kim, H.: IEEE Access 10 (2022) 68724.
3. Hsieh, H.J.: Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 169 (2024) 107908.
Pohorelec, O., Ťapajna, M., Gregušová, D., Gucmann, F., Hasenöhrl, S., Haščík, Š., Stoklas, R., Seifertová, A., Pécz, B., Tóth, L., and Kuzmík, J.: Investigation of interfaces and threshold voltage instabilities in normally-off MOS-gated InGaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, Applied Surface Sci 528 (2020) 146824.
1. Tian, Y.: Inter. J. Electrochem. Sci 15 (2020) 12682.
Ťapajna, M., Drobný, J., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Gregušová, D., Hashizume, T., and Kuzmík, J.: Impact of oxide/barrier charge on threshold voltage instabilities in AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures, Mater. Sci in Semicond Process. 91 (2019) 356-361.
1. Nguyen, D.D.: J. Applied Phys. 127 (2020) 094501.
Kučera, M., Adikimenakis, A., Dobročka, E., Kúdela, R., Ťapajna, M., Laurenčíková, A., Georgakilas, A., and Kuzmík, J.: Structural, electrical, and optical properties of annealed InN films grown on sapphire and silicon substrates, Thin Solid Films 672 (2019) 114-119.
1. Andreev, B.A.: Semiconductors 53 (2019) 1357.
2. Cross, G. B.: J. Crystal Growth 536 (2020) 125574.
3. Wang, S.: Coatings 10 (2020) 1185.
4. Damas, G.B.: Applied Surface Sci 592 (2022) 153290.
# 5. Cao, B.: Adv. Function. Mater. 32 (2022) 2110715.
Gucmann, F., Ťapajna, M., Pohorelec, O., Haščík, Š., Hušeková, K., and Kuzmík, J.: Creation of two-dimesional electron gas and role of surface donors in III-N metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron mobility transistors, Phys. Status Solidi A 215 (2018) 1800090.
1. Song, K.: J. Phys. D 53 (2020) 345107.
2. Shi, Y.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 67 (2020) 2290.
3. Duong D.N.: J. Applied Phys. 127 (2020) 094501.
4. Kaushik, P.K.: Nanoscale Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 159.
Mikolášek, M., Fröhlich, K., Hušeková, K., Racko, J., Rehacek, V., Chymo, F., Ťapajna, M., and Harmatha, L.: Silicon based MIS photoanode for water oxidation: a comparison of RuO2 and Ni Schottky contacts, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 48-53.
1. Quinn, J.: ACS Energy Lett. 4 (2019) 2632.
2. Silva, R.C.: Electron. Mater. Lett. 15 (2019) 645.
3. Hemmerling, J.: Adv. Energy Mater. 10 (2020) 1903354.
4. Li, O.L.: Applied Surface Sci 528 (2020) 146979.
5. Zhao, C.: ACS Applied Energy Mater. 3 (2020) 8216.
6. Hemmerling, J.R.: Accounts Chem. Res. 54 (2021) 1992.
7. Boddula, R.: Chinese J. Catal. 42 (2021) 1387.
8. Karthik, P.E.: ACS Catal. 11 (2021) 12763.
9. Adiga, P.: J. Vacuum Sci Technol. A 40 (2022) 010801.
10. Cheng, C.H.: Energy Sci Engn. 10 (2022) 1526.
11. Li, Y.M.: ACS Mater. Lett. 4 (2022) 779.
12. Yuan, Y.X.: Applied Phys. Lett. 121 (2022) 173902.
13. Hu, S.: In: Springer Handbooks. Springer Sci Business Media Deutschland GmbH 2022, pp. 879.
Ťapajna, M., Vincze, A., Noga, P., Dobrovodsky, J., Šagátová, A., Hasenöhrl, S., Gregušová, D., and Kuzmík, J.: Determination of secondary-ions yield in SIMS depth profiling of Si, Mg, and C ions implanted GaN epitaxial layers. In: ASDAM 2018. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2018. ISBN 978-1-5386-7488-8. P. 141-144.
1. Senevirathna, M.K.I.: J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 38 (2020) 044002.
2. Hajek, F.: J. Lumin. 236 (2021) 118127.
3. Lagzdina, E.: Nuclear Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 538 (2023) 218.
Fröhlich, K., Kundrata, I., Blaho, M., Precner, M., Ťapajna, M., Klimo, M., Šuch, O., and Škvarek, O.: Hafnium oxide and tantalum oxide based resistive switching structures for realization of minimum and maximum functions, J. Applied Phys. 124 (2018) 152109.
1. Aguirre, F.L.: IEEE Access 8 (2020) 202174.
2. Aguirre, F.L.: J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 11 (2021) 9.
3. Aguirre, F.L.: Front. in Phys. 9 ( 2021) 735021.
4. Aguirre, F.L.: Micromach. 13 (2022) 2002.
5. Ge, P.Z.: Mater. Today Comm. 35 (2023) 105593.
6. Li, C.Y.: J. Alloys Comp. 961 (2023) 170987.
Fröhlich, K., Kundrata, I., Blaho, M., Precner, M., Ťapajna, M., Klimo, M., Šuch, O., and Škvarek, O.: Performance of HfOx– and TaOx-based resistive switching structures in circuits for min and max functions implementation, MRS Adv. 3 (2018) Iss. 59, 3427-3432.
1. Garcia, H.: Microelectron. Engn. 216 (2019) 111083.
Stoklas, R., Gregušová, D., Hasenöhrl, S., Brytavskyi, I.V., Ťapajna, M., Fröhlich, K., Haščík, Š., Gregor, M., and Kuzmík, J.: Characterization of interface states in AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructure field-effect transistors with HfO2 gate dielectric grown by atomic layer deposition, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 255-259.
1. Ber, E.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 66 (2019) 2100.
2. Zhang, X.-Y.: Nanoscale Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 83.
3. Liu, M.: Chinese Phys. B 29 ( 127101(2020.
4. Akkaya, A.: Mater. Today-Proc. 46 (2021) 6939.
5. Mohanty, S.: Applied Phys. Lett. 119 (2021) 042901.
6. Cheng, W.C.: J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 40 (2022) 022212.
7. Shen, C.X.: Adv. Sci 9 (2022) 2104599.
8. Zhu, X.F.: J. Europ. Ceram. Soc 43 (2023) 4349.
9. Wu, N.T.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 38 (2023) 063002.
10. Wang, B.X.: J. Vacuum Sci Technol. A 42 (2024) 012401.
11. Long, P.X.: Nanotechnol. 35 (2024) 025204.
12. Lee, G.: Electronics 13 (2024) 2783.
Ťapajna, M., Válik, L., Gucmann, F., Gregušová, D., Fröhlich, K., Haščík, Š., Dobročka, E., Tóth, L., Pécz, B., and Kuzmík, J.: Low-temperature atomic layer deposition-grown Al2O3 gate dielectric for GaN/AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMTs: Impact of deposition conditions on interface state density, J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 35 (2017) 01A107.
1. Meer, M.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 32 (2017) 04LT02.
2. Duan, T. L.: Nanoscale Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 499.
3. Gao, J.: Physica Status Solidi A 215 (2018) 1700498.
4. Le, S.P.: J. Applied Phys. 123(2018) 034504.
5. Takhar, K.: Applied Surface Sci 481 (2019) 219.
6. Nguyen, D.D.: J. Applied Phys. 127 (2020) 094501.
7. Schiliro, E.: AIP Adv. 10 (2020) 125017.
8. Nguyen, D.D.: J. Applied Phys. 130 (2021) 014503.
9. Bhardwaj, N.: Applied Surface Sci 572 (2022) 151332.
10. Fiorenza, P.: Applied Surface Sci 579 (2022) 152136.
11. Schiliro, E.: ACS Applied Electr. Mater. 4 (2022) 406.
12. Lo Nigro, R.: Materials 15 (2022) 830.
13. Calzolaro, A.: Materials 15 (2022) 791.
14. Meer, M.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 37 (2022) 085007.
15. Paul, P.: ACS Applied Mater. Interfaces 15 (2023) 22626.
16. Chang, C.Y.: Chem. Mater. 35 (2023) 7430.
17. Deng, Y.C.: J. Applied Phys. 135 (2024) 084504.
18. Zhang, K.: Physica Status Solidi A 221 (2024) Iss. 12.
19. Lidsky, D.: Applied Phys. Lett. 124 (2024) 233503.
Kuzmík, J., Fleury, C., Adikimenakis, A., Gregušová, D., Ťapajna, M., Dobročka, E., Haščík, Š., Kučera, M., Kúdela, R., Androulidaki, M., Pogany, D., and Georgakilas, A.: Current conduction mechanism and electrical break-down in InN grown on GaN, Applied Phys. Lett. 110 (2017) 232103.
1. Shen, L.: Applied Surface Sci 476 (2019) 418.
Ťapajna, M., Stoklas, R., Gregušová, D., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Haščík, Š., Fröhlich, K., Toth, L., Pecz, B., Micusik, M., Brunner, F., and Kuzmík, J.: Investigation of ‘surface donors’ in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures: Correlation of electrical, structural, and chemical properties, Applied Surface Sci 426 (2017) 656-661.
1. Huang, H.: J. Phys. D 51(2018) 345102.
2. Jo, Y.J.: Electron. Mater. Lett. 15 (2019) 179.
3. Shi, Y.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 66 (2019) 4164.
4. He, F.: Chinese J. Catal. 41 (2020) SI9.
5. Shi, Y.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 67 (2019) 2290.
6. Asubar, J.T.: IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 41 (2020) 693.
7. Cai, Y.: Japan. J. Applied Phys. 59 (2020) 041001.
8. Low, R.S.: Applied Phys. Express 14 (2021) 031004.
9. Dashtian, K.: Coord. Chem. Rev. 445 (2021) 214097.
10. Vauche, L.: ACS Applied Electron. Mater. 3 (2021) 1170.
11. Kaushik, P.K.: Nanoscale Res. Lett. 16 (2021)159.
12. Kaplar, R.: Ultrawide Bandgap Semicond. 107 (2021) 191.
13. Ahbab, S.S.: Proc. IEEE Inter. Women in Engn. (WIE) Conf. Electr. Computer Engn., WIECON-ECE 2021. IEEE 2022, p. 59.
14. Gong, J.R.: Japan. J. Applied Phys. 61 (2022) 011003.
15. Lin, Y.S.: Sci Adv. Mater. 4 (2022) 1419.
16. Nautiyal, P.: Microelectron. Reliab. 139 (2022) 114800.
17. Brivio, F.: Applied Phys. Lett. 123 (2023) 022104.
# 18. Fernandes Paes Pinto Rocha, P.: Power Electronic Devices and Components 4 (2023) 100033.
19. Gong, J.R.: J. Applied Phys. 135 (2024) 115303.
Blaho, M., Gregušová, D., Haščík, Š., Ťapajna, M., Fröhlich, K., Šatka, A., and Kuzmík, J.: Annealing, temperature, and bias-induced threshold voltage instabilities in integrated E/D-mode InAlN/GaN MOS HEMTs, Applied Phys. Lett. 111 (2017) 033506.
1. Lee, C.-T.: AIP Adv. 4(2018) 045014.
2. Cui, P.: Sci Rep. 8 (2018) 9036.
3. Yahyazadeh, R.: J. Non-Oxide Glass. 11 (2019) 19.
4. Zhu, Q.: Chinese Phys. B 29 (2020) 047304.
5. Zhang, H.: Micro Nanostruct. 178 (2023) 207579.
Ťapajna, M., Stoklas, R., Gregušová, D., Válik, L., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Haščík, Š., Fröhlich, K., Toth, L., Pecz, B., Micusik, M., Brunner, F., Hashizume, T., and Kuzmík, J.: On the origin of surface donors in AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide semiconductor heterostructures with Al2O3 gate dielectric—correlation of electrical, structural, and chemical properties. In: Inter. Workshop on Nitride Semicond. (IWN 2016) Orlando 2016.
1. Akazawa, M.: Phys. Status Solidi B 254 (2017) 1600691.
Ťapajna, M., Válik, L., Gregušová, D., Fröhlich, K., Gucmann, F., Hashizume, T., and Kuzmík, J.: Treshold voltage instabilities in AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs with ALD-grown Al2O3 gate dielectrics: relation to distribution of oxide/semiconductor interface state density. In: ASDAM 2016. Eds. Š. Haščík et al. IEEE 2016. ISBN 978-1-5090-3081-1. P. 1-4.
1. Ding, L.: IEEE Conf. Computer Vision Pattern Recogn. 2018, pp. 6508-6516.
2. Dashtian, K.: Coord. Chem. Rev. 445 (2021) 214097.
3. Kim, H.: IEEE Access 10 (2022) 68724.
Ťapajna, M., Hilt, O., Bahat-Triedel, E., Würfl, H., and Kuzmík, J.: Gate reliability investigation in normally-off p-type-gan cap/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under forward bias stress, IEEE Electron Device Lett. 37 (2016) 385 – 388.
1. Rossetto, I.: Microelectron. Reliab. 64 (2016) SI547.
2. Bahl, S.R.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. 2016. Art. No. 7574528, p. 4A31.
3. Meneghesso, G.: Proc. SPIE 10104 (2017) UNSP 1010419.
4. Tallarico, A.N.: IEEE Electron Device Lett. 38 (2017) 99.
5. Efthymiou, L.: Applied Phys. Lett. 110 (2017) 123502.
6. Meneghini, M.: IRPS 2017.
7. Meneghini, M.: IRPS 2017.
8. Zhou, Y.: IEEE J. Electron Dev. Soc 5 (2017) 340.
9. Rossetto, I.: Microelectr. Reliab. 76 (2017) SI298.
10. Tallarico, A.N.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 65 (2018) 38.
11. Tsao, J.Y.: Adv. Electron. Mater. 4 (2018) 1600501.
12. Ge, M.: Physica Status Solidi A 215 (2018) 1700368.
13. Roccaforte, F.: Microelectron. Engn.187 (2018) 66.
14. Hao, R.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 65 (2018) 1314.
15. Greco, G.: Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 78 (2018) 96.
16. Mohanbabu, A.: Inter. J. Numer. Modell. 31 (2018) e2276.
17. Sayadi, L.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 65 (2018) 2454.
18. Zhang, L.: IEEE Electron Device Lett. 39 (2018) 1026.
19. Wang, L.: 9th Inter. Conf. Electron. Packaging Technol. (ICEPT) 2018, pp. 961-964.
20. Longobardi, G.: IEEE Inter. Conf. Electr. Systems For Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion Road Vehicles & Inter. Transport. Electrif. Conf. (ESARS-ITEC) 2018.
21. Stockman, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 65 (2018) 5365.
22. Tajalli, A.: Microelectron. Reliab. 88-90 (2018) SI572.
23. Luekens, G.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 65 (2018) 3732.
24. Zeng, F.: Electronics 7 (2018) 377.
# 25. Bisi, D.: In Handbook of GaN Semicond. Mater. and Devices. CRC Press 2017. ISBN: 978-149874714-1, pp. 367-430.
26. Mukherjee, K.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. Proc. (2018) pp. 4B.41-4B.49.
27. Shi, Y.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 66 (2019) 876.
28. Moens, P.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. – IRPS 2019.
29. Stoffels, S.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. – IRPS 2019.
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40. Wojtasiak, W.: Micromachines 9 (2018) 546.
41. Islam, Z.: Applied Phys. Lett. 113 (2018) 183102.
42. Kemmer, T.: IEEE Inter. Integr. Reliab. Workshop Final Report 2018, p. 25.
43. Shankar, B.: Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. 2018.
44. Shankar, B.: IEEE Trans. Dev. Mater. Reliab. 19 (2019) 437.
45. Kapoor, R.M.: In Drug Delivery Systems. Academic Press 2020, ISBN 9780128144879, pp. 1-45.
46. Sangwan, V.: IEEE Trans. Industr. Electron. 67 (2020) 5708.
47. Shankar, B.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 67 (2020) 2044.
48. Shankar, B.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 67 (2020) 1567.
49. Kemmer, T.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. 2020.
50. Shankar, B.: IEEE Trans. Dev. Mater. Reliab. 20 (2020) 767.
51. Bordoloi, S.: IEEE Access 9 ((2021) 99828.
52. Scarpulla, J.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. 2021.
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# 15. Hardtdegen, A.: IEEE IMW 2016. ISBN: 978-146738831-3. Art. No. 7495280.
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22. Adak, S.: Nano 14 (2019) 1950060.
23. Akazawa, M.: Japan. J. Applied Phys. 58 (2019) 106504.
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1. Meneghini, M.: Applied Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 233508.
2. Guetle, F.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 27 (2012) 125003.
3. Wong, M.H.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 59 (2012) 2988.
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6. Baeumler, M.: Proc. SPIE 9555 (2015) 95550Y.
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# 42. Dhaneshwar M.: In Adv. in Interdisciplin. Engn. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engn. Springer, Singapore 2019. ISBN 978-981-13-6576-8, pp. 749-757.
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48. Bordoloi, S.: IEEE Access 9 ((2021) 99828.
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65. Mei, W.: IEEE Trans. Instrument. Measurement 72 (2023) 3522211.
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1. Wong, H.Y.: IEEE Inter. Conf. on Simulation of Semicond. Processes Devices (SISPAD). IEEE 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-5288-5. P. 97-100.
2. Hu, J.: Japan. J. Applied Phys. 54 (2015) SI 04DF07.
3. Kang, T.S.: J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 34 (2016) 011203.
4. Ubochi, B.: Microelectron. Reliab. 71 (2017) 35.
5. Brunel, L.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 64 (2017) 1548.
6. Nagarajan, V.: IEEE Trans. Device. Mater. Reliab. 20(2020) 436.
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8. Mao, L.F.: Results in Phys. 30 (2021) 104894.
9. Mao, L.F.: Applied Phys. A 128 (2022) 149.
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Ťapajna, M., Mishra, U., and Kuball, M.: Importance of impurity diffusion for early stage degradation in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors upon electrical stress, Applied Phys. Lett. 97 (2010) 023503. (not IEE SAS).
1. Lo, C.-F.: Electrochem. Solid State Lett. 14 (2011) H264.
2. Zhu, C.: IEEE Electron Device Lett. 32 (2011) 1513.
3. Fang, Z.Q.: J. Electronic Mater. 40 (2011) 2337.
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5. Zhu, C.: Proc. SPIE 8262 (2012) 826225.
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7. Xu, W.: Applied Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 223504.
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9. Joh, J.: Microelectr. Reliab. 52 (2012) 33.
# 10. Wang, X.: Proc. MMWCST 2012 (2012) art. no. 6238124, pp. 370.
11. Horton, D.: IEEE Inter. Reliability Phys. Symp. (IRPS) (2012).
12. Ancona, M. G.: J. Applied Phys. 111 (2012) 074504.
13. Cullen, D.A.: IEEE Trans. Device. Mater. Reliab. 13 (2013) 126.
14. Rossetto, I.: Microelectr. Reliab. 53 (2013) 1456.
15. Fleury, C.: Microelectr. Reliab. 53 (2013) 1444.
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20. Zhang, K.: Sci Reports 4 (2014) 6322.
21. Katsuno, T.: Microelectr. Reliab. 54 (2014) SI2227.
22. Ando, Y.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 62 (2015) 1440.
23. Puzyrev, Y.S.: Applied Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 053505.
24. Zeng, C.: J. Applied Phys. 118 (2015) 124511.
25. Gao, Z.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 63 (2016) 2729.
26. Wang, C.: Chinese Phys. B 25 (2016) 108504.
27. Chen, Y.Q.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 33 (2018) 015019.
28. Zhang, L.: Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDS 2017. P. 571-615.
29. Brillson, L.J.: J. Electron. Mater. 47 (2018) 4980.
30. Michalowski, P.P.: Chem. Comm. 55 (2019) 11539.
31. Duguay, S.: IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol. 18 (2019) 995.
32. Zheng, X.-F.: AIP Adv. 10 (2020) Iss. 6.
33. Hajjiah, A.: Results in Phys. 19 (2020) 103656.
34. Shiomi, H.: Applied Phys. Express 14 (2021) 095502.
35. Greco, G.: Applied Phys. Lett. 121 (2022) 233506.
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1. Fu, L.: Applied Phys. Lett. 98 (2011) 173508.
2. Zhu, C.: IEEE Electron Device Lett. 32 (2011) 1513.
3. Joh, J.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 58 (2011)132.
4. Zhu, C.: Proc. SPIE 8262 (2012) 826225.
5. Caesar, M.: IEEE Inter. Reliability Phys. Symp. (IRPS) (2012).
6. Hu, C.-Y.: J. Applied Phys. 111 (2012) 084504.
7. DasGupta, S.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 59 (2012) 2115.
8. Chini, A.: Microelectr. Reliability 52 (2012) SI2153.
9. Zhu, C. Y.: Applied Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 103502.
10. Faramehr, S.: ASDAM 2012. (2012) art. no. 6418566, pp. 11.
11. Cullen, D.A.: IEEE Trans. Device. Mater. Reliab. 13 (2013) 126.
12. Katsuno, T.: Japan. J. Applied Phys. 52 (2013) SIUNSP 04CF08.
13. Zhu, C.: Proc. SPIE 8625 (2013) 86252H.
14. Dasgupta, S.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. Proc. (2013) 6531986.
15. Soci, F.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. Proc. (2013) 6531988.
16. Brunel, L.: Microelectr. Reliab. 53 (2013) 1450.
17. Chini, A.: Microelectr. Reliab. 53 (2013) 1461.
18. Chini, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 60 (2013) 6589142.
19. Wan, X.: J. Semicond. 34 (2013) 104002.
20. Bisi, D.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 60 (2013) 6605590.
21. Wakejima, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 60 (2013) 6571198.
22. Marinella, M. J.: ECS Trans. 58 (2013) 365.
# 23. Xue, F.: Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan/Res. Progress Solid State Electr. 33 (2013) 305.
24. Ferrer-Perez, J.A.: J. Electr. Mater. 43 (2014) 341.
25. DasGupta, S.: Solid-State Electr. 91 (2014) 59.
26. Faramehr, S.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 29 (2014) 025007.
27. Meneghini, M.: IEEE Trans. Power Electr. 29 (2014) 6558779.
28. Goswami, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 61 (2014) 1014.
29. Keum, D.-M.: J. Semicond. Technol. Sci 14 (2014) SI682.
30. Chini, A.: Microelectr. Reliab. 54 (2014) SI2222.
31. Ghosh, S.: Applied Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 073502.
32. Kaplar, R. J.: IEEE 26th Inter. Symp. Power Semicond. Dev. 2014. P. 209.
33. Meneghini, M.: IEEE Inter. Reliab. Phys. Symp. 2014.
# 34. Šatka, A.: ASDAM 2014. 6998666, p. 339.
# 35. Stuchlíková, L.: ASDAM 2014. 6998675, p. 181.
36. Igić, P.: Proc. Inter. Conf. Microelectr. – ICM 2014. 6842089, p. 77.
37. Polyakov, A.Y.: Mater. Sci Engn. R 94 (2015) 1.
38. Gustafsson, S.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 62 (2015) 2162.
39. Lee, Y-C.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 30 (2015) 045010.
40. Martin-Horcajo, S.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 30 (2015) 035015.
41. Hu, J.: Applied Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 083502.
42. Puzyrev, Y.S.: Applied Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 053505.
43. Divay, A.: Microelectron. Reliab. 55 (2015) 1703.
44. Woo, H.: Current Applied Phys. 15 (2015) 1027.
45. Mehari, S.: IEEE Electron Device Lett. 36 (2015) 1124.
46. Benvegnu, A.: IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp. 2015.
47. Baba, T.: WiPDA (2015) 125.
48. Benvegnu, A.: IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniq. 64 (2016) 767.
49. Narita, T.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 31 (2016) 035007.
50. Meneghini, M.: Devices Circuits Systems 47 (2016) 327.
51. Divay, A.: J. Semicond. 37 (2016) 014001.
52. Florovic, M.: Electronics 5 (2016) 20.
53. Podlipskas, Z.: Current Applied Phys. 16 (2016) 633.
54. Hilton, A.M.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 63 (2016) 1459.
55. Xu, X.: AIP Adv. 6 (2016) 115016.
56. Divay, A.: IEEE MIKON 2016.
57. Liang, Y.: Applied Phys. Lett. 109 (2016) 182103.
58. Chini, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 63 (2016) 3473.
59. Zheng, X.: Microelectr. Reliab. 63 (2016) 46.
60. Benvegnu, A.: Inter. J. Microwave Wireless Technol. 8 (2016) SI663.
61. Benvegnu, A.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 64 (2017) SI2135.
62. Zheng, X.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 64 (2017) 1498.
63. Gudkov, A.G.: Russian J. Phys. Chem. B 11 (2017) 112.
64. Ghaffari, M.: J. Korean Phys. Soc 71 (2017) 1027.
65. Chini, A.: IEEE J. Electron Dev. Soc 5 (2017) 491.
66. Ferrandis, P.: Microelectron. Engn.178 (2017) SI.158.
67. Glavin, N.: Adv. Mater. 29 (2017) 1701838.
68. Zhong, Y.-N.: Physica Status Solidi A 215 (2018) 1700628.
69. Khachatrian, A.: IEEE Trans. Nuclear Sci 65 (2018) 369.
70. Zaki, F.: J. Comput. Electron. 17 (2018) 1220.
71. Zheng, X.: Solid-State Electr. 147 (2018) 35.
72. Zhu, H.: Solid-State Electr. 145 (2018) 40.
73. Elharizi, M.: Microelectron. Reliab. 88-90 (2018) SI671.
# 74. Zheng, X.: IEEE Inter. Conf. Electron Dev. Solid State Circuits – EDSSC 2018, 8487099.
75. Zheng, X.: Microelectron. Reliab. 93 (2019) 57.
76. Biswas, D.: Semicond. Sci Technol. 34 (2019) 055014.
77. Zheng, X.: Applied Phys. Lett. 115 (2019) 213505.
78. Zheng, X.: IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Reliab. 19 (2019) 509.
79. Wang, C.: IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 67 (2020) 449.
80. Besendoerfer, S.: J. Applied Phys. 127 (2020) 015701.
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