Aarik, L., Arroval, T., Rammula, R., Mändar, H., Sammelselg, V., Hudec, B., Hušeková, K., Fröhlich, K., Aarik, J., : Atomic layer deposition of high-quality Al2O3 and Al-doped TiO2 thin films from hydrogen-free precursors,. Thin Solid Films 565 (2014) 19-24. (APVV 0133-07, VEGA 2/0138/14).
Amaro, N., Šouc, J., Vojenčiak, M., Murta-Pina, J., Martins, J., Ceballos, J., Gömöry, F., : AC losses and material degradation effects in a superconducting tape for SMES applications. IFIP Adv. Inf. Comm. Technol. 423 (2014) 417-424.
Arroval, T., Aarik, L., Rammula, R., Mändar, H., Aarik, J., Hudec, B., Hušeková, K., Fröhlich, K., : Influence of growth temperature on the structure and electrical properties of high-permittivity TiO2 films in TiCl4-H2O and TiCl4-O3 atomic-layer-deposition processes,. Phys. Status Solidi a 211 (2014) 425-432. (VEGA 2-0147-11).
Bairamis, A., Adikimenakis, A., Ajagunna, A., Kehagias, T., Dimitrakopulos, G., Kioseoglou, J., Komninou, P., Zervos, C., Kuzmík, J., Georgakilas, A., : Different polarities of InN (0001) heterostructures on Si (111) substrates In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 129-132..
Barančeková Husaníková, P., Cambel, V., Fedor, J., Šoltýs, J., Karapetrov, G., : Magnetization studies of Cu0.058TiSe2 near a quantum critical point. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 336-337. (APVV 0036-11, CENTE).
Blagoev, B., Gostev, I., Nurgaliev, T., Štrbik, V., Bineva, I., Uspenskaya, L., Mateev, E., Neshkov, L., Dobročka, E., Chromik, Š., : Deposition and characterization of thin HTS and magnetic perovskite films. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 514 (2014) 012041. (VEGA 2/0173/13).
Blagoev, B., Nurgaliev, T., Bineva, I., Vasileva, E., Štrbik, V., Mateev, E., : Resistive characteristics of LSMO/LCMO bi-layers and temperature switching effect of magnetoresistance,. Modern Phys. Lett. B 28 (2014) 1450096. (VEGA 2/0173/13).
Blaho, M., Dérer, J., Liday, J., Vogrinčič, P., Kordoš, P., Novák, J., Gregušová, D., : Low temperature ohmic contacts for self/aligned GaN-based HEMTs In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 124-128. (VEGA 2/0105/13, VEGA 2/0098/13, CENTE).
Boháček, P., Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Hybler, P., Sekáčová, M., : Electrical properties of semi-insulating GaAs irradiated with 5 MeV electrons In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 45-48.. (VEGA 2/0175/13, VEGA 2/0062/13, APVV 0321-11, APVV 0443-12).
Boháček, P., Dubecký, F., Sekáčová, M., Zaťko, B., : Temperature dependences of current-voltage characteristics on metal/semi-insulating GaAs structures. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 145-148. (VEGA 2/0175/13, VEGA 2/0062/13, APVV 0443-12, APVV 0321-11, EURATOM/CU).
Bruncko, J., Michalka, M., Novák, J., Kováč, J., : Pulsed laser deposition of thin ZnO layers on GaP nanorods In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 13-18. (APVV 0301-10).
Brunner, B., Kováč, P., Reissner, M., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Pardo, E., : Critical current density and pinning behaviour of mono-core MgB2 wires prepared by internal magnesium diffusion and in-situ powder-in-tube method,. Physica C 505 (2014) 39-43. (VEGA 2-0121-12).
Búc, D., Kováč, J., Kutiš, V., Murín, J., Čaplovičová, M., Škriniarová, J., Novák, P., Novák, J., Hasenöhrl, S., Dobročka, E., : Residual stress in RF magnetron deposited ZnO/GaP thin films and nanowires In: Proc. of the jointly organized WCCM XI, ECCM V, ECFD VI. Eds. E. Oñate et al. Barcelona: CIMNE 2014. ISBN: 978-84-942844-7-2. P. 2846-2856. (VEGA 2-0147-11).
Bystritsky, V., Bystritsky, V., Dudkin, G., Filipowicz, M., Gaži, Š., Huran, J., Mesyats, G., Nechaev, B., Padalko, V., Parzhitskii, S., Penkov, F., Philippov, A., Tuleushev, Y., : Effect of the crystal structure of a deuterated target on the yield of neutrons in the dd reaction at ultralow energies. JETP Lett. 99 (2014) 497-502.
Bystritsky, V., Bystritsky, V., Dudkin, G., Filipowicz, M., Gaži, Š., Huran, J., Nechaev, B., Padalko, V., Parzhitskii, S., Penkov, F., Philippov, A., Tuleushev, Y., : First experimental evidence of D(p, ᵧ)3He reaction in deuteride titanium in ultralow collision energy region. Nuclear Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A 753 (2014) 91-96.
Bystritsky, V., Bystritsky, V., Dudkin, G., Filipowicz, M., Gaži, Š., Huran, J., Mesyats, G., Nechaev, B., Padalko, V., Parzhitskii, S., Penkov, F., Philippov, A., Tuleushev, Y., Varlachov, V., : Experimental verification of hypothesis of dd reaction enhancement by channeling of deuterons in titanium deuteride at ultralow energies,. Nuclear Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A 764 (2014) 42-47.
Bystritsky, V., Kobzev, A., Krylov, A., Parzhitskii, S., Philippov, A., Dudkin, G., Nechaev, B., Padalko, V., Penkov, F., Tuleushev, Y., Filipowicz, M., Bystritsky, V., Gaži, Š., Huran, J., : Study of the d(p, ᵧ)3He reaction at ultralow energies using a zirconium deuteride target,. Nuclear Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A 737 (2014) 248-252.
Bystritsky, V., Bystritsky, V., Dudkin, G., Filipowicz, M., Gaži, Š., Huran, J., Mesyats, G., Nechaev, B., Padalko, V., Parzhitskii, S., Penkov, F., Philippov, A., Tuleushev, Y., : First experimental evidence of D(p, ᵧ)3He reaction in titanium deuteride in ultralow collision energy region,. J. Experiment. Theoret. Phys. 119 (2014) 54-62.
Bystritsky, V., Bystritsky, V., Dudkin, G., Filipowicz, M., Gaži, Š., Huran, J., Nechaev, B., Padalko, V., Parzhitskii, S., Penkov, F., Philippov, A., Tuleushev, Y., : Experimental observation of electron screening for the D( p, ᵧ)3He nuclear reaction in titanium deuteride TiD,. Phys. Particles Nuclei Lett. 11 (2014) 467-472.
Červeň, I., Dobročka, E., Fejdi, P., Vančová, I., : Slovenská kryštalografická terminológia. Bratislava: Veda 2014. ISBN: 978-80-224-1361-9. 208 s.
Čičo, K., Adikimenakis, A., Mičušík, M., Haščík, Š., Georgakilas, A., Kuzmík, J., : Material and electrical properties of N-polar (GaN)/InN surfaces In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 271-274.. (APVV 0367-11, VEGA 2/0138/14).
Demenčík, E., Vojenčiak, M., Kario, A., Nast, R., Jung, A., Goldacker, W., Grilli, F., : AC loss and coupling currents in YBCO coated conductors with varying number of filaments. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 24 (2014) 6601008.
Dubecký, M., Dubecký, F., : The work functions of Au/Mg decorated Au(100), Mg(001), and AuMg alloy surfaces: a theoretical studies. J. Chem. Phys. 141 (2014) 094705. (VEGA 2/0167/13, VEGA 2/0175/13).
Dubecký, F., Zaťko, B., Vanko, G., Hubík, P., Oswald, J., Kindl, D., Gombia, E., Kováč, J., Šagátová, A., Nečas, V., : M/SI-GaAs/M diode: role of the metal contact in electrical transport, ɑ-particle and photon detection In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 49-52.. (VEGA 2/0062/13, VEGA 2/0175/13, APVV 0321-11, EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051).
Dubecký, F., Osvald, J., Kindl, D., Hubík, P., Gombia, E., Šagátová, A., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M., Nečas, V., Mudroň, J., : Photocurrent spectroscopy of semi-insulating GaAs M-S-M diodes with a new contact metallization. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 214-218. (VEGA 2/0175/13, VEGA 2/0167/13, EURATOM/CU, APVV 0321-11).
Durina, P., Plecenik, T., Moško, M., Haidry, A., Truchly, M., Mikula, M., Grančič, B., Roch, T., Gregor, M., Satrapinskyy, L., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., : Properties of metal oxide gas sensors with electrodes placed below and on top of the sensing layer, Key Engn. Mater. 605 (2014) 527-530.
Dzuba, J., Vanko, G., Držík, M., Rýger, I., Vallo, M., Lalinský, T., Kutiš, V., Haško, D., Srnánek, R., : The AlGaN/GaN C-HEMT diaphragm-based MEMS pressure sensor for harsh environment In: 17. škola vákuovej techniky: Analýza materiálov vo vákuu. Material analysis in vacuum. Eds. M. Michalka et al. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. ISBN 978-80-971179-4-8. P. 142-145. (APVV 0455-12, APVV 0450-10).
Dzuba, J., Vanko, G., Rýger, I., Vallo, M., Kutiš, V., Lalinský, T., : Influence of temperature on the sensitivity of the AlGaN/GaN C HEMT based piezoelectric pressure sensor In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 5-8.. (APVV 0455-12, PVV 0450-10).
Dzuba, J., Držík, M., Vanko, G., Rýger, I., Vallo, M., Kutiš, V., Lalinský, T., : Modal analysis of Gallium Nitride membrane for pressure sensing device Key Engn. Mater. 605 (2014) 404-407. (APVV 0450-10, APVV 0199-10, APVV 0655-07, VEGA 2/0167/13, VEGA 1/0839/12).
Eliáš, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Laurenčíková, A., Rosová, A., Novák, J., : Annealing of gold nanoparticles on GaP(111)B: initial stage of GaP nanowire growth. Phys. Status Solidi RRL 8 (2014) 321-324. (APVV 0301-10, CENTE).
Florovič, M., Kováč, J., Benko, P., Chvála, A., Škriniarová, J., Kordoš, P., : Electrical properties of recessed AlGaN/GaN Schottky diodes under off-state stress In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 144-147.
Fox, A., Mikulics, M., Hardtdegen, H., Trellenkamp, S., Arango, Y., Grützmacher, D., Sofer, Z., Gregušová, D., Novák, J., Kordoš, P., Marso, M., : Novel double-level-gate technology In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 89-92.
Frátrik, M., Klimo, M., Jančovič, P., : Determining the switching properties of the minimum function from a single VI characteristic. In: ELEKTRO 2014. Proc. of the 10th Inter. Conf. Eds. P. Brida, J. Dubovan, M. Markovič. Žilina: FEE Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-3721-9. P. 645-649.
Frolek, L., Pardo, E., Gömöry, F., Šouc, J., Pitel, J., : Split coil made of (RE)BCO pancake coils for Ic(B) measurements of superconductors. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 507 (2014) 012014. (EUROTAPES, EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051).
Gálik, G., Kutiš, V., Murín, J., Lalinský, T., : 3D FEM model of piezoelectric saw sensor. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 316-319. (APVV 0450-10).
Goldacker, W., Grilli, F., Pardo, E., Kario, A., Schlachter, S., Vojenčiak, M., : Roebel cables from REBCO coated conductors: a one-century-old concept for the superconductivity of the future,. Supercond. Sci Technol. 27 (2014) 093001. (EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051, ITMS 2624220028).
Gömöry, F., Soloviov, M., Šouc, J., : Layered superconductor/ferromagnet structures for magnetic field cloaking. MRS Proc. 1684 (2014)..
Gömöry, F., Mošať, M., Šouc, J., : Superconducting fault current limiter operating in liquid nitrogen. In: ELEKTRO 2014. Proc. of the 10th Inter. Conf. Eds. P. Brida, J. Dubovan, M. Markovič. Žilina: FEE Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-3721-9. P. 650-653. (EUROTAPES, KCMTE).
Gömöry, F., : Superconductor dynamics In: Proc.CAS-CERN Accelerator School: Superconductivity for Accelerators. Erice, Italy 2013. Ed. R. Bailey. Geneva: CERN, 2014. ISBN 978-92-9083-405-2. P. 477-495. (VEGA 1-0162-11, EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051).
Grančič, B., Mikula, M., Roch, T., Zeman, P., Satrapinskyy, L., Gregor, M., Plecenik, T., Dobročka, E., Hájovská, Z., Mičušík, M., Šatka, A., Zahoran, M., Plecenik, A., Kúš, P., : Effect of Si addition on mechanical properties and high temperature oxidation resistance of Ti-B-Si hard coatings. Surface Coating Technol. 240 (2014) 48-54.
Gregor, M., Plecenik, T., Sobota, R., Brndiarová, J., Roch, T., Satrapinskyy, L., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., : Influence of annealing atmosphere on structural and superconducting properties of MgB2 thin films. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 97-101. (Not IEE SAS).
Gregušová, D., Jurkovič, M., Haščík, Š., Blaho, M., Seifertová, A., Fedor, J., Ťapajna, M., Fröhlich, K., Vogrinčič, P., Liday, J., Derluyn, J., Germain, M., Kuzmík, J., : Adjustment of threshold voltage in AlN/AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors by plasma oxidation and Al2O3 atomic layer deposition overgrowth. Applied Phys. Lett. 104 (2014) 013506. (HiPoSwitch, APVV 0367-11, VEGA 2/0105/13).
Grilli, F., Sirois, F., Zermeno, V., Vojenčiak, M., : Self-consistent modeling of the Ic of HTS devices: how accurate do models really need to be?. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 24 (2014) 8000508.
Grilli, F., Pardo, E., Stenvall, A., Nguyen, D., Yuan, W., Gömöry, F., : Computation of losses in HTS under the action of varying magnetic fields and currents. Invited Paper. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 24 (2014) 8200433. (ITMS 2624220028).
Grilli, F., Zermeno, V., Pardo, E., Vojenčiak, M., Brand, J., Kario, A., Goldacker, W., : Self-field effects and AC losses in pancake coils assembled from coated conductor Roebel cables. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 24 (2014) 4801005. (EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051).
Gucmann, F., Kúdela, R., Fröhlich, K., Liday, J., Vogrinčič, P., Gaži, Š., Stoklas, R., Kordoš, P., Novák, J., Gregušová, D., : III-As high electron mobility transistors with recessed ex-situ gate oxide In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 5-8. (VEGA 2/0105/13, VEGA 2/0098/13). (CENTE).
Gucmann, F., Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Dérer, J., Kúdela, R., Fröhlich, K., Kordoš, P., : InGaAs/GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructure field-effect transistors with oxygen-plasma oxide and Al2O3 double-layer insulator. Applied Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 183504. (VEGA 2/0105/13, VEGA 2/0138/14, CENTE).
Harmatha, L., Mikolášek, M., Nemec, M., Hrubčín, L., Skuratov, V., : Radiation hardness of solar cells with a heterojunction of amorphous and crystalline silicon In: Renewable Energy Sources 2014: 5th Inter. Sci Conf. Eds. J. Cirák et al. Bratislava: FEI STU, 2014. ISBN 978-80-89402-74-8. P. 143-146.
Harmatha, L., Žiška, M., Jančovič, P., Fröhlich, K., Hrubčín, L., Mikolášek, M., Benko, P., Racko, J., Skuratov, V., : Electro-physical properties of mim structures after Xe heavy ion irradiation. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 44-47. (APVV 0509-10).
Harmatha, L., Mikolášek, M., Nemec, M., Janíček, F., Hrubčín, L., Skuratov, V., : Electrical properties of solar cells with a heterojunction of amorphous and crystalline silicon irradiated by heavy xenon ions J. Electr. Engn. 65 (2014) Suppl. 30-33.
Horváth, B., Šustek, M., Vávra, I., Mičušík, M., Gál, M., Hronec, M., : Gas-phase epoxidation of propylene over iron-containing catalysts: the effect of iron incorporation in the support matrix. Catal. Sci Technol. 4 (2014) 2664-2673.
Horváth, B., Šustek, M., Škriniarová, J., Omastová, M., Dobročka, E., Hronec, M., : Gas phase hydroxylation of benzene with air-ammonia mixture over copper-based phosphate catalysts. Applied Catal. A 481 (2014) 71-78.
Hossain, M., Motaman, A., Barua, S., Patel, D., Mustapic, M., Kim, J., Maeda, M., Rindfleisch, M., Tomsic, M., Çiçek, O., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Kario, A., Ringsdorf, B., Runtsch, B., Jung, A., Dou, S., Goldacker, W., Kováč, P., : The rolel of CHPD: superior critical current density and n-value obtained in binary in situ MgB2 cables. Supercond. Sci Technol. 27 (2014) 095016.
Hotový, I., Haščík, Š., Gregor, M., Řeháček, V., Predanocy, M., Plecenik, A., : Dry etching characteristics of TiO2 thin films using inductively coupled plasma for gas sensing. Vacuum 107 (2014) 20-22. (APVV 51-040605, APVV 0199-10).
Hotový, I., Kostič, I., Haščík, Š., Řeháček, V., Predanocy, M., Benčurová, A., : Patterning of titanium oxide surfaces using inductively coupled plasma for gas sensing. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 107-111. (APVV 0199-10).
Hrkút, P., Andok, R., Benčurová, A., Nemec, P., Konečníková, A., Matay, L., Haščík, Š., : RIE plasma etching of GaAs in SiCl4 and CCl4 gases with different resists as etch masks. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 312-315. (CENTE II).
Hrubčín, L., Huran, J., Gurov, J., Katulina, S., Rozov, S., Sandukovskij, V., : Silicon detectors for multilayered spectrometers of charged particles Bezpečnost jaderné energie 22 (2014) 87-92.
Hrubčín, L., Gurov, J., Zaťko, B., Rozov, S., Sandukovskij, V., Jakušev, E., : Charakteristiki detektorov na osnove karbida kremija Dubna: SÚJV 2014. Preprint P13-2014-23.
Hudec, B., Paskaleva, A., Jančovič, P., Dérer, J., Fedor, J., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Fröhlich, K., : Resistiveswitching in TiO2-based metal-insulator-metal structures with Al2O3 barrier layer at the metal/dielectric interface. Thin Solid Films 563 (2014) 10-14. (VEGA 2/0138/14, APVV 0509-10).
Huran, J., Balalykin, N., Feshchenko, A., Kováč, J., Kobzev, A., Arbet, J., : Deuterated diamond like carbon films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering for transmission photocathode application In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 247-250. (APVV 0443-12).
Huran, J., Kleinová, A., Sasinková, V., Kobzev, A., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M., Arbet, J., : Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of low-k a-SiC:H thin films:FTIR study of chemical bonding In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 168-171. (APVV 0443-12, APVV 0321-11, VEGA 2/0062/13, VEGA 2/0175/13, VEGA 2/0173/13).
Huran, J., Balalykin, N., Feshchenko, A., Kobzev, A., Kleinová, A., Sasinková, V., Hrubčín, L., : Transmission photocathodes based on stainless steel mesh coated with deuterated diamond like carbon films. Nuclear Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A 753 (2014) 14-18. (APVV 0443-12).
Huran, J., Boháček, P., Kulikov, S., Bulavin, M., Sasinková, V., Kleinová, A., Kobzev, A., Sekáčová, M., Arbet, J., : Radiation hardness investigation of PECVD silicon carbide layers for PV applications.. In: 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conf. – PVSC. IEEE 2014. ISBN: 978-147994398-2. P. 1815-1820. (APVV 0443-12, VEGA 2/0062/13, VEGA 2/0175/13, VEGA 2/0173/13).
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Pachla, W., Hain, M., : Advanced MgB2 wire made by internal magnesium diffusion process. J. Alloys Comp. 588 (2014) 366-369. (APVV 0495-10, KCMTE, VEGA 2-0121-12).
Chromik, Š., Štrbik, V., Dobročka, E., Roch, T., Rosová, A., Španková, M., Lalinský, T., Vanko, G., Lobotka, P., Ralbovský, M., Choleva, P., : LSMO thin films with high metal-insulator transition temperature on buffered SOI substrates for uncooled microbolometers. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 30-33. (APVV-0494-11, SK-CN-0012-12, VEGA 2/0120/14, VEGA 2/0173/13, CENTE II).
Iavarone, M., Moore, S., Fedor, J., Ciocys, S., Karapetrov, G., Pearson, J., Novosad, V., Bader, S., : Visualizing domain wall and reverse domain superconductivity,. Nature Comm. 5 (2014) 4766.
Ižák, T., Babchenko, O., Jirásek, V., Vanko, G., Vallo, M., Vojs, M., Kromka, A., : Selective area deposition of diamond films on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Phys. Status Solidi B 251 (2014) 2574-2580. (APVV 0455-12).
Jančovič, P., Hudec, B., Dobročka, E., Dérer, J., Fedor, J., Fröhlich, K., : Resistive switching in HfO2-based atomic layer deposition grown metal-insulator-metal structures. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 112-116. (APVV 0509-10, VEGA 2/0138/14, CENTE).
Kačmarčík, J., Pribulová, Z., Paľuchová, V., Barančeková Husaníková, P., Karapetrov, G., Komanický, V., Samuely, P., : Specific heat study of superconductivity in Cu0.061TiSe2. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 322-323.
Kosa, A., Benkovská, J., Stuchlíková, Ľ., Búc, D., Dubecký, F., Harmatha, L., : Radiation hardness of 4H-SiC structures In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 41-44.. (VEGA 2/0175/13).
Kostič, I., Andok, R., Benčurová, A., Glezos, N., Haščík, Š., Konečníková, A., Nemec, P., Ritomský, A., Škriniarová, J., : Investigation of E-beam resits for structure patterning in the nanophotonic device fabrication In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 241-246. (APVV 0395-12, CENTE II).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, J., : Critical currents, Ic-anisotropy and stress tolerance of MgB2 wires made by internal magnesium diffusion. Supercond. Sci Technol. 27 (2014) 065003. (APVV 0495-10, VEGA 2-0121-12).
Kováč, J., Bruncko, J., Búc, D., Novotný, I., Novák, J., Kováč, J., : Optical properties of ZnO thin films grown on GaP substrate by different growth techniques In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 172-175. (APVV 0301-10).
Kováč, J., Flickyngerová, S., Weis, M., Novotný, I., Laurenčíková, A., Novák, J., : Properties of polymer- GaP/ZnO nanowire hybrid organic photovoltaic devices In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 95-98. (APVV 0301-10).
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., : Electro-mechanical behaviour of in situ W added MgB2 wire. Cryogenics 60 (2014) 5-8. (APVV 0495-10, VEGA 2-0121-12).
ratošová, G., Dědková, K., Vávra, I., Čiampor, F., : Investigation of nanoparticles in biological objects by electron microscopy techniques In: Intracellular Delivery II: Fundamentals and Applications. Eds. A. Prokop, Y. Iwasaki, A. Harada. Springer 2014. ISBN 978-94-017-8896-0. P. 165-187.
Kuzmík, J., Jurkovič, M., Gregušová, D., Ťapajna, M., Brunner, F., Cho, E., Meneghesso, G., Würfl, H., : Degradation of AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors in the current-controlled off-state breakdown. J. Applied Phys. 115 (2014) 164504. (HiPoSwitch, CENTE II, APVV 0104-10).
Kuzmík, J., Ťapajna, M., Válik, L., Molnár, M., Donoval, D., Fleury, C., Pogany, D., Strasser, G., Hilt, O., Brunner, F., Würfl, H., : Self-heating in GaN transistors designed for high-power operation,. IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 61 (2014) 3429-3434. (HiPoSwitch).
Kuzmík, J., : Proposal of normally-off InN-channel high-electron mobility transistors. Semicond. Sci Technol. 29 (2014) 035015. (APVV 0104-10, APVV 0367-11).
Lahtinen, M., Pardo, E., Šouc, J., Soloviov, M., Stenvall, A., : Ripple field losses in direct current biased superconductors: simulations and comparison with measurements. J. Applied Phys. 115 (2014) 113907. (EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051).
Laurenčíková, A., Eliáš, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Kováč, J., Mikolášek, M., Vávra, I., Novák, J., : Analysis of the core–shell interface between zinc-blende GaP and wurtzite ZnO. Solid-State Electr. 100 (2014) 7-10. (APVV 0301-10, APVV 0395-12, VEGA 2/0098/13).
Laurenčíková, A., Hasenöhrl, S., Dérer, J., Eliáš, P., Hronec, P., Kováč, J., Novák, J., : Fabrication of GaP nanowire arrays on top InGaP solar cells In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 259-262. (APVV 0301-10, APVV 0395-12, VEGA 2/0098/13, CENTE).
Liday, J., Vogrinčič, P., Vretenár, V., Kotlár, M., Marton, M., Vávra, I., Hotový, I., Breza, J., Řeháček, V., : The layers of carbon nanomaterials as the base of ohmic contacts to p-GaN. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 63-67. (APVV 0455-12).
Luby, Š., Jergel, M., Benkovičová, M., Šiffalovič, P., Ivančo, J., Végsö, K., Majková, E., Rella, R., Manera, M., Capone, S., Vávra, I., : Sensitivity and long term stability of ᵧ-Fe2O3 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticle gas sensors for NO2, CO and acetone sensing – a comparative study In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 251-254.. (VEGA 1-0162-11).
Mikulics, M., Hardtdegen, H., Adam, R., Grützmacher, D., Gregušová, D., Novák, J., Kordoš, P., Sofer, Z., Serafini, J., Zhang, J., Sobolewski, R., Marso, M., : Impact of thermal annealing on nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in single-crystal, freestanding GaAs mesostructures. Semicond. Sci Technol. 29 (2014) 045022.
Mikulics, M., Hardtdegen, H., Arango, Y., Adam, R., Fox, A., Grützmacher, D., Gregušová, D., Stanček, S., Novák, J., Kordoš, P., Sofer, Z., Juul, L., Marso, M., : Reduction of skin effect losses in double-level-T-gate structure. Applied Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 232102.
Misják, F., Nagy, K., Lobotka, P., Radnóczi, G., : Electron scattering mechanisms in Cu-Mn films for interconnect applications. J. Applied Phys. 116 (2014) 083507. (APVV 0593 -11).
Molnár, M., Donoval, D., Kuzmík, J., Marek, J., Chvála, A., Príbytný, P., Mikolášek, M., Rendek, K., Palankovski, V., : Simulation study of interface traps and bulk traps in n++GaN/InAlN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 157-161. (APVV 0367-11, KCMTE).
Mrázková, Z., Postava, K., Vodárek, V., Holešinský, J., Pištora, J., Torres, A., Foldyna, M., Roca i Cabarrocas, P., Vávra, I., : Crystalline composition of silicon deposited on a low-cost substrate for photovoltaic applications studied by in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. Proc. SPIE 9441 (2014) 94411F.
Murakami, K., Rommel, M., Hudec, B., Rosová, A., Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Rammula, R., Kasikov, A., Han, J., Lee, W., Song, S., Paskaleva, A., Bauer, A., Frey, L., Fröhlich, K., Aarik, J., Hwang, C., : Nanoscale characterization of TiO2 films grown by atomic layer deposition on RuO2 electrodes. ACS Applied Mater. Interfaces 6 (2014) 2486-2492. (VEGA 2-0147-11, APVV 0509-10).
Nast, R., Vojenčiak, M., Demenčík, E., Kario, A., Ringsdorf, B., Jung, A., Runtsch, B., Grilli, F., Goldacker, W., : Influence of laser striations on the properties of coated conductors,. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 507 (2014) 022023.
Nishida, A., Taka, C., Chromik, Š., Durný, R., : Comparison of critical properties in MgB2 nanometer films prepared on SiC/Si substrate,. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 507 (2014) 012036.
Novák, J., Eliáš, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Vávra, I., Križanová, Z., Novotný, I., Kováč, J., : Growth and properties of core-shel GaP/ZnO nanowires. AIP Conf. Proc. 1598 (2014) 118.
Novák, J., Šutta, P., Vávra, I., Eliáš, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Laurenčíková, A., Novotný, I., : Columnar microstructure of the ZnO shell layer deposited on the GaP nanowires. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 162-166. (APVV 0301-10, APVV 0395-12, VEGA 2/0098/13).
Novák, P., Dobročka, E., Búc, D., Kováč, J., : Determination of residual stress in thin film by GIXRD. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 300-303. (APVV 0301-10, VEGA 2-0147-11).
Nurgaliev, T., Blagoev, B., Mateev, E., Neshkov, L., Štrbik, V., Uspenskaya, L., Nedkov, I., Chromik, Š., : Investigation of DC current injection effect on the microwave characteristics of HTS YBCO microstrip resonators, Physica C 498 (2014) 1-4. Physica C 498 (2014) 1-4.
Osvald, J., : Frequency dependence of capacitance characteristics of III-N heterostructures In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 136-138. (VEGA 2/0167/13, APVV 0450-10).
Osvald, J., Vanko, G., Fröhlich, K., : Frequency dependent capacitance of insulator GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 221-224. (VEGA 2/0167/13, APVV 0450-10, APVV 0199-10, APVV 0455-12).
Osvald, J., : Influence of interface deep traps on capacitance of AlGaN/GaN heterojunctions In: Phys. Semicond. Devices. Eds. V.K. Jain, A. Verma. Heidelberg: Springer 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-03002-9. P. 215-217. (VEGA 2/0167/13, APVV 0450-10, APVV 0199-10).
Pardo, E., Staines, M., Jiang, Z., Glasson, N., Buckley, B., : Modelling and measurement of AC loss in a superconducting transformer. In: Applied Supercond. Conf. Charlotte 2014.
Pardo, E., : Modelling of AC loss in coils made of thin tapes under DC bias current. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 24 (2014) 4700105. (EUROTAPES, EURATOM FU-CT-2007-00051).
Paskaleva, A., Hudec, B., Jančovič, P., Fröhlich, K., : Resistive switching effects in Pt/HfO2/TiN MIM structures and their dependence on bottom electrode interface engineering.. In: IEEE Proc. 29th Inter. Conf. Microelectr. – MIEL 2014. IEEE 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-5296-0. P. 285-288.. (APVV 0509-10, VEGA 2/0138/14).
Paskaleva, A., Hudec, B., Jančovič, P., Fröhlich, K., Spassov, D., : The influence of technology and switching parameters on resistive switching behavious of Pt/HfO2/TiN MIM structures. Facta Universitas 27 (2014) 621.
Pekarčíková, M., Skarba, M., Konopka, P., Janovec, J., Soloviov, M., Pardo, E., Gömöry, F., : Investigation of defects in functional layer of high temperature superconducting tapes. Physica C 497 (2014) 24-29. (VEGA 1-0162-11).
Perný, M., Huran, J., Šály, V., Váry, M., Packa, J., Kobzev, A., : Electrical and structural characterization of carbon based films prepared by RF-PECVD and ECR-PECVD techniques for photovoltaic applications J. Optoelectr. Adv. Mater. 16 (2014) 306-310. (APVV 0443-12).
Perný, M., Šály, V., Váry, M., Mikolášek, M., Huran, J., Packa, J., : AC impedance spectroscopy of Al/a-SiC/c-Si(p)/Al heterostructure under illumination. J. Electr. Engn. 65 (2014) 174-178. (APVV 0443-12).
Plecenik, A., Haidry, A., Plecenik, T., Durina, P., Truchly, M., Moško, M., Grančič, B., Gregor, M., Roch, T., Satrapinskyy, L., Mošková, A., Mikula, M., Kúš, P., : Metal oxide gas sensors on the nanoscale. Proc. SPIE 9083 (2014) 9083OY. (APVV 0199-10).
Precner, M., Fedor, J., Tóbik, J., Šoltýs, J., Cambel, V., : High resolution tips for switching magnetization MFM. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 386-387. (APVV 0088-12, Vega 2/0037/12, CENTE).
Pribulová, Z., Medvecká, Z., Kačmarčík, J., Komanický, V., Klein, T., Barančeková Husaníková, P., Cambel, V., Šoltýs, J., Karapetrov, G., Samuely, P., : Local magnetometry of Cu0,064TiSe2. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 370-371. (APVV 0036-11).
Pudiš, D., Škriniarová, J., Lettrichová, I., Laurenčíková, A., Benčurová, A., Kováč, J., Novák, J., : Near-field scanning optical microscopy and lithography for LED characterization and semiconductor patterning. Proc. SPIE 9441 (2014) 94410P.
Rifliková, M., Martoňák, R., and Tossatti, E.: Pressure-induced gap closing and metallization of MoSe2 and MoTe2, Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014) 035108.
Rýger, I., Vanko, G., Lalinský, T., Haščík, Š., Nemec, P., Benčurová, A., Tomáška, M., : The GaN/SiC heterostructure-based hydrogen SAW sensor operating in GHz range. Procedia Engn. 87 (2014) 260-263. (APVV 0199-10, VEGA 1/0839/12).
Rýger, I., Vanko, G., Lalinský, T., Dzuba, J., Vallo, M., Kunzo, P., Vávra, I., : Enhanced sensitivity of Pt/NiO gate based AlGaN/GaN C-HEMT hydrogen sensor Key Engn. Mater. 605 (2014) 491-494. (APVV 0450-10, APVV 0199-10, APVV 0655-07, VEGA 2/0167/13, VEGA 1/0839/12).
Rýger, I., Vanko, G., Lalinský, T., Kunzo, P., Vallo, M., Vávra, I., Plecenik, T., : Pt/NiO ring gate based Schottky diode hydrogen sensors with enhanced sensitivity and thermal stability. Sensors Actuators B 202 (2014) 1-8. (APVV 0450-10, APVV 0199-10, APVV 0655-07, VEGA 2/0167/13, VEGA 1/0839/12).
Sanz, S., Arlaban, T., Manzanas, R., Tropeano, M., Funke, R., Kováč, P., Yang, Y., Neumann, H., Mondesert, B., : Superconducting light generator for large offshore wind turbines. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 507 (2014) 032040.
Sedlačková, K., Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Pavlovič, M., Nečas, V., Stacho, M., : MCNPX Monte Carlo simulations of particle transport in SiC semiconductor detectors of fast neutrons. J. Instrument. 9 (2014) C05016. (VEGA 2/0062/13, APVV 0321-11).
Sedlačková, K., Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Nečas, V., : MCNPX calculations for electron irradiated semiconductor detectors. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 280-283. (APVV 0321-11, VEGA 2/0062/13).
Skákalová, V., Vretenár, V., Kopera, Ľ., Kotrusz, P., Mangler, C., Meško, M., Meyer, J., Hulman, M., : Electronic transport in composites of graphite oxide with carbon nanotubes. Carbon 72 (2014) 224-232.
Sojková, M., Štrbik, V., Španková, M., Chromik, Š., : Patterning of Tl-based superconducting films using new etching solution. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 208-211. (APVV-0494-11, APVV LPP-0078-07, VEGA 2/0120/14, VEGA 2/0173/13, CENTE II).
Soloviov, M., Šouc, J., Gömöry, F., : AC loss properties of single-layer CORC cables. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 507 (2014) 022034. (EUROTAPES).
Stoklas, R., Gregušová, D., Hušeková, K., Marek, J., Kordoš, P., : Trapped charge effects in AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with Al2O3 and ZrO2 gate insulator. Semicond. Sci Technol. 29 (2014) 045003. (VEGA 2-0147-11, VEGA 2/0105/13, APVV LPP-0162-09, APVV 0367-11, ENIAC).
Stoklas, R., Gregušová, D., Blaho, M., Čičo, K., Fröhlich, K., Novák, J., Kordoš, P., : Gate leakage reduction of AlGaN/GaN MOS-HFETs with HfO2 prepared by ALD In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 133-136.. (VEGA 2/0105/13, VEGA 2/0138/14, APVV 0301-10, CENTE).
Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Sedlačková, K., Pavlovič, M., Fülöp, M., Boháček, P., Nečas, V., : GaAs detectors irradiated by electrons at different dose rates. J. Instrument. 9 (2014) C12050. (VEGA 2/0062/13, VEGA 2/0175/13, APVV 0321-11, APVV 0443-12).
Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Pavlovič, M., Sedlačková, K., Hybler, P., Dubecký, F., Nečas, V., : GaAs detectors irradiated by low doses of electrons. J. Instrument. 9 (2014) C04036. (VEGA 2/0062/13, APVV 0321-11).
Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Sedlačková, K., Nečas, V., Fülöp, M., : Electron irradiation effects on the spectrometric characteristics of GaAs detectors In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 61-64.. (APVV 0321-11, APVV 0443-12, VEGA 2/0062/13, VEGA 2/0175/13).
Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Hybler, P., Sedlačková, K., Nečas, V., : Influence of electron irradiation on electrical properties of GaAs detectors. In: Proc. 20th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2014). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. P. 276-279. (APVV 0321-11, VEGA 2/0062/13).
Šály, V., Huran, J., Perný, M., Váry, M., : Study of Al/a-SiC/c-Si(p) Al structures for PV applications. J. Inter. Sci Publ.: Mater., Methods Technol. 8 (2014) 547-556.
Šatka, A., Priesol, J., Kováč, J., Donoval, D., Allsopp, D., Kuzmík, J., : Time-resolved EBIC method for investigation of transient phenomena in GaN-based HFETs In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 152-155. (APVV 0367-11).
Šatka, A., Priesol, J., Bernát, M., Donoval, D., Kováč, J., Allsopp, D., Kuzmík, J., : Time Resolved EBIC study of InAlN/GaN HFETs In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 145-148.. (APVV 0367-11).
Ščepka, T., Šoltýs, J., Precner, M., Fedor, J., Tóbik, J., Gregušová, D., Gucmann, F., Kúdela, R., Cambel, V., : Vortex dynamics in ferromagnetic nanoelements observed by micro-hall probes. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 390-391. (APVV 0088-12, Vega 2/0037/12, CENTE).
Škriniarová, J., Andok, R., Benčurová, A., Nemec, P., Jakabovič, J., Haščík, Š., : Photonic structures patterned in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures by the EBDW lithography In: Proc. ADEPT. 2st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. D. Pudis et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0881-1. P. 196-199. (APVV 0395-12).
Španková, M., Chromik, Š., Dobročka, E., Štrbik, V., Sojková, M., : LSMO films with increased temperature of MI transition. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 212-213. (APVV-0494-11, APVV LPP-0078-07, VEGA 2-0164-11, CENTE II).
Štrbik, V., Reiffers, M., Chromik, Š., Španková, M., : Approximation of electrical and magneto transport properties of LSMO thin films. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 210-211. (VEGA 2/0173/13, VEGA 2-0164-11, APVV-0494-11).
Štrbik, V., Reiffers, M., Dobročka, E., Šoltýs, J., Španková, M., Chromik, Š., : Epitaxial LSMO thin films with correlation of electrical and magnetic properties above 400K. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 212-215. (APVV-0494-11, VEGA 2/0173/13, VEGA 2/0120/14). .
Štrbik, V., Blagoev, B., Mateev, E., Nurgaliev, T., : Electrical transport in epitaxial and polycrystalline thin LSMO films,. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 514 (2014) 012042. (VEGA 2/0173/13, VEGA 2-0164-11).
Ťapajna, M., Válik, L., Kotara, P., Zhytnytska, R., Brunner, F., Hilt, O., Bahat-Triedel, E., Würfl, H., Kuzmík, J., : Impact of the buffer structure on trapping characteristics of normally-off p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for power switching applications In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 121-124.. (HiPoSwitch, APVV 0367-11, VEGA 2/0138/14).
Ťapajna, M., Killat, N., Palankovski, V., Gregušová, D., Čičo, K., Carlin, J., Grandjean, N., Kuball, M., Kuzmík, J., : Hot-electron-related degradation in InAlN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors,. IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 61 (2014) 2793-2801. (KCMTE, MORGaN, APVV 0104-10).
Ťapajna, M., Jurkovič, M., Válik, L., Haščík, Š., Gregušová, D., Brunner, F., Cho, E., Hashizume, T., Kuzmík, J., : Impact of GaN cap on charges in Al2O3/(GaN/)AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures analyzed by means of capacitance measurements and simulations. J. Applied Phys. 116 (2014) 104501. (HiPoSwitch, CENTE, APVV 0367-11, VEGA 2/0138/14).
Trgala, M., Žemlička, M., Neilinger, P., Rehak, M., Leporis, M., Gaži, Š., Greguš, J., Plecenik, T., Roch, T., Dobročka, E., Grajcar, M., : Superconducting MoC thin films with enhanced sheet resistance. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 216-219.
Tsindlekht, M., Genkin, V., Felner, I., Zeides, F., Katz, N., Gaži, Š., Chromik, Š., : dc and ac magnetic properties of thin-walled superconducting niobium cylinders. Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014) 014514. (VEGA 2/0173/13).
Ušák, E., Šoka, M., Ušáková, M., Dobročka, E., : Structural and magnetic properties of nano-sized NiZn ferrites. Acta Phys. Polonica A 126 (2014) 68-69.
Vagovič, P., Švéda, L., Cecilia, A., Hammann, E., Pelliccia, D., Gimenez, E., Korytár, D., Pavlov, K., Zápražný, Z., Zuber, M., Koenig, T., Olbinado, M., Yashiro, W., Momose, A., Fiederle, M., Baumbach, T., : X-ray Bragg magnifier microscope as a linear shift invariant imaging system: image formation and phase retrieval,. Optics Express 22 (2014) 21508-21520. (ITMS 26220220170, APVV 0308-11).
Vanko, G., Vojs, M., Ižák, T., Potocký, P., Choleva, P., Marton, M., Rýger, I., Dzuba, J., Lalinský, T., : AlGaN/GaN micromembranes with diamond coating for high electron mobility transistors operated at high temperatures In: ASDAM 2014. Eds. J. Breza et al. IEEE 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-5474-2. P. 263-266.. (APVV 0455-12, APVV 0199-10, VEGA 2/0167/13).
Vanko, G., Dzuba, J., Rýger, I., Lalinský, T., Vojs, M., Vincze, A., Dobročka, E., : Processing technology of MEMS sensors using III-N material system In: 17. škola vákuovej techniky: Analýza materiálov vo vákuu. Material analysis in vacuum. Eds. M. Michalka et al. Bratislava: FEI STU 2014. ISBN 978-80-971179-4-8. P. 39-43. (APVV 0455-12, APVV 0450-10).
Váry, M., Huran, J., Perný, M., Mikolášek, M., Šály, V., Packa, J., Kobzev, A., : Study of Al/a-SiC/c-Si(p)/Al structure prepared by PECVD.. In: 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conf. – PVSC. IEEE 2014. ISBN: 978-147994398-2. P. 1879-1883. (APVV 0443-12).
Vojenčiak, M., Dutoit, B., Colangelo, D., : Indirect cooling of superconducting fault current limiter. In: ELEKTRO 2014. Proc. of the 10th Inter. Conf. Eds. P. Brida, J. Dubovan, M. Markovič. Žilina: FEE Univ. Žilina 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-3721-9. P. 400-404. (KCMTE).
Wachulak, P., Wegrzynski, L., Zápražný, Z., Bartnik, A., Fok, T., Jarocki, R., Kostecki, J., Szczurek, M., Korytár, D., Fiedorowicz, H., : Extreme ultraviolet tomography of multi-jet gas puff target for high-order harmonic generation. Applied Phys. B 117 (2014) 253-263. . (COST MP1203, ITMS 26220220170, APVV 0308-11).
Wachulak, P., Wegrzynski, L., Zápražný, Z., Bartnik, A., Fok, T., Jarocki, R., Kostecki, J., Szczurek, M., Korytár, D., Fiedorowicz, H., : Extreme ultraviolet tomography using a compact laser–plasma source for 3D reconstruction of low density objects. Optics Lett. 39 (2014) 532-535.
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