- 2019
Chauhan, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Dobročka, E., Chauvat, M.-P., Minj, A., Gucmann, F., Vančo, Ľ., Kováč, J.jr., Kret, S., Ruterana, P., Kuball, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Kuzmík, J.: Evidence of relationship between strain and In-incorporation: growth of N-polar In-rich InAlN buffer layer by OMCVD, J. Applied Phys. 125 (2019) 105304.
Chauhan, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Dobročka, E., Vančo Ľ., Stoklas, R., Kováč, J., Šiffalovič, P., and Kuzmík, J.: Effect of temperature and carrier gas on the properties of thick InxAl1-xN layer, Applied Surface Sci 470 (2019) 1-7.
Hasenöhrl, S., Chauhan, P., Dobročka, E., Stoklas, R., Vančo, Ľ., Veselý, M., Bouazzaoui, F., Chauvat, M.-P., Reterana, P., and Kuzmík, J.: Generation of hole gas in non-inverted InAl(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures, Applied Phys. Express 12 (2019) 014001.
- 2018
Dobročka, E., Hasenöhrl, S., Chauhan, P., and Kuzmík, J.: Non-conventional scans in high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis of epitaxial systems, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 23-32.
Chauhan, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Hulman, M., Kováč, J., Rosová, A., Šiffalovič, P., Kuzmík, J., : Study of surface morphology and optical properties of InAlN epilayers grown on c-sapphire at different temperatures by MOCVD In: Proc. ADEPT. 5st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. I. Lettrichová et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2017. ISBN 978-80-554-1342-6. P. 125-128.. (APVV 15-0031). |