Ing. Karol ČIČO, PhD.


Kordoš, P., Kúdela, R., Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., Mikulics, M., Gregušová, D., and Novák, J.: Aluminium oxide as passivation and gate insulator in GaAs-based field-effect transistors prepared in situ by metal-organic vapor deposition, Applied Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 142113.

Čičo, K., Gregušová, D., Kuzmík, J., Jurkovič, M., Alexewicz, A., di Forte Poisson, M.-A., Pogany, D., Strasser, G., Delage, S., and Fröhlich, K.: Influence of processing and annealing steps on electrical properties of InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor with Al2O3 gate insulation and passivation, Solid-State Electr. 67 (2012) 74-78.

Kordoš, P., Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., and Mikulics, M.: Comparative study of InAlN/GaN HFETs with and without thermal oxidized InAlN of different composition. In: Proc. 18thInter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2012). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2012. ISBN 978-80-227-3720-3. P. 165-168.


Čičo, K., Hušeková, K., Ťapajna, M., Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Kuzmík, J., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., Pogany, D., and Fröhlich, K.: Electrical properties of InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor with Al2O3, ZrO2, and GdScO3 gate dielectrics, J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 29 (2011) 01A808.

Nemec, M., Benko, P., Neupauer, M., Čičo, K., Harmatha, L., and Fröhlich, K.: Preparation and characterization of thin ZrO2 layers for gate insulation in MOSFET. In: 17thInter. Conf. on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter – APCOM. Eds. D. Pudiš et al. Žilina: FEE TU, 2011. ISBN: 978-80-554-0386-1. P. 98-101.


Čičo, K., Gregušová, D., Gaži, Š., Šoltýs, J., Kuzmík, J., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., Pogany, D., and Fröhlich, K.: Optimization of the ohmic contact processing in InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors for lower temprerature of annealing, Physica Status Solidi c 7 (2010) 108-111.

Kordoš, P., Mikulics, M., Fox, A., Gregušová, D., Čičo, K., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., Novák, J., and Fröhlich, K.: RF performance of InAlN/GaN HFETs and MOSHFETs with ƒT × LG up to 21 GHz · µm, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 31 (2010) 180-182.

Kuzmík, J., Ostermaier, C., Pozzovivo, G., Basnar, B., Schrenk, W., Carlin, J.-F., Gonschorek, M., Feltin, E., Grandjean, N., Douvry, Y., Gaqiere, C., DeJaeger, J.-C., Čičo,K., Frőhlich, K., Škriniarová, J., Kováč, J., Strasser, G., Pogany, D., and Gornik, E.: Proposal and performance analysis of normally-off n++ GaN/InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs with 1 nm thick InAlN barrier, IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 57 (2010) 2144-2154.

Jurkovič, M., Hušeková, K., Čičo, K., Dobročka, E., Nemec, M., Fedor, J., and Fröhlich, K.: Characterization of high permittivity GdScO3 films prepared by liquid injection MOCVD. In: ASDAM ’10. Smolenice 2010. Ed. J. Breza et al. Piscataway: IEEE 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8572-7. P. 247-250.

Kohn, E., Alomari, M., Denisenko, A., Dipalo, M., Maier, D., Medjoub, F., Pietzka, C., Delage, S., Di Forte Poisson, M.A., Morvan, E., Sarazin, N., Jacquet, J.-C., Dua, C., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., Py, M.A., Gonschorek, M., Kuzmík, J., Pogany, D., Pozzovivo, G., Ostermaier, C., Toth, L., Pécz, B., De Jaeger, J.-C., Gaquiere, C., Čičo, K., Fröhlich, K., Georgakilas, A., Iliopoulos, E., Konstantinidis, G., Giessen, C., Heuken, M., and Schineller, B.: InAlN/GaN heterostructures for microwave power and beyond. In: 2009 IEEE Inter. Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). IEEE, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-5639-0. P. 173-176.


Ostermaier, C., Pozzovivo, G., Carlin, J.-F., Basnar, B., Schrenk, W., Douvry, Y., Gaqiere, C., DeJaeger, J.-C., Čičo, K., Fröhlich, K., Gonschorek, M., Grandjean, N., Strasser, G., Pogany, D., and Kuzmík, J.: Ultrathin InAlN/AlN barrier HEMT with high performance in normally off operation, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 30 (2009) 1030-1032.

Ťapajna, M., Kuzmík, J., Čičo, K., Pogany, D., Pozzovivo, G., Strasser, G., Aberman, S., Bertagnoli, S.E., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., and Frőhlich, K.: Interface states and trapping effects in Al2O3– and ZrO2/InAlN/AlN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures, Japan. J. Applied Phys. 48 (2009) 090201.

Ťapajna, M., Čičo, K., Kuzmík, J., Pogany, D., Pozzovivo, G., Strasser, G., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., and Frőhlich, K.: Thermally induced voltage shift in capacitance-voltage characteristics and its relation to oxide/semiconductor interface states in Ni/Al2O3/InAlN/GaN heterostructures, Semicond. Sci Technol. 24 (2009) 035008.

Čičo, K., Kuzmík, J., Liday, J., Hušeková, K., Pozzovivo, G., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., Pogany, D., Vogrinčič, P., and Frőhlich, K.: InAlN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistor with Al2O3 insulating films grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition using Ar and NH3 carrier gases, J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 27(2009) 218-222.

Ostermaier, C., Pozzovivo, G., Carlin, J.-F., Basnar, B., Schrenk, W., Čičo, K., Fröhlich, K., Gonschorek, M., Grandjean, N., Strasser, G., Pogany, D., and Kuzmík, J.: Thermally stable InAlN/GaN enhancement-mode HEMTs with highly doped GaN Cap. In: 8th Inter. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductors. Jeju (Korea) 2009. Abstract Book. P. 1052.

Hušeková, K., Jurkovič, M., Čičo, K., Machajdík, D., Dobročka, E., Lupták, R., Macková, A., and Frőhlich, K.: Preparation of high permitivity GdScO3 films by liquid injection MOCVD, ECS Trans. 25 (2009) 1061.

Frőhlich, K., Vincze, A., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., Čičo, K., Uherek, F., Lupták, R., Ťapajna, M., and Machajdík, D.: Thermal stability of GdScO3 dielectric films grown on Si and InAlN/GaN substrates, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1155 (2009) C09-03.


Pozzovivo, G. J., Kuzmík, J., Golka, K., Čičo, K., Fröhlich, K., Carlin, J.-F., Gonschorek, M., Grandjean, N., Schrenk, G., Strasser, W., and Pogany, D.: Influence of GaN capping on performance of InAlN/AlN/GaN MOS-HEMT with Al2O3 gate insulation grown by CVD, Physica Status Solidi c 5 (2008) 1956-1958.

Ťapajna, M., Čičo, K., Kuzmík, J., Pozzovivo, G., Pogany, D., Carlin, J.-F., Grandjean, N., and Fröhlich, K.: Characterization of semiconductor/oxide interface states in the Al2O3/InAlN/GaN MOS structures. In: The 32nd Workshop on Compaund Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits. Leuven 2008. Abstract Book pp. 117-118.

Čičo, K., Gregušová, D., Kuzmik, J., di Forte-Poisson, M.A., Lalinský, T., Pogany, D., Delage, S.L., and Fröhlich, K.: InAlN/GaN MOSHEMT with Al2O3 insulating film. In: ASDAM 2008. The 7th Inter. Conf. Advanced Semicond. Devices Microsyst. Eds. Š. Haščík and J.Osvald. Piscataway: IEEE 2008. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2325-5. P. 87-91.

Ťapajna, M., Čičo, K., Kuzmík, J., Pozzovivo, G., Pogany, D., Abermann, S., Bertagnolli, E., Carlin, J.F., Grandjean, N., and Fröhlich, K.: Evaluation of the interface state density on Ni/ZrO2/InAlN/GaN MOS contacts. In: Inter. Workshop on Nitride semiconductors. Book of Ext. Abstract Montreux 2008. P. 314.


Čičo, K., Kuzmík, J., Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Lalinský, T., Georgakilas, A., Pogany, D., and Fröhlich, K.: Optimization and performance of Al2O3/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor structures, Microelectr. Reliability 47 (2007) 790-793.

Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., Lalinský, T., and Kordoš, P.: AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructure field-effect transistors with 4nm thick Al2O3 gate oxide, Semicond. Sci Technol. 22 (2007) 947-951.

Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., Heidelberg, G., Marso, M., Novák, J., and Kordoš, P.: Characterization of AlGaN/GaN MOSHFETs with Al2O3 as gate oxide, Physica Status Solidi c 4 (2007) 2720-2723.

Pozzovivo, G., Kuzmík, J., Golka, S., Schrenk, W., Strasser, G., Pogany, D., Čičo, K., Ťapajna, M., Fröhlich, K., Carlin, J.-F., Gonschorek, M., Feltin, E., and Grandjean, N.: Gate insulation and drain current saturation mechanism in InAlN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors, Applied Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 043509.

Kordoš, P., Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., and Novák, J.: Improved transport properties of Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructure field-effect tranzistor, Applied Phys. Lett. 90 (2007) art. no. 123513.

Kuzmík, J., Pozzovivo, G., Čičo, K., Golka, S., Schrenk, W., Carlin, J.-F., Gonschorek, M., Grandjean, N., Fröhlich, K., Strasser, G., and Pogany, D.: Technology and performance of Al2O3/InAlN/AlN/GaN MOS HEMTs. In: Proc. 31st Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits. Ed. G. Meneghesso. Venice 2007. P. 359-362.

Gregušová, D., Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., Lalinský, T., Fröhlich, K., Novák, J., and Kordoš, P.: Preparation and properties of MOSHFETs based on MOVPE grown AlGaN/GaN heterostructure and MOCVD deposited Al2O3 gate oxide. In: 12th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy – EW-MOVPE XII: extended abstracts. Bratislava: IEE SAS, 2007. P. 85-88.

Písečný, P., Harmatha, L., Jakabovič, J., Ťapajna, M., Lupták, R., and Čičo, K.: The properties of oxygen plasma annealed La2O3 films for CMOS technology. In: APCOM 2007: Proc. 13th Inter. Conf. on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter. Eds.: D. Pudiš et al. Žilina: ŽU, 2007. ISBN: 978-80-8070-709-5. P. 243-246.


Fröhlich, K., Lupták, R., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., Čičo, K., Rosová, A., Lukosius, M., Abrutis, A., Písečný, P., and Espinós, J.P.: Characterization of rare earth oxides based MOSFET gate stacks prepared by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition, Materials Sci Semicond Process. 9 (2006) 1065-1072.

Fröhlich, K., Lupták, R., Hušeková, K., Čičo, K., Ťapajna, M., Weber, U., Baumann, P.K., Lindner, J., and Espinós, J.P.: Properties of Ru/HfxSi1-xOy/Si metal oxide semiconductor gate stack structures grown by atomic vapor deposition, J. Electrochem. Soc. 153 (2006) F176-F179.

Čičo, K., Kuzmik, J., Gregušová, D., Lalinský, T., Georgakilas, A., Pogany, D., and Fröhlich, K.: Rapid thermal annealing and performance of Al2O3/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor structures. In: ASDAM 2006. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems. Eds. J. Breza et al. Piscataway: IEEE 2006. ISBN: 1-4244-0396-0. P. 197-200.

Stoklas, R., Čičo, K., Gregušová, D., Novák, J., and Kordoš, P.: Preparation and properties of AlGaN/GaN MOSHFETs with MOCVD Al2O3 as gate oxide. In: ASDAM 2006. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems. Eds. J. Breza et al. Piscataway: IEEE 2006. ISBN: 1-4244-0396-0. P. 249-252.

Čičo, K., Kuzmik, J., Gregušová, D., Lalinský, T., Pogany, D., and Fröhlich, K.: Optimization and performance of Al2O3/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor structures. In: The 14th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WoDim). Santa Tecla 2006. Book of abstracts. P. 209-210.


Čičo, K., Rosová, A., Frőhlich, K., Hušeková, K., Valent, P., and Jergel, M.: Characterization of Al2O3 gate dielectric films grown on Si substrate. In: APCOM 2005: Proc. 11th Inter. Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter. Eds.: D. Pudiš et al. Žilina: ŽU, 2005. ISBN: 80-8070-411-2. P. 196-199.

Fröhlich, K., Lupták, R., Hušeková, K., Čičo, K., Ťapajna, M., Weber, U., Baumann, P.K., and Lindner, J.: Properties of Ru/HfxSi1-xOy/SI MOS gate stack structures grown by MOCVD. In: Proc. 207th Electrochemical Soc. Meeting. Eds. Gusev, E.P. et al. Pennington: The Electrochemical Society, 2005. P. 339.


Ťapajna, M., Čičo, K., Lupták, R., Hušeková, K., Fröhlich, K., Harmatha, L., Hooker, J.C., and Roozeboom, F.: Thermal stability of ruthenium MOS gate electrodes. In: ASDAM 2004. Piscataway: IEEE 2004. S. 167-170.