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Ing. Zápražný Zdenko, PhD.

Ferrari, C., Beretta, S., Rotunno, E., Korytár, D., and Zápražný, Z.: Compressive strain formation in surface-damaged crystals, J. Applied Crystall. 53 (2020) 629-634.

1. Massa, E.: J. Applied Crystall. 53 (2020) 1195.
2. Klimova, N.: Crystals 11 (2021) 504.

Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Jergel, M., Halahovets, Y., Maťko, I., Šiffalovič, P., Kečkéš, J., Mikulík, P., Majková, E., and Thi, T.N.T.: Study of surface quality and subsurface damage of germanium optics produced by single point diamond nanomachining, Proc. SPIE DL 11032 (2019) 11032E.

1. Tan, J.W.: Laser Photon. Rev. 17 (2023) Iss. 8.

Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Jergel, M., Halahovets, Y., Kotlár, M., Maťko, I., Hagara, J., Šiffalovič, P., Keckes, J., and Majková, E.: Characterization of the chips generated by the nanomachining of germanium for X-ray crystal optics, Inter. J. Adv. Manufactur. Technol. 102 (2019) 2757-2767.

1. Shahinian, H.: Proc. SPIE 11175 (2019) UNSP 111750E.
2. Zhu, H.: J. Manufact. Process. 69 (2021) 351.

Kubanda, D., Zaťko, B., Šagátová, A., Žemlička, J., Zápražný, Z., Boháček, P., Dudák, J., Kováčová, E., and Nečas, V.: Performance of bulk semi-insulating GaAs-based sensor and its comparison to Si-based sensor for Timepix radiation camera, J. Instrument. 14 (2019) C01023.

#     1. Xu, J.: Rengong Jingti Xuebao/J. Synthetic Crystals 48 (2019) 975.

Šagátová, A., Zaťko, B., Nečas, V., Dubecký, F., Tu, L.A., Sedlačková, K., Boháček, P., and Zápražný, Z.: From single GaAs detector to sensor for radiation imaging camera, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 3-9.

1. Xu, L.: Materials 12 (2019) 1192.
2. Turkington, G.: J. Instrument. 14 (2019) P10018.
#     3. Xu, J.: Rengong Jingti Xuebao/J. Synthetic Crystals 48 (2019) 975.
4. Chen, J.: Precision Engn.-J. Inter. Soc for Precision Engn. Nanotechnol. 62 (2020) 71.
5. Turkington, G.: Inter. Nuclear Phys. Conf. – INPC2019 (2020) 1643.
6. Leyva-Fabelo, A.: Revista Cubana De Fisica 38 (2021) 4.
7. Zhang, H.L.: Crystal Res. Technol. 57 (2022) 2100247.
8. Karthieka, R.R.: Electron. Mater. Lett. 18 (2022) 304.
9. Zhu, Z.F.: Nuclear Sci Techniq. 33 (2022) 85.
10. Sun, X.: Acta Phys. Sinica 71 (2022) 178102.

Zaťko, B., Hrubčín, L., Šagátová, A., Osvald, J., Boháček, P., Zápražný, Z., Sedlačková, K., Sekáčová, M., Dubecký, F., Skuratov, V.A., Korytár, D., and Nečas, V.: Schottky barrier detectors based on high quality 4H-SIC semiconductor: electrical and detection properties, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 276-280.

1. Zhou, Y.: Carbon 148 (2019) 387.
2. Dong, P.: IEEE Access 7 (2019) 170385.
3. Sarac, Y.: J. Alloys Comp. 824 (2020) 153899.
4. Xie, X.-M.: Trans. Nonferr. Metals Soc China‏ 30 (2020)‏ 3058.
5. Jiang, L.: Nuclear Instr. Methods in Phys. Res. A 1048 (2023) 167917.
6. Chen, L.: Ceramics Inter. 50 (2024) 30560.

Korytár, D., Zápražný, Z., Ferrari, C., Frigeri, C., Jergel, M., Maťko, I., and Kečkeš, M.: Cross-sectional TEM study of subsurface damage in SPDT machining of germanium optics, Applied Optics 57 (2018) 1940-1943.

#        1. Zhao, L.-D.: Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica 47 (2018) 0822002.
2. Zhao, Q.: Proc. Inst. Mechan. Eng. Part B-J. Engn. Manufact. 233 (2019) 2251.
3. Xu, J.: Proc. SPIE 11175 (2019) UNSP 1117508.
#      4. Shahinian, H.: Proc. 34th ASPE Ann. Meeting 2019, pp. 319-324.
5. Maksakova, O.V.: J. Alloys Compounds 831 (2020) 154808.
#      6. Geng, R.: Xiyou Jinshu/Chinese J. Rare Metals 44 (2020) 850.
7. Geng, R.W.: Infrared Phys. Technol. 116 (2021) 103773.
8. Fang, F.Z.: Inter. J. Machine Tools Manufact. 178 (2022) 103905.
9. Xu, J.: Applied Optics 62 (2023) 4161.
#  10. Xu, J.: Proc. SPIE 12778 (2023) 1277812.
#   11. Xu, J.: Proc. Optica Design and Fabrication Congress 2023, IODC, OFT Part of Optica Design and Fabrication Congress 2023.
12. Shi, F.Y.: Precision Engn.-J. Inter. Soc Precision Engn. Nanotechnol. 86 (2024) 75.

Zaťko, B., Zápražný, Z., Jakůbek, J., Šagátová, A., Boháček, P., Sekáčová, M Korytár, D., Nečas, V., Žemlička, J., Mora, Y., and Pichotka, M.: Imaging performance of Timepix d etector based on semi-insulating GaAs, J. Instrument. 13 (2018) C01034.

1. Veale, M. C.: J. Phys. D 52 (2019) 085106.
2. Curtis, T.E.: J. Medical Imaging 6 (2019) 013501.

Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Jergel, M., Šiffalovič, P., Halahovets, Y., Keckes, J., Matko, I., Ferrari, C., Vagovič, P., and Mikloška, M.:  Nano-machining for advanced x-ray crystal optics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1764 (2016) 020005.

#       1. Goel, B.: Inter. J. Machin. Machinab. Mater. 23 (2021) 160-190.

Hrivňak, S., Uličný, J., Mikeš, L., Cecilia, A., Hamann, E., Baumbach, T., Švéda, L., Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Gimenez, E., Wagner, U., Rau, C., Greven, H., Vagovič, P., : Single-distance phase retrieval algorithm for Bragg Magnifier microscope. Optics Express 24 (2016) 27753-27762.

1. Ryu, D.: Biomedical Optics Express 8 (2017) 1981.
2. Lu, H.: Laser Optoelectr. Progress 57 (2020) 140001.

Šiffalovič, P., Végsö, K., Hodas, M., Jergel, Ma., Halahovets, Y., Pelletta, M., Korytár, D., Zápražný, Z., and Majková, E.: In situ x-ray reciprocal space mapping for characterization of nanomaterials. In: X-ray and neutron techniques for nanomaterials characterization. Ed. C. S.S.R. Kumar. Berlin, Springer 2016. ISBN 978-3-662-48604-7. P. 507-544.

1. Nsabimana, A.: Nanopart. Design Character. Catalyt. Appl. Sustain. Chem. 38 (2019) 163.
#     2. Barannikov, A.: Proc. SPIE 11776 (2021) 117760D.

Végsö, K., Jergel, M., Šiffalovič, P., Majková, E., Korytár, D., Zápražný, Z., Mikulík, P., and Vagovič, P.: Towards high-flux X-ray beam compressing channel-cut monochromators, J. Applied Crystall. 49 (2016) 1885-1892.

1. Shioya, N.: Applied Phys. Express 13 (2020) 095505.
2. Jiang, Z.: J. Korean Phys. Soc 79 (2021) 697.

Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Šiffalovič, P., Jergel, Ma., Demydenko, M., Mikulík, P., Dobročka, E., Ferrari, C., Vagovič, P., and Mikloška, M.: Simulations and surface quality testing of high asymetry angle x-ray crystal monochromators for advanced x-ray imaging applications, Proc. SPIE 9207 (2014)  92070Y.

1. Zhu J.: Acta Phys. Sinica 67 (2018) 036102.

Wachulak, P.W., Wegrzynski, L., Zápražný, Z., Bartnik, A., Fok, T., Jarocki, R., Kostecki, J., Szczurek, M., Korytár, D., and Fiedorowicz, H.: Extreme ultraviolet tomography using a compact laser–plasma source for 3D reconstruction of low density objects, Optics Lett. 39 (2014) 532-535.

#         1. Pérez Prada, M.: Instruments 6 (2022) 66.
2. Sirkeli, V.P.: Phys. Solid State 66 (2024) 257.

Wachulak, P., Wegrzynski, L., Zápražný, Z., Bartnik, A., Fok, T., Jarocki, R., Kostecki, J., Szczurek, M., Korytár, D., Fiedorowicz, H., : Extreme ultraviolet tomography of multi-jet gas puff target for high-order harmonic generation. Applied Phys. B 117 (2014) 253-263.

1. Stafe, M.: Univ. Politehn. Bucharest Sci Bull.-Ser. A77 (2015) 187.
2. Kantsyrev, V.L.: High Energy Density Phys.19 (2016) 11.
3. Schultz, K. A.: Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016) 101207.
4. Tchulov, O.: Sci. Rep. 7 (2017) 6814.
5. Comby, A.: Optic Express  26 (2018) 6001.
6. Schultz, K. A.: Laser Particle Beams 37 (2019) 276.
7. Hagmeister, B.: Applied Phys. B 128 (2022) 172.

Vagovič, P., Švéda, L., Cecilia, A., Hammann, E., Pelliccia, D., Gimenez, E., Korytár, D., Pavlov, K., Zápražný, Z., Zuber, M., Koenig, T., Olbinado, M., Yashiro, W., Momose, A., Fiederle, M., and Baumbach, T.: X-ray Bragg magnifier microscope as a linear shift invariant imaging system: image formation and phase retrieval, Optics Express 22 (2014) 21508-21520.

 1. Hirano, K J. Synchrotron Radiation 22 (2015) 956.
#      2. Rau, C.: Synchrotron Radiation News 30 (2017) 19.
3. Lu, H.: Laser Optoelectr. Progress 57 (2020) 140001.

Jergel, M., Šiffalovič, P., Végsö, K., Majková, E., Korytár, D., Zápražný, Z., Perlich, J., Ziberi, B., Cornejo, M., Vagovič, P., : Extreme x-ray beam compression for a high-resolution table-top grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering setup. J. Applied Crystall. 46 (2013) 1544-1550. (APVV 0308-11)(KCMTE).

       1. Zheng, N.: J. Applied Crystall. 48 (2015) 608.
2. Fewster, P.F.: X-Ray Scattering from Semiconductors and other Materials. World Sci 2015. ISBN-13: 978-9814436922. P. 243.

Vagovič, P., Korytár, D., Cecilia, A., Hamann, E., Švéda, L., Pelliccia, D., Härtwig, J., Zápražný, Z., Oberta, P., Dolbnya, I., Shawney, K., Fleschig, U., Fiederle, M., Baumbach, T., : High-resolution high-efficiency X-ray imaging system based on the in-line Bragg magnifier and the Medipix detector. J. Synchrotron Radiation 20 (2013) 153-159.

*      1. Kim, S.J.: Progress Medical Phys. 24 (2013) 41.
2. Hirano, K.: Nuclear Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. A 741 (2014) 78.
3. Hirano, K J. Synchrotron Radiation 22 (2015) 956.
4. Cusatis, C.: J. Applied Crystall. 48 (2015) 876.
5. Hirano, K.: AIP Conf. Proc. 1741 (2016) 040020.
6. Lu, H.: Laser Optoelectr. Progress 57 (2020) 140001.
7. Huang, P.: J. Synchrotron Radiation 28 (2021) ‏ 292.

Korytár, D., Vagovič, P., Végsö, K., Šiffalovič, P., Dobročka, E., Jark, W., Áč, V., Zápražný, Z., Ferrari, C., Cecilia, A., Hamann, E., Mikulík, P., Baumbach, T., Fiederle, M., Jergel, M., : Potential use of V-channel Ge(220) monochromators in X-ray metrology and imaging. J. Applied Crystall. 46 (2013) 945-952.

       1. Hirano, T.: Rev. Sci Instrum. 87 (2016) 063118.

Korytár, D., Vagovič, P., Ferrari, C., Šiffalovič, P., Jergel, M., Dobročka, E., Zápražný, Z., Áč, V., Mikulík, P., :Process-induced inhomogeneities in higher asymmetry angle x-ray monochromators. Proc. SPIE 8848 (2013) 8848-28. (ITMS 26220220170)(APVV 0308-11).

     1. Cusatis, C.: J. Applied Crystall. 48 (2015) 876.

Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Mikulík, P., Áč, V., : Processing of projections containing phase contrast in laboratory micro-computerized tomography imaging. J. Applied Crystall. 46 (2013) 933-938. (ITMS 26220220170)(APVV 0308-11)(VEGA 2/0153/10).

        1. Fatima, A.: J. Synchrotron Radiation 24 (2017) 232.

Zápražný, Z., Korytár, D., Áč, V., Konopka, P., Bielecki, J., : Phase contrast imaging of lightweight objects using microfocus X-ray source and high resolution CCD camera. J. Instrum. 7 (2012) C03005. (CENTE II)(APVV 51-0459-06)(VEGA 2/0153/10)(VEGA 2/0192/10). .

      1. Sung, Y.: Optics Express 21 (2013) 17547.
2. Sung, Y.: Optics Express 21 (2013) 23671.