- 2024
Kováč, P., Berek, D., Kováč, J., Búran, M., Hain, M., Melišek, T., and Hušek, I.: A Rutherford MgB2 cable with resistive NbTi barriers and a CuNi30 sheath, Supercond. Sci Technol. 37 (2024) 105013.
Kováč, P., Búran, M., and Kopera, L.: Essential properties of sub-cooled water ice and background field properties of MgB2 coil measured in it, Cryogenics 141 (2024) 103897.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Berek, D., and Kopera, L.: Effects of interface angle, added powder and applied deformation on the transport current and structure of scarf joints of single- and multi-core unreacted MgB2 wires, Supercond. Sci Technol. 37 (2024) 37 075016.
Melišek, T., Berek, D., Búran, M., Bennár, M., and Kováč, P.: Joining of single-core ex-situ MgB2/Fe wires by termination architecture, Cryogenics 140 (2024) 103857.
Kováč, P., Búran, M., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Berek, D., Mauceri, P., Spina, T., and Bruzek, Ch.-E.: Electrical and mechanical limits of ex situ MgB2 wires for cabling, Supercond. Sci Technol. 37 (2024) 065004.
Bruzek, C.E., Spina, T., Melaccio, U., Tropeano, M., Marian, A., Morandi, A., Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., Reiser, W., Holé, S., Lallouet, N., Iannaccone, T., Roudaut, J., and Magnusson, N.: MgB2-based MVDC superconducting power cable in liquid hydrogen for hybrid energy distribution, IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 34 (2024) 6200405.
- 2023
Kováč, P., Berek, D., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Hušek, I., Búran, M., Lee, D.G., and Choi, J.H.: Influence of filament number and size on the basic properties of in situ made MgB2 wires, Supercond. Sci Technol. 36 (2023) 045014.
Srivastava, N., Mehrotra, S., Sharma, D., Shalini, Búran, M., Hušek, I., Goswami, Kováč, P., and Santra, S.: Effect of wire diameter on structure and electrical properties of (Al + Al2O3)-sheathed MgB2 with Nb barrier, Ceram. Inter. 49 (2023) A34627-34637.
Búran, M., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., and Kováč, P.: E–I characteristics and critical currents of small Bi-2223/Ag coil thermally stabilized by solid and liquid nitrogen compared to water ice, Supercond. Sci Technol. 36 (2023) 105013.
Srivastava, N., Mehrotra, S., Búran, M., Hušek, I., Sharma, D., Kováč, P., and Santra, S.: Interfacial reactions and critical current density of Cu-sheathed Cu-doped MgB2 wire with Ti diffusion barrier, J. Alloys Comp. 966 (2023) 171657.
Kováč, J., Kováč, P., Rindfleisch, M., and Tomsic, M.: Magnetization AC losses of MgB2 wires with thin filaments and resistive sheath, Supercond. Sci Technol. 36 (2023) 095009.
Búran, M., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., and Hušek, I.: Thermal stability of 6-filament MgB2 wire with resistive CuNi sheath cooled by liquid He and water ice, Cryogenics 133 (2023) 103694.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., and Hain, M.: Superconducting joints between MgB2/Ni and MgB2/Nb composite wires, their transport currents and micro-structure, Ceramics Inter. 49 (2023) 11178-11183.
- 2022
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Berek, D., Hain, M., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Kováč, J., and Búran, M.: High-current-density Rutherford MgB2 cable sheathed by CuNi30 alloy, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 115003.
Búran, M., Kopera, L., and Kováč, P.: Transport measurement of MgB2 wire under the sub-cooled water ice compared to other cooling conditions, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 105004.
Kováč, P., Búran, M., and Kopera, L.: Behaviour of Al2O3-oxide insulated and non-insulated superconducting MgB2 coils cooled by water ice, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 095007.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Búran, M., Hušek, I., Rindfleisch, M., and Tomsic, M.: DC characterization of advanced fine-filamentary MgB2 superconducting wires, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 055004.
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., Búran, M., Hušek, I., Berek, D., and Kováč, J.: Water ice-cooled MgB2 coil made by wind and react process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 35 (2022) 055001.
- 2021
Kováč, P., Kováč, J., Perez, N., Scheiter, J., Búran, M., Kopera, L., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., and Berek, D.: Low‐purity Cu and Al sheathed multi‐core MgB2 wires made by IMD process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 34 (2021) 075010.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Hain, M., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., and Berek, D.: Longitudinal uniformity of MgB2 wires made by an internal magnesium diffusion process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 34 (2021) 095007.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Rosová, A., and Dobročka, E.: Effect of grain size selection in ex-situ made MgB2 wires, Physica C 583 (2021) 1353826.
Búran, M., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., and Melišek, T.: I-V characteristics of MgB2 conductors with different metallic sheaths, Cryogenics 120 (2021) 103370.
Kováč, J., Kapolka, M., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Pardo, E., Zhu, Y.C., Yao, C., and Ma, Y.: Magnetization AC losses of iron-based Ba-122 superconducting tapes, Cryogenics 116 (2021) 103281
- 2020
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Hain, M., Martínez, E., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Berek, D., and Hušek, I.: MgB2 cables made of thin wires manufactured by IMD process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 33 (2020) 085004.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pérez, N., Rosová, A., Berek, D., Gelušiaková, B., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., and Nielsch, K.: Structure and properties of barrier-free MgB2 composite wires made by internal magnesium diffusion process, J. Alloys Comp. 829 (2020) 154543.
- 2019
Kováč, P., Bonura, M., Santra, S., Kopera, L., Rosová, A., Senatore, C., and Hušek, I.: Thermal conductivities and thermal runaways of superconducting MgB2 wires stabilized by an Al+Al2O3 sheath, Supercond. Sci Technol. 32 (2019) 115007.
Santra, S., Grovenor, C.R.M., Speller, S.C., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., and Hušek, I.: Comparison of interfacial and critical current behaviour of Al+Al2O3 sheathed MgB2 wires with Ta and Tidiffusion barriers, J. Alloys Comp. 807 (2019) 151665.
Kopera, L., Kováč, P., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., and Berek, D.: Small diameter wind and react coil made of anodised Al-sheathed MgB2 wire, Supercond. Sci Technol. 32 (2019) 105003.
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Haessler, W., Wang, D., and Ma, Y.: Current densities and strain tolerances of filamentary MgB2 wires made by an internal Mg diffusion process, Supercond. Sci Technol. 32 (2019) 095006.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Kopera, L., Scheiter, J., and Haessler, W.: Strong no-barrier SS sheathed MgB2 composite wire, Physica C 560 (2019) 40-44.
- 2018
Kováč, J., Kulich, M., Kopera, L., and Kováč, P.: AC losses of Rutherford MgB2 cables made by powder-in-tube and internal magnesium diffusion processes, Supercond. Sci Technol. 31 (2018) 125014.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kulich, M., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Kopera, L., and Pachla, W.: Multi-core MgB2 wire with a Ti barrier and a reinforced Al+Al2O3 sheath, Supercond. Sci Technol. 31 (2018) 095006. (APVV 14-0522, VEGA 2/0129/16)
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kulich, M., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Kopera, L., Perez, N., Haessler, W., Balog, M., Krížik, P., and Berek, D.: Lightweight MgB2 wires with a high temperature aluminum sheath made of variable purity Al powder and Al2O3 content, Supercond. Sci Technol. 31 (2018) 085003. (APVV 14-0522, VEGA 2/0025/14)
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Kopera, L., Balog, M., and Krížik, P.: Ultra-lightweight superconducting wire based on Mg, B, Ti and Al, Sci Reports 8 (2018) 11229.
Balog, M., Rosová, A., Szundiová, B., Orovčík, Ľ., Krížik, P., Švec, P.Jr., Kulich, M., Kopera, L., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., and Ibrahim, A.M.H.: HITEMAL-an outer sheath material for MgB2 superconductor wires: The effect of annealing at 595–655 °C on the microstructure and properties, Mater. Design 157 (2018) 12–23.
Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Kováč, J., Hain, M., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., and Hušek, I.: Rutherford cable made of internal magnesium diffusion MgB2 wires sheathed with Al-Al2O3 particulate metal matrix composite, Supercond. Sci Technol. 31 (2018) 015015.
Cubero, A., Navarro, R., Kováč, P., Kopera, L., Rindfleisch, M., and Martínez, E.: Quench dynamics in MgB2 Rutherford cables, Supercond. Sci Technol. 31 (2018) 045009.
- 2017
Jirsa, M., Rameš, M., Ďuran, I., Melíšek, T., Kováč, P., and Viererbl, L.: Electromagnetic properties of REBaCuO superconducting tapes considered for magnets of fusion reactors, Fusion Engn. Design 124 (2017) 73-76.
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Rindfleisch, M., Yue, J., Hušek, I., : Critical currents of Rutheford MgB2 cables compacted by two-axial rolling. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 015002.
Laliena, C., Qureishy, T., Martinez, E., Navarro, R., Mikheenko, P., Johanson, T., Kováč, P., : Effect of ball milling on the local magnetic flux distribution and microstructure of in situ Fe/MgB2 conductores. J. Alloys Comp. 717 (2017) 164-170.
Brunner, B., Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Reissner, M., Dobročka, E., : Effect of Dy2O3 doping on phase formation and properties of MgB2 wires made by the modified internal magnesium diffusion process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 025004. (APVV 14-0522). (VEGA 2/0129/16).
Jirsa, M., Rameš, M., Duran, I., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., Viererbl, L., : Electric currents in REBaCuO supercoducting tapes,. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 045010. (EUROfusion).
Kováč, P., Kulich, M., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Hušek, I., : Filamentary MgB2 wires manufactured by different processes subjected to tensile loading and unloading. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 065006.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Rosová, A., Kováč, J., Kopera, Ľ., Balog, M., Krížik, P., Orovčík, Ľ., : Lightweight Al-stabilized MgB2 conductor made by the IMD process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 115001.
Haessler, W., Kováč, P., Scheiter, J., Rosová, A., Pachla, W., : MgB2 multicore wire prepared by IMD technology – investigation of the MgB2 layer formation during annealing. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 27 (2017) 6200504.
Brunner, B., Kováč, P., Rosová, A., Reissner, M., Dobročka, E., : Properties of MgB2 wires doped with BaZrO3 nanopowder made by a modified internal magnesium diffusion process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 115003.
Kováč, P., Balog, M., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Krížik, P., Rosová, A., Kováč, J., Kulich, M., Čaplovičová, M., :Properties of near- and sub-micrometre Al matrix composites strengthened with nano-scale in-situ Al2O3 aimed for low temperature applications. Cryogenics 87 (2017) 58–65.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Rosová, A., Kopera, Ľ., Szundiová, B., : Superconducting MgB2 wires with vanadium diffusion barrier. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 105008.
Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Brunner, B., Scheiter, J., Haessler, W., : The effect of boron powder on the microstructure of MgB2 filaments prepared by the modified internal magnesium diffusion technique,. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 055001.
- 2016
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Kopera, Ľ., : Bending strain tolerance of a MgB2 superconducting wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 29 (2016) 045002.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Rosová, A., Kopera, Ľ., : Effect of cold isostatic pressing on the transport current of filamentary of MgB2 wire made by the IMD process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2016) 075004.
Kováč, P., : Effect of mechanical load on Jc of MgB2 wires In: MgB2 superconducting wires. Ed. R. Flückiger. New Jersey: World Sci Publ. 2016. ISBN 978-981-4725-58-3. P. 439-454.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Kulich, M., : Fast creation of dense MgB2 phase in wires made by IMD process,. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2016) 10LT01.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Kopera, Ľ., : Filamentary MgB2 wires with low magnetization AC losses. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 26 (2016) 6200705.
Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Hain, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., : High density and connectivity of a MgB2 filament made using the internal magnesium diffusion technique. Supercond. Sci Technol. 29 (2016) 035004.
Brunner, B., Reissner, M., Kulich, M., Kováč, P., : Magnetic studies of MgB2 prepared by internal magnesium diffusion with various doping. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 26 (2016) 6201205.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Kopera, Ľ., : MgB2 wires with Ti and NbTi barrier made by IMD process. Cryogenics 79 (2016) 74-78.
- 2015
Kováč, J., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : AC losses of single-core MgB2 wires with different metallic sheaths. Physica C 519 (2015) 95-99. (APVV 0495-10). (VEGA 2-0121-12).
Brunner, B., Windbichler, A., Reissner, M., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Comparison of critical current density and pinning behaviour of mono-core MgB2 wires prepared by different method. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 28 (2015) 443-446.
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Hušek, I., Lin, H., Yao, C., Zhang, X., Ma, Y., :Electromechanical properties of iron and silver sheathed Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 28 (2015) 035007. (APVV 0495-10). (VEGA 2-0121-12).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Dobročka, E., : Interface MgB2 layers made by magnesium diffusion into boron. In: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Sci. 2015 – SURFINT-SREN IV. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. R. Brunner. Bratislava: CU 2015. ISBN: 978-80-223-3975-9. P. 84.
Brunner, B., Reissner, M., Kováč, P., Yao, C., Zhang, X., Ma, Y., : Magnetic investigation of silver sheathed Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductor. Phys. Procedia 75 (2015) 34-40.
Kováč, J., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Magnetization AC losses in MgB2 wires made by IMD process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 28 (2015) 015013.
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Brunner, B., Dobročka, E., : Microstructure of MgB2 superconducting wire prepared by internal magnesium diffusion and in-situ powder-in-tube processes – Secondary phase intergrain nanolayers as an oxygen content indicator. Physica C 516 (2015) 1-9.
Rosová, A., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Dobročka, E., Melišek, T., : Microstructure of MgB2 superconducting wire prepared by internal magnesium diffusion process. J. Alloys Comp. 619 (2015) 726-732.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Brunner, B., : Properties of MgB2 wires made by internal magnesium diffusion into different boron powders. Supercond. Sci Technol. 28 (2015) 095014.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Tropeano, M., Grasso, G., : Study of the potential of three different MgB2 tapes for application in cylindrical coils operating at 20K. Supercond. Sci Technol. 28 (2015) 055012.
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Sarmiento, G., Sanz Castillo, S., Brisigotti, S., Nardelli, D., Tropeano, M., :Tensile and bending strain tolerance of ex-situ MgB2/Ni/Cu superconductor tape. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 25 (2015) 6200607.
- 2014
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Pachla, W., Hain, M., : Advanced MgB2 wire made by internal magnesium diffusion process. J. Alloys Comp. 588 (2014) 366-369.
Brunner, B., Kováč, P., Reissner, M., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Pardo, E., : Critical current density and pinning behaviour of mono-core MgB2 wires prepared by internal magnesium diffusion and in-situ powder-in-tube method,. Physica C 505 (2014) 39-43. (VEGA 2-0121-12).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, J., : Critical currents, Ic-anisotropy and stress tolerance of MgB2 wires made by internal magnesium diffusion. Supercond. Sci Technol. 27 (2014) 065003.
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., : Electro-mechanical behaviour of in situ W added MgB2 wire. Cryogenics 60 (2014) 5-8.
Sanz, S., Arlaban, T., Manzanas, R., Tropeano, M., Funke, R., Kováč, P., Yang, Y., Neumann, H., Mondesert, B., : Superconducting light generator for large offshore wind turbines. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 507 (2014) 032040.
Hossain, M., Motaman, A., Barua, S., Patel, D., Mustapic, M., Kim, J., Maeda, M., Rindfleisch, M., Tomsic, M., Çiçek, O., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Kario, A., Ringsdorf, B., Runtsch, B., Jung, A., Dou, S., Goldacker, W.,Kováč, P., : The rolel of CHPD: superior critical current density and n-value obtained in binary in situ MgB2 cables. Supercond. Sci Technol. 27 (2014) 095016.
- 2013
Levin, G., Murphy, J., Haugan, T., Šouc, J., Kováč, J., Kováč, P., : AC losses of copper stabilized multifilament YBCO coated conductors. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 23 (2013) 6600604.
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Rindfleisch, M., Haessler, W., Hušek, I., : Behaviour of filamentary MgB2 wires subjected to tensile stress at 4.2 K. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2013) 105028.
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., : Composition changes in thin-filament MgB2/Ti/GlidCop® wires heat treated at variable periods,. J. Alloys Compounds 572 (2013) 25-30.
Kováč, J., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Gömöry, F., : Experimental study of magnetization AC loss in MgB2 wires and cables with non-magnetic sheath. Physica C 495 (2013) 182-186.
Safran, S., Šouc, J., Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., Gencer, A., : Experimentally determined magnetization ac losses of mono and multifilamentary MgB2 wires. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 26 (2013) 1557-1561.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Polák, M., : Filamentary MgB2 superconductors with titanium barriers. J. Supercond. Novel Magnet. 26 (2013) 2109-2114.
Reissner, M., Bulla, L., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., : Influence of filament diameter on superconducting properties of MgB2 multi-core wires. J. Korean Phys. Soc 62 (2013) 2139-2142.
Reissner, M., Sorta, S., Bulla, L., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., : Magnetic characterization of stainless steel reinforced multi-core MgB2 wires,. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 26 (2013) 1543-1546.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., : Properties of in situ made MgB2 in Nb or Ti sheath. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2013) 025007.
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Rutherford cable made of single-core MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2013) 125007.
- 2012
Reissner, M., Proschofsky-Spindler, D., Hušek, I., Kulich, M., Kováč, P., : Activation energy distribution of MgB2 wires. Phys. Procedia 36 (2012) 1582-1587.
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Calculated and measured normal state resistivity of 19-filament MgB2/Ti/Cu/stainless steel wire. Supercond. Sci Technol. 25 (2012) 025021.
Viljamaa, J., Kario, A., Dobročka, E., Reissner, M., Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Haessler, W., : Effect of heat treatment temperature on superconducting performance of B4C added MgB2/Nb conductors. Physica C 473 (2012) 34-40. (CENTE II).
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., : Electromechanical properties of filamentary MgB2 wires. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 22 (2012) 8400106.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Examination of an influence of winding geometry and operating temperature on basic parameters of superconducting coils made of MgB2 wire – theoretical analysis. Physica C 483 (2012) 101-108. (APVV 0495-10). (KCMTE).
Kováč, J., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., : Experimental study of the AC magnetization loss in MgB2 superconducting wires at different temperatures. Physica C 475 (2012) 1-4.
Kario, A., Haessler, W., Rodig, C., Schubert, M., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Nast, R., Goldacker, W., Holzapfel, B., : High energy milled ex situ MgB2 as precursor for superconducting tapes without critical current anisotropy. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 25 (2012) 2337-2341. (NESPA).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Improved current density of filamentary MgB2 wire by two-stage formation. Physica C 475 (2012) 43-45. (APVV 0495-10).
Kario, A., Grinenko, V., Kauffmann, A., Haessler, W., Rodig, C., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Holzapfel, B., :Isotropic behavior of critical current for MgB2ex situ tapes with 5 wt.% carbon addition. Physica C 483 (2012) 222-224. (NESPA).
Kováč, P., Kulich, M., Haessler, W., Herrmann, M., Melišek, T., Reissner, M., : Properties of MgB2 wires made of oxidized powders. Physica C 477 (2012) 20-23. (APVV 0495-10).
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, J., Hušek, I., : Selected properties of GlidCop® sheathed MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 25 (2012) 095008.
- 2011
Polák, M., Demenčík, E., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Mozola, P., Takács, S., : AC losses and transverse resistivity in filamentary MgB2 tape with Ti barriers. Physica C 471 (2011) 389-394.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Kulczyk, M., Melišek, T., Dvorák, T., : As-deformed filament’s density and transport currents of MgB2/Ti/Glidcop wire. J. Alloys Compounds 509 (2011) 8783-8787. (APVV 0495-10).
Viljamaa, J., Rostila, L., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Hinterberger, A., Reissner, M., : Comparison of different critical current density models for undoped monofilamentary Ti-sheathed MgB2 tapes. J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 24 (2011) 287-297.
Viljamaa, J., Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Reissner, M., : Comparison on effects of B4C, Al2O3, and SiC doping on performance of MgB2 conductors. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 21 (2011) 2659-2663.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., : Current densities of thin filament MgB2/Ti/GlidCop® wire. Supercond. Sci Technol. 24 (2011) 105006. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., : EDX and ion beam treatment studies of filamentary in situ MgB2 wires with Ti barrier. J. Alloys Compounds 509 (2011) 7961-7967. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., : Filamentary MgB2 wire twisted before and after heat treatment. Supercond. Sci Technol. 24 (2011) 115006.
Rostila, L., Demenčík, E., Šouc, J., Brisigotti, S., Kováč, P., Polák, M., Grasso, G., Lyly, M., Stenvall, A., Tumino, A., Kopera, Ľ., : Magnesium diboride wires with nonmagnetic matrices – AC loss measurements and numerical calculations. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 21 (2011) 3338-3341.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : On some consequences of an external magnetic field applied to HTS coils. Physica C 471 (2011) 1680-1688. (APVV 0495-10).
Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Weber, H., Haessler, W., : SiC doped MgB2 wires in a Ti sheath prepared by stage formation. Supercond. Sci Technol. 24 (2011) 065025.
Kováč, P., Martinez, E., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Hušek, I., : Stability of multi-core MgB2/Ti/Cu/SS wires. Cryogenics 51 (2011) 16-20.
>Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., : Thermally stabilized MgB2 composite wires with different barriers. Cryogenics 51 (2011) 550-554. (APVV 0495-10). (VEGA 2/0037/09).
- 2010
Haessler, W., Kováč, P., Eisterer, M., Abrahamsen, A., Herrmann, M., Rodig, C., Nenkov, K., Holzapfel, B., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Zimmermann, M., Bednarcik, J., Grivel, J., : Anisotropy of the critical current in MgB2 tapes made of high energy milled precursor powder. Supercond. Sci Technol. 23 (2010) 065011.
Stenvall, A., Mikkonen, R., Kováč, P., : Comparison of 1D, 2D and 3D quench onset simulations. Physica C 470 (2010) 2047-2050.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Reissner, M., : Cu stabilized MgB2 composite wire with an NbTi barrier Supercond. Sci Technol. 23 (2010) 025014. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Šmatko, V., Vávra, I., : Difúzia materiálu v supravodivých kábloch analyzovaná pomocou zariadenia Quanta 3D, Technika 8 (2010) 48-49.
Viljamaa, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Štrbik, V., Dobročka, E., : Effect of fabrication route on density and connectivity of MgB2 filaments J. Phys.: Conf. Series 234 (2010) 022041.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kulich, M., Hušeková, K., Melišek, T., Dobročka, E., : Effects influencing the grain connectivity in ex-situ MgB2 wires. Physica C 470 (2010) 340-344. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., : Fine-filamentary in situ MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 23 (2010) 105006. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Rostila, L., Grasso, G., Demenčík, E., Tumino, A., Brisigotti, S., Kováč, P., : Low field critical current density of titanium sheathed magnesium diboride wires, J. Phys.: Conf. Series 234 (2010) 022029.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., : Mechanical properties, interface reactions and transport current densities of multi-core MgB2/Ti/Cu/SS wire. Supercond. Sci Technol. 23 (2010) 075012. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
>Hušeková, K., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Kulich, M., Dobročka, E., Štrbik, V., : Properties of MgB2 superconductor chemically treated by accetic acid. Physica C 470 (2010) 331-335. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Reissner, M., : Stainless steel reinforced multi-core MgB2 wire subjected to variable deformations, heat treatments and mechanical stressing. Supercond. Sci Technol. 23 (2010) 065010. (VEGA 2/0037/09).
- 2009
Kováč, P., : Critical current anisotropy of MgB2 tapes J. Phys.: Conf. Series 153 (2009) 012019.
Eisterer, M., Haessler, W., Kováč, P., : Critical currents in weakly textured MgB2: Nonlinear transport in anisotropic heterogeneous media Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 174516.
Kováč, P., Reissner, M., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Mohammad, S., : Current densities of MgB2 wires by combined ex situ/in situ process. J. Applied Phys. 106 (2009) 013910.
Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Eisterer, M., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Weber, H., Haessler, W., : Effect of C and SiC additions into in situ or mechanically alloyed MgB2 deformed in Ti sheath. Physica C 469 (2009) 827-831.
Polichetti, M., Zola, D., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Pace, S., : Effects of impurities addition in MgB2/Nb tapes on flux jumps instability and critical current density J. Phys.: Conf. Series 150 (2009) 052212.
Reissner, M., Mohammad, S., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Investigation of magnetic relaxation in MgB2 wires J. Phys.: Conf. Series 150 (2009) 052219.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Hušek, I., Polák, M., Kulich, M., : Progress in electrical and mechanical properties of rectangular MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 22 (2009) 075026. (APVV 0398-07). (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Fedor, J., Cambel, V., Morawski, A., Kario, A., : Properties of hot pressed MgB2/Ti tapes. Physica C 469 (2009) 713-716. (APVV 0398-07). (VEGA 2/0037/09).
Stenvall, A., Mikkonen, R., Kováč, P., : Relation between transverse and longitudinal normal zone propagation velocities in impregnated MgB2 windings. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 19 (2009) 2403-2406.
Martinez, E., Angurel, L., Schlachter, S., Kováč, P., : Transport and magnetic critical currents of Cu-stabilized monofilamentary MgB2 conductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 22 (2009) 015014.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., : Transport current densities of MgB2 wires, cable and continually transposed conductor. Cryogenics 49 (2009) 366-370. (APVV 0398-07). (VEGA 2/0037/09).
- 2008
Holúbek, T., Kováč, P., Takács, S., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Current sharing and the stability of composite MgB2 superconductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 21 (2008) 065013. (APVV 0398-07).
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., : Electromechanical characterization of selected superconductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 21 (2008) art. no. 115001. (APVV 0398-07).
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., : Filament and interface structura of in-situ MgB2 wires. J. Phys. – Conf. Series 97 (2008) 012106.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : MgB2 cable made from two-axially rolled wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 21 (2008) 125003. (APVV 0398-07).
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Dobročka, E., Melišek, T., Haessler, W., Herrmann, M., : MgB2 tapes made of mechanically alloyed precursor powder in different metallic sheaths. Supercond. Sci Technol. 21 (2008) 015004.
Kováč, P., Pachla, W., Hušek, I., Kulczyk, M., Melišek, T., Holúbek, T., Diduszko, R., Reissner, M., :Multicore MgB2 wires made by hydrostatic extrusion. Physica C 468 (2008) 2356- 2360. (APVV 0398-07).
Holúbek, T., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Relation between current transfer length and stability of Fe/ MgB2 and Fe/Nb/MgB2 conductors. Acta Physica Polonica A 113 (2008) 367-370.
Kováč, P., Birajdar, B., Hušek, I., Holúbek, T., Eibl, O., : Stabilized in situ rectangular MgB2 wires: the effect of B purity and sheath materials. Supercond. Sci Technol. 21 (2008) 045011.
Kováč, P., : Supravodivé vláknité vodiče vytvárajúce silné magnetické polia. In: Rozprávanie o materiáloch. Bratislava: ÚMMS SAV, 2008. ISBN 978-80-970027-6-3. S. 107-116.
Zola, D., Polichetti, M., Adesso, M., Kováč, P., Martini, L., Pace, S., : Thermomagnetic instability and critical current density in MgB2 monofilamentary tapes. Physica C 468 (2008) 761-764.
- 2007
Holúbek, T., Dhalle, M., Kováč, P., : Current transfer in MgB2 wires with different sheath materials. Supercond. Sci Technol. 20 (2007) 123-128.
Stenvall, A., Korpela, A., Mikkonen, R., Kováč, P., : Discrepancies in modeling magnets utilizing MgB2 conductor with ferro- and non-magnetic matrix configurations. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 17 (2007) 2369-2372.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Kulczyk, M., : Properties of seven-filament in-situ MgB2/Fe composite deformed by hydrostatic extrusion, drawing and rolling. Supercond. Sci Technol. 20 (2007) 607-610.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Holúbek, T., : Properties of stabilized MgB2 composite wire with Ti barrier. Supercond. Sci Technol. 20 (2007) 771-776.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Skákalová, V., Meyer, J., Dobročka, E., Hirscher, M., Roth, S., : Transport current improvements of in-situ MgB2 tapes by the addition of carbon nanotubes, silicon carbide or graphite. Supercond. Sci Technol. 20 (2007) 105-111.
- 2006
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Aspect ratio and temperature effect on the Ic anisotropy in situ MgB2 tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 470-472.
Grivel, J., Eibl, O., Birajdar, B., Andersen, N., Abrahamsen, A., Pinholt, R., Grasso, G., Haessler, W., Herrmann, M., Perner, O., Rodig, C., Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Mikheenko, P., Abell, S., Homeyer, J., : Combined X-ray and electron microscopy study of MgB2 powders, wires and tapes. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 43 (2006) 107-110.
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., : Compact design of cryogen-free HTS magnet for laboratory use. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 16 (2006) 1415-1418.
Stenvall, A., Ahoranta, M., Korpela, A., Mikonen, R., Kováč, P., : Critical current of an MgB2 coil with a ferromagnetic matrix. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 32-38.
Kováč, P., : Ic anisotropy of flat composite superconductors. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 16 (2006) 1453-1456.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Haessler, W., Herrmann, M., : Improvement of current density by texture and Ic anisotropy in thin filament MgB2/Fe tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 998-1002.
Grivel, J., Pinholt, R., Andersen, N., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Homeyer, J., : In situ investigations of phase transformations in Fe-sheathed MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 96-101.
Grivel, J., Andersen, N., Pinholt, R., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Haessler, W., Herrmann, M., Perner, O., Rodig, C., Homeyer, J., : In-situ studies of Fe2B phase formation in MgB2 wires and tapes by means of high-energy x-ray diffraction. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 43 (2006) 123-126.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : MgB2 composite superconductors made by ex-situ and in-situ process. Advances in Sci and Technol. 47 (2006) 131-136.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Štrbik, V., : MgB2 composite wires with Fe, Nb and Ta sheaths. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 600-605.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Martinez, E., Dhalle, M., : Properties of doped ex and in situ MgB2 multi-filament superconductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 1076-1082.
Pachla, W., Morawski, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Mazur, A., Lada, T., Diduszko, R., Melišek, T., Štrbik, V., Kulczyk, M., : Properties of hydrostatically extruded in situ MgB2 wires doped with SiC. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 1-8.
Martinez, E., Lera, F., Martínez-López, M., Yang, Y., Schlachter, S., Lezza, P., Kováč, P., : Quench development and propagation in metal/MgB2 conductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 19 (2006) 143-150.
- 2005
Zola, D., Gömöry, F., Polichetti, M., Strýček, F., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Pace, S., : Analysis of coupling losses in multifilamentary untwisted BSCCO/Ag tapes through a.c. susceptibility measurements. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 15 (2005) 2903-2906.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Štrbik, V., : Basic properties of rectangular MgB2/FeNiCo and MgB2/Fe wires made in situ. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 856-860.
Kováč, P., Masti, M., Lehtonen, J., Kopera, Ľ., Kawano, K., Abell, S., Metz, B., Dhalle, M., : Comparison and analysis of Hall probe scanning, magneto-optical imaging and magnetic knife measurements of Bi-2223/Ag tape. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 805-812.
Bartolome, E., Granados, X., Cambel, V., Fedor, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Critical current density analysis of ex situ MgB2 wire by in-field and temperature Hall probe imaging. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 1135-1140.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Dhalle, M., den Ouden, A., Hušek, I., : Critical currents of MgB2 wires prepared in situ and ex situ subjected to axial stress. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 1374-1379.
Holúbek, T., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., : Current transfer length in MgB2/Fe mono-core wire and approximation of the interface layer resistivity. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 1218-1221.
Ahoranta, M., Bukva, P., Kováč, P., Mikkonen, R., Tarhasaari, T., : Estimation of the stress state of axially tensioned Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C 432 (2005) 239-249.
Haigh, S., Kováč, P., Prikhna, T., Savchuk, Y., Kilburn, M., Salter, C., Hutchinson, J., Grovenor, C., :Chemical interactions in Ti doped MgB2 superconducting bulk samples and wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 1190-1196.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., : Ic anisotropy of in situ made MgB2 tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) L45-L48.
Cambel, V., Fedor, J., Gregušová, D., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Large-scale high-resolution scanning Hall probe microscope used for MgB2 filament characterization. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 417-421.
Dhalle, M., van Weeren, H., Wessel, S., den Ouden, A., ten Kate, H., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Schlachter, S., Goldacker, W., : Scaling the reversible strain response of MgB2 conductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) S253-S260.
Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., Pitel, J., : The design and performance of a Bi-2223/Ag magnet cooled by a single-stage cryocooler. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 977-984.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Müller, M., Štrbik, V., Mazur, A., Presz, A., : The effect of hydrostatic extrusion on the Jc(B) characteristic of ex situ MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 552-556.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Dhalle, M., Müller, M., den Ouden, A., : The effect of shape and deformation in ex situ MgB2–W/Fe composite wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 18 (2005) 615-622.
Oemry, F., Diantoro, M., Sutjahja, I., Tjia, M., Kopera, Ľ., Bonfait, G., Kováč, P., : Variation of vortex structure characteristics of Bi-2223/Ag superconducting tapes with respect to applied magnetic field direction. Physica C 426-431 (2005) 396-401.
- 2004
Zola, D., Gömöry, F., Polichetti, M., Strýček, F., Seiler, E., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Pace, S., : A study of coupling loss on bi-columnar BSCCO/Ag tapes through ac susceptibility measurements. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 17 (2004) 501-511.
Ahoranta, M., Lehtonen, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Effect of bending and tension on the voltage–current relation of Bi-2223/Ag. Physica C 401 (2004) 241-245.
Pachla, W., Diduszko, R., Presz, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Effect of texture on Jc in Bi-2223 tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 1426-1429.
Ahoranta, M., Lehtonen, J., Kováč, P., : Feasibility of iron-sheathed MgB2 wires for magnet applications. Physica C 400 (2004) 89-96.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Grovenor, C., Haigh, S., Jones, H., : Improvement of the current carrying capability of ex situ MgB2 wires by normal particle additions. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 1225-1230.
Gömöry, F., Seiler, E., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Farinon, S., Fabbricatore, P., Perkins, G., Caplin, A., Pardo, E., Sanchez, A., Navau, C., : Influence of filament arrangement on current distribution and AC loss in Bi-2223/Ag tapes, IoP Conf. Ser. No. 181 (2004) 2029-2036.
Lehtonen, J., Korpela, A., Nah, W., Kang, J., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., : Influence of self-field on the critical current of Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C 403 (2004) 257-262.
Grovenor, C., Goodsir, L., Salter, C., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Interfacial reactions and oxygen distribution in MgB2 wires in Fe, stainless steel and Nb sheaths. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 479-484.
Lehtonen, J., Korpela, A., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Local extreme values in critical current of anisotropic Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C 403 (2004) 139-144.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Grovenor, C., Goodsir, L., : Microhardness as a tool for the filament density and metal sheath analysis in MgB2/Fe/(Cu) wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 971-976.
Korpela, A., Lehtonen, J., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Stability analysis for a Bi-2223/Ag magnet in external magnetic field IoP Conf. Ser. No. 181 (2004) 590-595.
Pachla, W., Presz, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Diduszko, R., : Structural characterization of multifilament heat treated ex situ MgB2 superconducting wires with Cu and Fe sheaths. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 1289-1294.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Jones, H., : Tensile stress applied to NbTi, Nb3Sn, Bi-2223 and MgB2 composite superconductors at room temperature. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 1411-1414.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : The effect of used deformation, metal sheath and heat treatment on the I–V curve of ex situ MgB2 composite. Physica C 401 (2004) 282-285.
Gömöry, F., Seiler, E., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Farinon, S., Fabbricatore, P., Perkins, G., Caplin, A., Pardo, E., Sanchez, A., Navau, C., : The influence of filament arrangement on current distribution and AC loss in Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) S150-S154.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Grivel, J., Pachla, W., Štrbik, V., Diduszko, R., Homeyer, J., Andersen, N., :The role of MgO content in ex situ MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) L41-L46.
Kováč, P., : Torsion tests of filamentary Nb/CuSn and BSCCO/Ag composite wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 17 (2004) 630-635.
- 2003
Kováč, P., Dhalle, M., Melišek, T., van Eck, H., Wessel, S., ten Haken, B., Hušek, I., : Dependence of the critical current in ex situ multi- and mono-filamentary MgB2/Fe wires on axial tension and compression. Supercond. Sci & Technol. 16 (2003) 600-607.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Diduszko, R., Mazur, A., Hušek, I., Morawski, A., Presz, A., : Effects of the high-pressure treatment of ex situ MgB2 superconductors. Supercond. Sci Technol. 16 (2003) 7-13.
Fabbricatore, P., Greco, M., Musenich, R., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Gömöry, F., : Influence of the sintering process on critical currents, irreversibility lines and pinning energies in multifilamentary MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 16 (2003) 364-370.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Ahoranta, M., Šouc, J., Lehtonen, J., Gömöry, F., : Magnetic interaction of an iron sheath with a superconductor. Supercond. Sci Technol. 16 (2003) 1195-1201.
Hense, K., Kirchmayr, H., Kováč, P., Lackner, R., Müller, M., Pachla, W., Pitel, J., Polák, M., Ušák, P., :Preparation and characterization of Bi-2223 tapes. Physica C 392-396 (2003) 1007-1010.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Grovenor, C., Salter, C., : Properties of as-deformed and post-annealed MgB2/Fe(Fe-alloy) composite wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 16 (2003) 292-296.
Kováč, P., Ahoranta, M., Melišek, T., Lehtonen, J., Hušek, I., : The effect of Fe-magnetization on Ic(B) and Ic(α) characteristics of iron-sheathed MgB2 composite wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 16 (2003) 793-798.
Kováč, P., Ahoranta, M., Lehtonen, J., Hušek, I., : The Ic(B) behavior of MgB2 composite with ferromagnetic sheath. Physica C 397 (2003) 14-18.
- 2002
Diantoro, M., Loeksmanto, W., Tjia, M., Gömöry, F., Šouc, J., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., : AC loss and critical current density in Bi-2223 tapes with oxide additives and reinforced Ag sheaths. Physica C 378-381 (2002) 1143-1147.
Pardo, E., Sanchez, A., Navau, C., Gömöry, F., Hušek, I., Strýček, F., Tebano, R., Kováč, P., : Critical current and ac susceptibility in superconducting tapes with elliptical cross-section. Physica C 372-376 (2002) 1788-1791.
Gömöry, F., Tebano, R., Sanchez, A., Pardo, E., Navau, C., Hušek, I., Strýček, F., Kováč, P., : Current profiles and ac losses of a superconducting strip with an elliptic cross-section in a perpendicular magnetic field. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 1311-1315.
Korpela, A., Kalliohaka, T., Lehtonen, J., Mikkonen, R., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Current-voltage characteristics of an HTS coil having a hot spot. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 12 (2002) 1438-1441.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., van Eck, H., Metz, B., ten Haken, B., : Electrical and mechanical properties of Bi-2223/Ag tapes made by TIRT technique. Physica C 372-376 (2002) 891-894.
Kováč, P., Hense, K., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Kirchmayr, H., : Ic anisotropy and Ic hysteresis in MgB2/Fe/Cu tape. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 1037-1039.
Gömöry, F., Šouc, J., Fabbricatore, P., Farinon, S., Strýček, F., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Magnetic hysteresis loss in Bi-2223/Ag tapes with different filament arrangement. Physica C 371 (2002) 229-236.
Pitel, J., Korpela, A., Lehtonen, J., Kováč, P., : Mathematical model of voltage–current characteristics of Bi(2223)/Ag magnets under an external magnetic field. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 1499-1506.
Jirsa, M., Yurchenko, V., Novák, V., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Peculiarities of induced inter-granular currents in Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C 372-376 (2002) 1855-1858.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Reactivity and oxygen diffusion property of resistive barriers for Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C 383 (2002) 55-58.
Korpela, A., Kalliohaka, T., Lehtonen, J., Mikkonen, R., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Relation between different critical current criteria and quench current in HTS magnets. Physica C 372-376 (2002) 1360-1363.
Pachla, W., Diduszko, R., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Presz, A., : Spatial structure and composition homogeneity in Bi-2223 TIRT tapes. Physica C 371 (2002) 291-300.
Pachla, W., Presz, A., Diduszko, R., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Structural inhomogeneity of superconducting ex situ MgB2/Cu wires made by the powder-in-tube technique. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 1281-1287.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Melišek, T., Diduszko, R., Fröhlich, K., Morawski, A., Presz, A., Machajdík, D., : Structure, grain connectivity and pinning of as-deformed commercial MgB2 powder in Cu and Fe/Cu sheaths. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 1127-1132.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Hense, K., Kirchmayr, H., : Theoretical analysis of HTS windings made of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes prepared by a tape-in-rectangular tube technique. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 12 (2002) 1475-1478.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Metz, B., van Eck, H., ten Haken, B., : Transport currents in Bi-2223/Ag tapes made using the tape-in-rectangular tube process, current distribution and Ic stress degradation. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 624-629.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Transport currents of two-axially rolled and post-annealed MgB2/Fe wires at 4.2 K. Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 1340-1344.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., van der Meer, O., Metz, B., ten Haken, B., Kvitkovič, J., Polák, M., :Transversal and longitudinal current distribution in Bi-2223/Ag tapes with high filament aspect ratio. Physica C 372-376 (2002) 916-918.
- 2001
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kawano, K., Abell, S., : BSCCO/Ag tapes made by a tape-in-rectangular tube process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 14 (2001) 139-144.
Kováč, P., Bukva, P., : Differences in applied axial strain and Ic degradation of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 14 (2001) L8-L11.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Diduszko, R., Presz, A., : Effect of starting precursor on Ic anisotropy in powder-in-tube (Bi, Pb)2223/Ag tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 14 (2001) 631-636.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Lehtonen, J., Paasi, J., : Energy and critical current considerations of Bi(2223)/Ag coils for micro-superconducting magnetic energy storage: influence of operating temperature and winding geometry within the same overall tape length. Supercond. Sci Technol. 14 (2001) 173-183.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Pachla, W., Diduszko, R., : Filament aspect ratio and transport currents of Bi(2223)/Ag at 77 K. Physica C 349 (2001) 179-188.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Diantoro, M., Bonfait, G., Maria, J., Fröhlich, K., Kopera, Ľ., Diduszko, R., Presz, A., : Material for resistive barriers in Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 14 (2001) 966-972.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Kasztler, A., Kirchmayr, H., : Optimization of winding geometry of Bi(2223)Ag coils with respect to external magnetic field. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 11 (2001) 2324-2327.
Gömöry, F., Frolek, L., Šouc, J., Laudis, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Partitioning of transport AC loss in a superconducting tape into magnetic and resistive components. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 11 (2001) 2967-2930.
Diantoro, M., Tjia, M., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Pinning mechanisms in Bi-2223 tapes with reinforced Ag sheath and oxide additives in the core. Physica C 357-360 (2001) 1182-1185.
Kováč, P., Huang, Y., Hušek, I., Spiller, D., Bukva, P., : The effect of intermediate deformation by eccentric rolling on the Jc(B) performance of multicore Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C 356 (2001) 53-61.
Skov-Hansen, P., Koblishka, M., Vase, P., Kováč, P., Marti, F., : The effect of intermediate pressure in the OPIT fabrication on the current paths and the current carrying capability of Bi-2223 tapes. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 11 (2001) 3740-3743.
- 2000
Lehtonen, J., Paasi, J., Korpela, A., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : AC losses in magnets wound of HTS tape conductors In: Advanced in Cryogenic Engn. Ed. U.B.Balachandran. Vol. 46, Part B – ICMC-99 Montreal. New York, Kluwer Acad. 2000, P. 839-846.
Gömöry, F., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., : AC susceptibility, critical densities and AC losses of Bi-2223/Ag tapes in perpendicular AC magnetic field. In: Studies in High-Temperature Phys. Vol. 32. Ed. A.Narlikar. New York: Nova Sci. Publ. 2000. P. 63.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., : Advanced rolling techniques for Bi(2223)/Ag wires and tapes IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 455-458.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Calculation of the critical currents of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes and coils with reduced anisotropy in Ic(B) characteristic — effect of different proportional representations of the filaments oriented parallel and perpendicularly to the tape surface. Physica C 330 (2000) 130-140.
Gömöry, F., Strýček, F., Seiler, E., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Takács, S., Fabbricatore, P., Farinon, S., Innocenti, S., : Critical current densities and magnetic losses in Bi-2223 tapes determined from experiments in perpendicular AC magnetic field IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 715-718.
Cesnak, L., Kováč, P., Gömöry, F., : Current and voltage distribution in composite superconductors with resistive barriers – asymmetric case. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 1461-1466.
Cesnak, L., Kováč, P., Gömöry, F., : Current and voltage distribution in composite superconductors with resistive barriers – symmetric case. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 1450-1460.
Pachla, W., Diduszko, R., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Distribution of inhomogeneities across the ceramic core in monocore (Bi,Pb)-2223/Ag tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 373-377.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Diduszko, R., : Effect of intermediate treatment on the structure of monocore Bi-2223/Ag tapes made by two-axial and eccentric rolling IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 579-583.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Gömöry, F., Oduleye, O., Pachla, W., Diduszko, R., McN Alford, N., : Electrical and mechanical properties of Bi-2223/Ag/barrier/Ag composite tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 378-384.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Estimation of the upper limit of the critical currents of Bi(2223)Ag tapes with various orientation of filaments IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 507-510.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., : Evaluation of core density during the two-axial rolling of BSCCO/Ag composite. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 385-390.
Gömöry, F., Šouc, J., Laudis, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Experimental study of the effect of filament orientation on transport and magnetic ac loss in Bi-2223/Ag multifilamentary tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 1580-1586.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kasztler, A., Kirchmayr, H., : Influence of the number of Bi(2223)Ag pancake coils forming a magnet system on its critical current and stored energy IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 1251-1254.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kasztler, A., Kirchmayr, H., : Influence of the winding geometry on the critical currents and magnetic fields of cylindrical coils made of Bi(2223)Ag anisotropic tapes. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 10 (2000) 478-481.
Skov-Hansen, P., Han, Z., Flükiger, R., Marti, F., Kováč, P., : Intermediate mechanical deformation processes in the OPIT fabrication of HTS Bi-2223 tapes IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 623-626.
Lehtonen, J., Paasi, J., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Magnetization losses in magnets wound from anisotropic HTS tape conductors. Physica C 336 (2000) 261-270.
Lehtonen, J., Mikkonen, R., Paasi, J., Kováč, P., : Numerical stability analysis for a solenoidal HTS coil IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 227-230.
Kováč, P., Cambel, V., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Pitel, J., Bukva, P., : Quality measurement of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes by Hall probe array IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 531-534.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Gömöry, F., Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Pachla, W., : Some aspects of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes with resistive barriers IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 527-530.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Diduszko, R., Presz, A., : The effect of sintering time on structure and phase composition in monocore (Bi, Pb)2223/Ag tapes. Supercond. Sci Technol. 13 (2000) 1338-1344.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kasztler, A., Pachla, W., Diduszko, R., Pitel, J., Kirchmayr, H., : Transport current and texture of Bi-2223 grains in multicore Ag sheathed tapes IoP Conf. Ser. No. 167 (2000) 535-538.
- 1999
Kováč, P., Richens, P., Bukva, P., Jones, H., Hušek, I., : Applied rolling and sensitivity of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes on Ic degradation by mechanical stress Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 168-171.
Lehtonen, J., Korpela, A., Paasi, J., Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Computational comparison of magnetization losses in HTS solenoids wound of tape conductors having different aspect ratios Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 450-455.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Bukva, P., Pitel, J., Kopera, Ľ., Pachla, W., Bucholtz, W., : Currents in series and parallel connections of small inner bore coils wound from Bi(2223)/Ag tapes and treated by the wind and react technique Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 507-513.
Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Equivalent scheme for the V-I characteristics of Bi-2223/Ag tapes at 77 K Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 491-498.
Kováč, P., Cambel, V., Bukva, P., : Measuring the homogeneity of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes by four probe method and Hall probe array Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 465-471.
Rábara, M., Sekimura, N., Kitaguchi, H., Kováč, P., Demachi, K., Miya, K., : Tensile properties and probability of filament fracture in Bi-2223 superconducting tapes Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 1129-1133.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Pachla, W., : Thermomechanical treatment, structure and transport currents in multicore Bi(2223)/Ag tapes Physica C 312 (1999) 179-190.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Upper limit of the critical currents and magnetic fields of cylindrical coils made of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes with reduced Ic-anisotropy Supercond. Sci Technol. 12 (1999) 62-68.
- 1998
Cesnak, L., Kováč, P., : Comparison of some electrical properties of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes at 4,2K and 77K. In: Cryogenics 98. Prague: 1998. P. 46.
Fabbricatore, P., Priano, C., Testa, M., Musenich, R., Kováč, P., Matrone, A., Pertillo, E., Ariante, M., : Field distribution effect on the performance of coil wound with Ag/Bi2223 tape Supercond. Sci Technol. 11 (1998) 304.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Influence of an axial current density stepping on the critical currents and magnetic field of cylindrical magnets wound with Bi(2223)/Ag anisotropic tapes Physica C 305 (1998) 26.
Prester, P., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Initial dissipation and a finite size effect in inhomogeneous superconductors: the case of BPSCCO/Ag tapes, Proc. SPIE 3481 (1998) 60-67.
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : New rolling technique for texturing of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes Supercond. Sci Technol. 11 (1998) 433.
Cesnak, L., Kováč, P., : Self-sheath magnetoresistence anisotropy in Bi(2223)/Ag tapes at 4.2K Supercond. Sci Technol. 11 (1998) 659.
- 1997
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., : Application oftwo-axial rolling for multicore Bi(2223)/Ag tapes Supercond. Sci Technol. 10 (1997) 982.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., : Ceramic core dencity and homogenity in BSCCO/Ag tapes IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 7 (1997) 2098.
Pachla, W., Odelius, H., Soderwall, U., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Marciniak, H., Wroblevski, M., : Comparative studies on Bi(2223) phase at the Ag interface and inside the ceramic core in Ag-sheathed composite tapes IoP Conf. Series No. 158 (1997) 1367.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Compensation of the radial magnetic field component of solenoids wound with the anisotropic Bi(2223)Ag tape Supercond. Sci Technol. 10 (1997) 847.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., Fröhlich, K., : Critical current to n-exponent relation in Bi(2223)/Ag tapes Supercond. Sci Technol. 10 (1997) 605.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Kirchmayr, H., Filkis, H., : Hysteresis phenomena in the I-V characteristics of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes IoP Conf. Series No. 158 (1997) 1445.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Influence of external magnetic fields on critical currents of solenoids wound with anisotropic HTS tapes – theoretical analysis Supercond. Sci Technol. 10 (1997) 7.
Pachla, W., Marciniak, H., Szulc, A., Wroblevski, M., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., : Investigation of texture formation and phase transition, CIP- and roll-sintered Ag-sheathed Bi(2223) tapes IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 7 (1997) 2090.
Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Magnetic field hysteresis of critical currents in Bi(2223)/Ag tapes and the way to overcome it Cryogenic 37 (1997) 823.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Pachla, W., : Optimalization of rolling process for multicore Bi(2223)/Ag tapes made by OPIT technique IoP Conf. Series No. 158 (1997) 1343.
Pitel, J., Kováč, P., : Possibilities to increase the critical current of solenoids made of anisotropic THC tapes IoP Conf. Series No. 158 (1997) 1655.
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., : Sample holder for measuring of Ic-anisotropy in high magnetic fields Supercond. Sci Technol. 10 (1997) 995.
Kováč, P., Eastell, C., Pachla, W., Hušek, I., Marciniak, H., Grovenor, C., Goringe, M., : Structure and the current transport mechanism in Bi(2223)/Ag tape Physica C 292 (1997) 322.
Kováč, P., Cambel, V., Gregušová, D., Eliáš, P., Hušek, I., Kúdela, R., Hasenöhrl, S., Ďurica, M., : Testing of homogenity of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes by Hall probe array IoP Conf. Series No. 158 (1997) 1311.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., : Transport Ic measurement technique with non-soldered contacts for Ag-sheated high Tc superconductors, Cryogenics 37 (1997) 177.
- 1996
Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., Hušek, I., Cesnak, L., : Bending of Bi(2223)/Ag tapes at 77K and 300K Supercond. Sci Technol. 9 (1996) 792.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kozlowski, R., Mazur, A., Marciniak, H., Wroblevski, M., : Effect of hydrostatic pressure on BSCCO compound for OPIT procedure Supercond. Sci Technol. 9 (1996) 957.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Marciniak, H., Melišek, T., : Improvement in core density of BSCCO/Ag tapes by cold isostatic pressing Physica C 261 (1996) 131.
Cesnak, L., Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., : Pinning potential its relativity and dependence on temperature and magnetic field studied on the basis of I-V charecteristics of multifilamentary Nb3Sn superconductors Supercond. Sci. Technol. 9 (1996) 184-191.
Cesnak, L., Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., Šouc, J., Fröhlich, K., : Scaling of voltage-current characteristics of superconductors with low and high critical temperatures. In.: Cryogenics ’96. Prague: 1996. P. 19-23.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Kopera, Ľ., : Study of BSCCO-core density in multicore Ag sheathed tapes by microhardnees profiles Supercond. Sci Technol. 9 (1996) 1066.
Gömöry, F., Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Pochaba, I., Hušek, I., : Texturing of pressed and sintered BiSrCaCuO studied by AC susceptibility Czechoslovak J. Physics 46 (1996) 1483.
Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Hušek, I., : Transport Ic measurements technique with not soldere contacts for Ag-sheathed high-Tc superconductors Cryogenics 36 (1996) 1053.
Cesnak, L., Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., Šouc, J., Fröhlich, K., Melišek, T., Hilscher, G., Puttner, M., Holubar, T., : Treating the I-V characteristics of low as well high Tc superconductors in context with the pinning potential Applied Supercond. 4 (1996) 277.
- 1995
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., : Ceramic core density and transport current density of Bi(2223)Ag superconductors IoP Conf. Ser. No. 148 (1995) 367.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Kopera, Ľ., Fikis, H., Hilscher, G., : Ic-anisotropy in flettened Nb3Sn superconductors and possible ways for overcoming it Cryogenics 35 (1995) 83.
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Pachla, W., : Microhardness profiles in BSCCO/Ag composites made by various technological steps Supercond. Sci Technol. 8 (1995) 617.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Marciniak, H., Gömöry, F., Hušek, I., Pochaba, I., : Structural and electrical properties of Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O obtained by hot pressing Physica C 248 (1995) 29.
Pachla, W., Kováč, P., Marciniak, H., Hušek, I., : Structural development in Bi(2223)Ag tapes made by press-sinter procedure IoP Conf. Ser. No. 148 (1995) 467.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Melišek, T., Kliment, V., : The effect of fabrication pressure on critical transport current density in press-sinter processing of Bi(2223)Ag tapes Supercond. Sci Technol. 8 (1995) 341-346.
- 1994
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Fikis, H., Hilscher, G., Kirchmayr, H., : Application problem flat multifilamentary Nb3Sn wires Applied Supercond. 2 (1994) 327.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Cesnak, L., : Critical current recovery in Ag-sheathed Bi(2223) tapes after bending and streightening Supercond. Sci Technol. 7 (1994) 583.
Marciniak, H., Pachla, W., Molinski, R., Kováč, P., Morawski, A., : Evoluation of the degree of texturing and relative plose content in hot-pressed Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ce-Cu-O superconductors Physica C 235-240 (1994) 941.
Pachla, W., Marciniak, H., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., : Hot pressing of Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting pellets Supercond. Sci Technol. 7 (1994) 820.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Fröhlich, K., Šouc, J., Machajdík, D., Tarenkov, V., Weiss, F., : Influence of heat treatment on the properties of Bi1.8Pb0.2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox ceramics and Ag-sheathed tapes Physica C 235-240 (1994) 3441.
Polák, M., Majoros, M., Kvitkovič, J., Kottman, P., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., : Magnetic field in the vicinity of BSCCO tapes carrying transport current Cryogenics 34 (1994) S805.
- 1993
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., : Anisotropic properties of rectengular shaped Nb3Sn superconductors made by bronze method. In: EUCAS 93. Ed. H.C.Freyhardt. Oberursel: DGM, 1993. P. 15.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., : Anisotropy and angular dependence of critical currents in rectangular Nb3Sn superconductors made by the bronze method Supercond. Sci Technol. 6 (1993) 447.
Gömöry, F., Fröhlich, K., Šouc, J., Kováč, P., Tarenkov, V., : Current-carrying capacity of different high Tc superconductors compared by jt=const lines. In: EUCAS 93. Ed. H.C.Freyhardt. Oberursel: DGM, 1993. P. 771.
Melišek, T., Kováč, P., : On the electrical transport properties of superconducting joints between multifilamentary Nb3Sn superconductors. In: EUCAS 93. Ed. H.C.Freyhardt. Oberursel: DGM, 1993. P. 19.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Fikis, H., Hilscher, G., : Time-variable resistive voltage in superconductors with imperfect Nb3Sn structure Cryogenics 33 (1993) 1174.
- 1992
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., : Anisotropy of critical currents in rectangular sheped superconductors in dependence on the orientation in the magnetic field. In: Cryogenics 92. Brno: ČS VTS 1992. P. 124.
Huťka, P., Kováč, P., Tarenkov, V., : Development of silver-sheathed bismuth superconducting tape. In: Cryogenics 92. Brno: ČS VTS 1992. P. 156.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., Melišek, T., Hilscher, G., Kirchmayr, H., Fikis, H., : Influence of heat treatment on the properties of prereacted multifilamentary Nb3Sn superconductors. In: Cryogenics 92. Brno: ČS VTS 1992. P. 121.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., : Monolithic multifilamentary Nb3Sn conductor for tested in small coils wound after heat treatment Cryogenics 32 (1992) 675.
- 1991
Kováč, P., Gömöry, F., Cesnak, L., : Influence of conductor temperature on the real voltage-current characteristics of composite superconductors Supercond. Sci Technol. 4 (1991) 172.
Huťka, P., Kováč, P., : Multifilamentary conductors for AC use prepared in the IEE SAS. In: Inter. Symp. AC Superconductors. Ed. I.Hlásnik. Bratislava: IEE SAS 1991. P. 78.
Kováč, P., : Primary Nb3Sn phase in filamentary CuSn-Nb wires. In: 2nd Czechoslov.-Italian Symp. Supercond. Bratislava: IEE SAS 1991. P. 129.
- 1990
Hlásnik, I., Kokavec, J., Cesnak, L., Kováč, P., Butvin, P., Duhaj, P., : AC losses and deficiency of a superconducting transformer with metallic glas core a hellium temperature. In: Kryogenika 90. Košice: DT ČSVTS 1990. S. 100.
Kováč, P., Cesnak, L., : Monolithic multifilamentary Nb3Sn wire and test coils wound after heat treatment. In: Kryogenika 90. Košice: DT ČSVTS 1990. S. 117.
Kováč, P., : Technology of flexibile MF Nb3Sn superconductor for laboratory scale magnets. In: Kryogenika 90. Košice: DT ČSVTS 1990. S. 115.
- 1989
Kováč, P., Fröhlich, K., : Porovnanie možnosti použitia Nb3Sn a Nb3Ge v silných magnetických poliach, Elektrotechn. časopis 40 (1989) 255.
- 1988
Kováč, P., Šetina, P., : Perspektívy plochých NbTi supravodičov pre vinutie gyrotrónového magnetu s B7T. In: Elektrotechnika ’88. Bratislava: EF SVŠT 1988. S. 99.
Kováč, P., : Použitie MV Nb3Sn supravodiča po difúznej reakcii. In: Kryogenika. Bratislava: ElÚ SAV 1988. S. 97.
Kováč, P., Huťka, P., Hušek, I., : Vplyv prítomnosti Zr a Nb v jadre Nb3Sn supravodiča, Elektrotechn. časopis 39 (1988) 281.
- 1987
Huťka, P., Kováč, P., Michajlov, B., Kadyrbau, A., : Príspevok k štúdiu štruktúry supravodivej fázy Nb3Sn s prímesou Zr v mnohovláknitých supravodičoch, Elektrotechn. časopis 38 (1987) 979.
- 1986
Kováč, P., Huťka, P., Blanárik, M., : Lanový Nb3Sn supravodič, Elektrotechn. časopis 37 (1986) 832.
Kováč, P., : Prúdové hustoty MF Nb3Sn supravodičov z hľadiska ich použitia vo vinutí laboratórnych magnetov s B 10T. In: Kryogenika 86. Bratislava: EÚ SAV 1986. S. 145.
>Cesnak, L., Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., : Skúšobné supravodivé magnety z mnohovláknitých Nb3Sn vodičov. In: Kryogenika ’86. Praha: DT ČSVTS 1986. S. 128.
Gömöry, F., Kováč, P., Takács, S., Cesnak, L., : Svojstva tonkich slojev v slabootžigannych mnogožilnych Nb3Sn provodoch. In: Trudy 24-vsesojuz. soveščenija po fizike nizkich temperatur 24. Tbilisi: INT Gruz. AN 1986. S. 90.
Huťka, P., Kováč, P., Šetina, P., Chlebáková, K., Kopera, Ľ., Jergel, M., : Výskum stabilizovaných Nb3Sn mnohožilových supravodičov na EÚ CEFV SAV, Transformátory 64 (1986) 8.
- 1985
Kopera, Ľ., Kováč, P., Jergel, M., Huťka, P., : Multifilamentary Nb3Sn superconductor with graphite diffusion barrier. In: Conf. Magnet Technol. Zürich: 1985. P. 497.
Kružliak, J., Kováč, P., : Vláknový Nb3Sn supravodič vyrobený kontinuálnym obaľovaním Nb jadra do CuSn matrice, Elektrotechn. časopis 36 (1985) 576.
Huťka, P., Kováč, P., Šetina, P., Chlebáková, K., Kopera, Ľ., Jergel, M., : Vývoj stabilizovaných Nb3Sn supravodičov na ElÚ SAV, Elektrotechn. časopis 36 (1985) 870.
- 1984
Sitek, J., Hucl, M., Kružliak, J., Beňačka, Š., Huťka, P., Kováč, P., : The influence of thermal regime of multifilamentary wires preparation to the creation of the Nb3Sn phase J. Mater. Sci Lett. 3 (1984) 489.
Kováč, P., Kružliak, J., Šetina, P., Huťka, P., Chlebáková, K., : Základné vlastnosti mnohovláknitých Nb3Sn supravodičov. In: Kryogenika 84. Bratislava: EÚ CEFV SAV 1984. S. 144.
- 1982
Kružliak, J., Huťka, P., Kováč, P., Šetina, P., : Some physical properties of multifilamentary Nb3Sn superconductors prepared by bronze technology Acta Phys. Hungarica 53 (1982) 425.
- 1981
Kružliak, J., Flis, V., Huťka, P., Kováč, P., : K problému výskumu hrúbky Nb3Sn vrstvičiek v mnohovláknitých supravodičoch, Metallofyzika 3 (1981) 122.
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