- 2024
Xiao, X., Mao, Y., Meng, B., Ma, G., Hušeková, K., Egyenes, F., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Eliáš, P., Ťapajna, M., Gucmann, F., and Yuan, C.: Phase-dependent phonon heat transport in nanoscale gallium oxide thin films, Small 20 (2024) 2309961.
- 2023
Hrubišák, F., Hušeková, K., Zheng, X., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Ťapajna, M., Mičušík, M., Nádaždy, P., Egyenes, F., Keshtkar, J., Kováčová, E., Pomeroy, J.W., Kuball, M., and Gucmann, F.: Heteroepitaxial growth of Ga2O3 on 4H-SiC by liquid-injection MOCVD for improved thermal management of Ga2O3 power devices, J. Vacuum Sci Technol. A 41 (2023) 042708.
Kuzmík, J., Pohorelec, O., Hasenöhrl, S., Blaho, M., Stoklas, R., Dobročka, E., Rosová, A., Kučera, M., Gucmann, F., Gregušová, D., Precner, M., and Vincze, A.: Mg doping of N-polar, in-rich InAlN, Materials, 16 (2023) 2250.
Dobročka, E., Gucmann, F., Hušeková, K., Nádaždy, P., Hrubišák, F., Egyenes, F., Rosová, A., Mikolášek, M., and Ťapajna, M.: Structure and thermal stability of ε/κ-Ga2O3 films deposited by liquid-injection MOCVD, Materials 16 (2023) 20.
Gucmann, F., Nádaždy, P., Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Priesol, J., Egyenes, F., Šatka, A., Rosová, A., and Ťapajna, M.: Thermal stability of rhombohedral α- and monoclinic β-Ga2O3 grown on sapphire by liquid-injection MOCVD, Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 156 (2023) 107289.
Egyenes, F., Gucmann, F., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., Hrubišák, F., Keshtkar, J., and Ťapajna, M.: Conductance anisotropy of MOCVD-grown α-Ga2O3 films caused by (010) β-Ga2O3 filament-shaped inclusions, J. Phys. D: Appl Phys. 56 (2023) 045102.
Hasenöhrl, S., Blaho, M., Dobročka, E., Gucmann, F., Kučera, M., Nádaždy, P., Stoklas, R., Rosová, A., and Kuzmík, J.: Growth of N-polar In-rich InAlN by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on on- and off-axis sapphire, Mater. Sci Semicond. Process. 156 (2023) 107290.
Yuan, C., Mao, Y., Meng, B., Xiao, X., Hrubišák, F., Egyenes, F., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., Rosová, A., Eliáš, P., Keshtkar, J., Ťapajna, M., and Gucmann, F.: Thermal properties of Ga2O3 films and interfaces grown by MOCVD. In Proc. 11th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Eds. D. Jandura et al. Žilina: EDIS 2023. ISBN 978-80-554-1977-0. P. 36-39.
Hrubišák, F., Hušeková, K., Zheng, X., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Ťapajna, M., Mičušík, M., Nádaždy, P., Egyenes, F., Keshtar, J., Kováčová, E., Pomeroy, J.W., Kuball, M., and Gucmann, F.: Material properties of MOCVD-grown β- and κ-Ga2O3 thin films on 4H-SiC substrates. In Proc. 11th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Eds. D. Jandura et al. Žilina: EDIS 2023. ISBN 978-80-554-1977-0. P. 87-90.
Ťapajna, M., Egyenes, F., Hrubišák, F., Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Nádaždy, P., Rosová, A., Chouhan, H., Keshtkar, J., and Gucmann., F.: Liquid-injection MOCVD-grown Ga2O3 on sapphire and 4H-SiC substrates: Material, transport, and MOSFET properties. In: IMFEDK 2023: Inter. Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai. – IEEE, 2023, p. IN10. ISBN 979-8-3503-9378-1.
- 2022
Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Eliáš, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Kučera, M., Gucmann, F., and Kuzmík, J.: In(Ga)N 3D growth on GaN-buffered on-axis and off-axis (0001) sapphire substrates by MOCVD, Nanomater. 12 (2022) 3496.
Hrubišák, F., Hušeková, K., Egyenes, F., Rosová, A., Kubranská, A., Dobročka, E., Nádaždy, P., Keshtar, J., Gucmann, F., and Ťapajna, M.: Structural and electrical properties of Ga2O3 transistors grown on 4H-SiC substrates. In: ASDAM 2022. Eds. J. Marek et al. IEEE 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-6977-7. P. 115-118.
Chromik, Š., Španková, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Gregor, M., Vojteková, T., Cordier, Y., Pécz, B., and Giannazzo, F.: Structural properties of MoS2 and WS2 two-dimensional systems prepared by PLD method on some specific substrates. In: Proc. 12th Inter. Conf. Solid State Surfaces Interfaces Conf. – SSSI 2022. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. B. Brunner. Bratislava: Comenius Univ. 2022, p. 20-21. ISBN 978-80-223-5494-3.
- 2021
Rosová, A., Maťko, I., and Dobročka, E.: BaZrO3 dopant interactions during MgB2 wire formation by modifed internal magnesium difusion process, Applied Phys. A 127 (2021) 152.
Mošková, A., Moško, M., Precner, M., Mikolášek, M., Rosová, A., Mičušík, M., Štrbík, V., Šoltýs, J., Gucmann, F., Dobročka, E., and Fröhlich, K.: Doping efficiency and electron transport in Al-doped ZnO films grown by atomic layer deposition, J. Applied Phys. 130 (2021) 035106.
Gucmann, F., Kučera, M., Hasenőhrl, S., Eliáš, P., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Stoklas, R., and Kuzmík, J.: InN crystal habit, structural, electrical, and optical properties affected by sapphire substrate nitridation in N-polar InN/InAlN heterostructures, Semicond. Sci Technol. 36 (2021) 075025.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Rosová, A., and Dobročka, E.: Effect of grain size selection in ex-situ made MgB2 wires, Physica C 583 (2021) 1353826.
Bareli, G., Chromik, Š., Camerlingo, C., Talacko, M., Rosová, A., Španková, M., Štrbik, V., Sojková, M., and Jung, G.: Substrate influence on low energy electron beam processing of YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films, Applied Surface Sci 535 (2021) 147624.
- 2020
Hasenöhrl, S., Dobročka, E., Stoklas, R., Gucmann, F., Rosová, A., and Kuzmík, J.: Growth and Properties of N-polar InN/InAlN Heterostructures, Phys. Stat. sol (a) 217 (2020) 2000197.
Alpern, H., Periyasamy, M., Tannous, J., Jung, G., Zaytseva, I., Rosová, A., Chromik, Š., Štrbík, V., Talacko, M., Yochelis, S., Yacoby, Y., Millo, O., and Paltiel, Y.: Increasing the transition temperature of high-TC superconductor thin films by organic linking of gold nanoparticles, J. Supercond. Novel Magnet. 33 (2020) 1941–1948.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pérez, N., Rosová, A., Berek, D., Gelušiaková, B., Kopera, L., Melišek, T., and Nielsch, K.: Structure and properties of barrier-free MgB2 composite wires made by internal magnesium diffusion process, J. Alloys Comp. 829 (2020) 154543.
Chauhan, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Vančo, Ľ., Šiffalovič, P., Dobročka, E., Machajdík, D., Rosová, A., Gucmann, F., Kováč, J.jr., Maťko, I., Kuball, M., and Kuzmík, J.: A systematic study of MOCVD reactor conditions and Ga memory effect on properties of thick InAl(Ga)N layers: A complete depth-resolved investigation, CrystEngComm 22 (2020) 130-141.
Kučera, M., Hasenőhrl, S., Dobročka, E., Rosová, A., Eliáš, P., Gucmann, F., and Kuzmík, J.: Morphology, crystalline quality, and optical properties of MOCVDgrown InN/InAlN heterostructures. In: ASDAM 2020. Eds. T. Izsák et al. IEEE 2020. ISBN 978-1-7281-9776-0. P. 131-134.
- 2019
Kováč, P., Bonura, M., Santra, S., Kopera, L., Rosová, A., Senatore, C., and Hušek, I.: Thermal conductivities and thermal runaways of superconducting MgB2 wires stabilized by an Al+Al2O3 sheath, Supercond. Sci Technol. 32 (2019) 115007.
Sojková, M., Végso, K., Mrkývkova, N., Hagara, J., Hutár, P., Rosová, A., Čaplovičová, M., Ludacka, U., Skákalová, V., Majková, E., Šiffalovič, P., and Hulman, M.: Tuning the orientation of few-layer MoS2 films using one-zone sulfurization, RSC Adv. 9 (2019) 29645-29651.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Kováč, J., Kopera, L., Scheiter, J., and Haessler, W.: Strong no-barrier SS sheathed MgB2 composite wire, Physica C 560 (2019) 40-44.
- 2018
Balog, M., Rosová, A., Szundiová, B., Orovčík, Ľ., Krížik, P., Švec, P.Jr., Kulich, M., Kopera, L., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., and Ibrahim, A.M.H.: HITEMAL-an outer sheath material for MgB2 superconductor wires: The effect of annealing at 595–655 °C on the microstructure and properties, Mater. Design 157 (2018) 12–23.
Rosová, A., Hušek, I., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Kováč, P., Dobročka, E., Kopera, L., Scheiter, J., and Haessler, W.: Microstructure of undoped and C-doped MgB2 wires prepared by an internal magnesium diffusion technique using different B powders, J. Alloys Comp. 764 (2018) 437e445.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Kováč, J., Melišek, T., Kopera, L., Balog, M., and Krížik, P.: Ultra-lightweight superconducting wire based on Mg, B, Ti and Al, Sci Reports 8 (2018) 11229.
- 2017
Brunner, B., Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Reissner, M., Dobročka, E., : Effect of Dy2O3 doping on phase formation and properties of MgB2 wires made by the modified internal magnesium diffusion process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 025004.
Chromik, Š., Sojková, M., Vretenár, V., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Hulman, M., : Influence of GaN/AlGaN/GaN (0001) and Si (100) substrates on structural properties of extremely thin MoS2 films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Sci 395 (2017) 232-236.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Rosová, A., Kováč, J., Kopera, Ľ., Balog, M., Krížik, P., Orovčík, Ľ., : Lightweight Al-stabilized MgB2 conductor made by the IMD process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 115001.
Haessler, W., Kováč, P., Scheiter, J., Rosová, A., Pachla, W., : MgB2 multicore wire prepared by IMD technology – investigation of the MgB2 layer formation during annealing. IEEE Trans. Applied Supercond. 27 (2017) 6200504.
Sojková, M., Chromik, Š., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Hutár, P., Machajdík, D., Kobzev, A., Hulman, M., : MoS2 thin films prepared by sulfurization Proc. SPIE 10354 (2017) 103541K-1.
Gucmann, F., Kúdela, R., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Micusik, M., Gregušová, D., : Optimization of UV-assisted wet oxidation of GaAs,. J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 35 (2017) 01A116.
Brunner, B., Kováč, P., Rosová, A., Reissner, M., Dobročka, E., : Properties of MgB2 wires doped with BaZrO3 nanopowder made by a modified internal magnesium diffusion process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 115003.
Kováč, P., Balog, M., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Krížik, P., Rosová, A., Kováč, J., Kulich, M., Čaplovičová, M., :Properties of near- and sub-micrometre Al matrix composites strengthened with nano-scale in-situ Al2O3 aimed for low temperature applications. Cryogenics 87 (2017) 58–65.
Chauhan, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Hulman, M., Kováč, J., Rosová, A., Šiffalovič, P., Kuzmík, J., : Study of surface morphology and optical properties of InAlN epilayers grown on c-sapphire at different temperatures by MOCVD In: Proc. ADEPT. 5st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. I. Lettrichová et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2017. ISBN 978-80-554-1342-6. P. 125-128..
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Rosová, A., Kopera, Ľ., Szundiová, B., : Superconducting MgB2 wires with vanadium diffusion barrier. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 105008.
strong>Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Kováč, P., Brunner, B., Scheiter, J., Haessler, W., : The effect of boron powder on the microstructure of MgB2 filaments prepared by the modified internal magnesium diffusion technique,. Supercond. Sci Technol. 30 (2017) 055001.
- 2016
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Pachla, W., Melišek, T., Kulich, M., Rosová, A., Kopera, Ľ., : Effect of cold isostatic pressing on the transport current of filamentary of MgB2 wire made by the IMD process. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2016) 075004.
ulich, M., Kováč, P., Hain, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., : High density and connectivity of a MgB2 filament made using the internal magnesium diffusion technique. Supercond. Sci Technol. 29 (2016) 035004.
- 2015
Gucmann, F., Kúdela, R., Dobročka, E., Mičušík, M., Rosová, A., Novák, J., Gregušová, D., : III-As heterostructure field-effect transistors with recessed ex-situ gate oxide In: 18. Škola vákuovej techniky: Nanosvet s vákuom. Bratislava: SVS, 2015. ISBN 978-80-971179-6-2. S. 27-30.
Brndiarová, J., Fröhlich, K., Hulman, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Kahro, T., Aarik, J., : Integration of atomic layer deposited Al2O3 dielectrics with graphene In: Proc. 21th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2015). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2015. ISBN 978-80-227-4373-0. P. 169-174.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Dobročka, E., : Interface MgB2 layers made by magnesium diffusion into boron. In: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Sci. 2015 – SURFINT-SREN IV. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. R. Brunner. Bratislava: CU 2015. ISBN: 978-80-223-3975-9. P. 84.
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Brunner, B., Dobročka, E., : Microstructure of MgB2 superconducting wire prepared by internal magnesium diffusion and in-situ powder-in-tube processes – Secondary phase intergrain nanolayers as an oxygen content indicator. Physica C 516 (2015) 1-9.
Rosová, A., Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Dobročka, E., Melišek, T., : Microstructure of MgB2 superconducting wire prepared by internal magnesium diffusion process. J. Alloys Comp. 619 (2015) 726-732.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Kulich, M., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Brunner, B., : Properties of MgB2 wires made by internal magnesium diffusion into different boron powders. Supercond. Sci Technol. 28 (2015) 095014.
Čičo, K., Jančovič, P., Dérer, J., Šmatko, V., Rosová, A., Blaho, M., Hudec, B., Gregušová, D., Fröhlich, K., :Resistive switching in nonplanar HfO2-based structures with variable series resistance. J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 33 (2015) 01A108.
Španková, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Chromik, Š., Vávra, I., Štrbik, V., Machajdík, D., Kobzev, A., Sojková, M., : Structural properties of epitaxial La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films with increased temperature of metal-insulator transition grown on MgO substrates. Thin Solid Films 583 (2015) 19-24.
- 2014
Hušek, I., Kováč, P., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Pachla, W., Hain, M., : Advanced MgB2 wire made by internal magnesium diffusion process. J. Alloys Comp. 588 (2014) 366-369.
Eliáš, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Laurenčíková, A., Rosová, A., Novák, J., : Annealing of gold nanoparticles on GaP(111)B: initial stage of GaP nanowire growth. Phys. Status Solidi RRL 8 (2014) 321-324.
Chromik, Š., Štrbik, V., Dobročka, E., Roch, T., Rosová, A., Španková, M., Lalinský, T., Vanko, G., Lobotka, P., Ralbovský, M., Choleva, P., : LSMO thin films with high metal-insulator transition temperature on buffered SOI substrates for uncooled microbolometers. Applied Surface Sci 312 (2014) 30-33.
Murakami, K., Rommel, M., Hudec, B., Rosová, A., Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Rammula, R., Kasikov, A., Han, J., Lee, W., Song, S., Paskaleva, A., Bauer, A., Frey, L., Fröhlich, K., Aarik, J., Hwang, C., : Nanoscale characterization of TiO2 films grown by atomic layer deposition on RuO2 electrodes. ACS Applied Mater. Interfaces 6 (2014) 2486-2492.
Hudec, B., Paskaleva, A., Jančovič, P., Dérer, J., Fedor, J., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Fröhlich, K., :Resistiveswitching in TiO2-based metal-insulator-metal structures with Al2O3 barrier layer at the metal/dielectric interface. Thin Solid Films 563 (2014) 10-14.
- 2013
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., : Composition changes in thin-filament MgB2/Ti/GlidCop® wires heat treated at variable periods,. J. Alloys Compounds 572 (2013) 25-30.
Hudec, B., Hušeková, K., Rosová, A., Šoltýs, J., Rammula, R., Kasikov, A., Uustare, T., Mičušík, M., Omastová, M., Aarik, J., Fröhlich, K., : Impact of plasma treatment on electrical properties of TiO2/RuO2 based DRAM capacitor. J. Phys. D 46 (2013) 385304.
>Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., Melišek, T., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., : Properties of in situ made MgB2 in Nb or Ti sheath. Supercond. Sci Technol. 26 (2013) 025007.
- 2012
Fröhlich, K., Hudec, B., Ťapajna, M., Hušeková, K., Rosová, A., Eliáš, P., Aarik, J., Rammula, R., Kasikov, A., Arroval, T., Aarik, L., Murakami, K., Rommel, M., Bauer, A., : TiO2-based metal-insulator-metal structures for future DRAM storage capacitors ECS Transactions 50 (2012) 79-87.
- 2011
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Kopera, Ľ., : EDX and ion beam treatment studies of filamentary in situ MgB2 wires with Ti barrier. J. Alloys Compounds 509 (2011) 7961-7967.
Hudec, B., Hušeková, K., Tarre, A., Han, J., Han, S., Rosová, A., Lee, W., Kasikov, A., Song, S., Aarik, J., Hwang, C., Fröhlich, K., : Electrical properties of TiO2-based MIM capacitors deposited by TiCl4 and TTIP based atomic layer deposition processes. Microelectr. Engn. 88 (2011) 1514-1516.
- 2010
Rosová, A., Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., Šmatko, V., Vávra, I., : Difúzia materiálu v supravodivých kábloch analyzovaná pomocou zariadenia Quanta 3D, Technika 8 (2010) 48-49.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Melišek, T., Kopera, Ľ., : Fine-filamentary in situ MgB2 wires. Supercond. Sci Technol. 23 (2010) 105006.
Hušeková, K., Dobročka, E., Rosová, A., Šoltýs, J., Šatka, A., Fillot, F., Fröhlich, K., : Growth of RuO2 thin films by liquid injection atomic layer deposition. Thin Solid Films 518 (2010) 4701-4704.
- 2009
Fröhlich, K., Aarik, J., Ťapajna, M., Rosová, A., Aidla, A., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., : Epitaxial growth of high-κ TiO2 rutile films on RuO2 electrodes. J. Vacuum Sci Technol. B 27 (2009) 266-270.
- 2008
Fröhlich, K., Ťapajna, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., Aarik, J., Aidla, A., : Growth of high-dielectric-constant TiO2 films in capacitors with RuO2 electrodes. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 11 (2008) G19-G21.
Ťapajna, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Štrbik, V., Gaži, Š., Fröhlich, K., Benko, P., Harmatha, L., Manke, C., Baumann, P., : Work function thermal stability of RuO2-rich Ru–Si–O p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor gate electrodes. J. Applied Phys. 103 (2008) 073702.
- 2007
Ťapajna, M., Rosová, A., Hušeková, K., Roozeboom, F., Dobročka, E., Fröhlich, K., : Evidence of hafnia oxygen vacancy defects in MOCVD grown HfxSi1-xOy ultrathin gate dielectrics gated with Ru electrode. Microelectr. Engn. 84 (2007) 2366-2369.
- 2006
Fröhlich, K., Lupták, R., Dobročka, E., Hušeková, K., Čičo, K., Rosová, A., Lukosius, M., Abrutis, A., Písečný, P., Espinos, J., : Characterization of rare earth oxides based MOSFET gate stacks prepared by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. Materials Sci Semicond Process. 9 (2006) 1065-1072.
Franta, M., Rosová, A., Ťapajna, M., Dobročka, E., Fröhlich, K., : Microstructure of HfO2 and HfxSi1-xOy dielectric films prepared on Si for advanced CMOS application. In: ASDAM 2006. Eds. J. Breza. et al. Piscataway: IEEE 2006. ISBN: 1-4244-0396-0. P. 47-50.
Rossel, C., Rosová, A., Hušeková, K., Machajdík, D., Fröhlich, K., : Phase stability of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3−y films upon annealing in hydrogen atmosphere. J. Applied Phys. 100 (2006) 044501.
- 2005
Lupták, R., Fröhlich, K., Rosová, A., Hušeková, K., Ťapajna, M., Machajdík, D., Jergel, M., Espinos, J., Mansilla, C., : Growth of gadolinium oxide films for advanced MOS structure. Microelectr. Engn. 80 (2005) 154-157.
Čičo, K., Rosová, A., Fröhlich, K., Hušeková, K., Valent, P., Jergel, M., : Characterization of Al2O3 gate dielectric films grown on Si substrate. In: APCOM 2005. Eds.: D. Pudiš et al. Žilina: ŽU, 2005. ISBN: 80-8070-411-2. P. 196-199.
- 2002
Rosová, A., Fröhlich, K., Machajdík, D., : Epitaxial growth of oxide thin films by MOCVD – characterization by TEM. In: 2nd (re-established) Annual Meeting of the Czechoslov. Microscopy Soc. Ed. L.Frank. Brno: CMS 2002. ISBN 80-238-8749-1. P. 101-104.
- 1999
Machajdík, D., Pevala, A., Rosová, A., Fröhlich, K., Šouc, J., Weiss, F., Figueras, A., : On the problem of overlopping ? scans measured on thin films deposited on monocrystal substrates J. Applied Crystall. 32 (1999) 736-743.
Rosová, A., : Real domain structure originating in (110) mechanic twinning in YBa2Cu3O7-y. In: Studies High Temp. Supercond. Vol. 28. Ed. A. Narlikar. New York: Nova Sci Publ. 1999. P. 125-148.
Kováč, P., Hušek, I., Rosová, A., Pachla, W., : Thermomechanical treatment, structure and transport currents in multicore Bi(2223)/Ag tapes Physica C 312 (1999) 179-190.
- 1997
Fröhlich, K., Rosová, A., Machajdík, D., Šouc, J., Figueras, A., Weiss, F., Chenevier, B., Snauwaert, J., : Growth and structure of buffer layers for high temperature superconducting films Acta Physica Polonica A 92 (1997) 255.
Fröhlich, K., Machajdík, D., Vávra, I., Šouc, J., Rosová, A., Figueras, A., Weiss, F., Dahmen, K., : Growth of YBa2Cu3O7/CeO2/Al2O3 heteroepitaxial films by aerosol MOCVD J. Alloys Compounds 251 (1997) 284.
Chromik, Š., Rosová, A., Gaži, Š., Beňačka, Š., Wuyts, B., : Study of a-axis oriented YBaCuO superconducting films on Y2O3/YSZ/Si substrates. In: Physics and Materials Sciences of High Temperature Superconductivity. Ed. R. Kossowsky. Kluwer Acad Publ 1997. P. 233.
Fröhlich, K., Šouc, J., Rosová, A., Machajdík, D., Graboy, I., Svetchnikov, V., Figueras, A., Weiss, F., : Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 films prepared by aerosol metal organic chemical vapour deposition on Al2O3 substrate with CeO2 buffer layer Supercond. Sci Technol. 10 (1997) 657.
Španková, M., Gaži, Š., Chromik, Š., Rosová, A., Vávra, I., Beňačka, Š., : The problems of native SiO2 removing for epitaxial growth of YSZ film on Si J. Low Phys. 106 (1997) 439.
Didier, N., Dubourdieu, C., Rosová, A., Chenevier, B., Senateur, J., Thomas, O., : Twinning behaviour in YBCO and PBCO thin films and in (PBCO/YBCO) superlattices, J. Alloys Compounds 251 (1997) 322-327. (Not IEE SAS).
- 1996
Fröhlich, K., Šouc, J., Machajdík, D., Rosová, A., : Tenké vrstvy kysličníkov pripravovaných metódou MOCV. In: Tenké vrstvy, príprava a technické aplikácie. Bratislava: FEI STU 1996. S. 38.
Plesch, G., Hanic, F., Buchta, Š., Rosová, A., Czyžak, B., Andrzejewski, B., Stankowski, J., : Variation of microstructure and flux penetration in YBa2-xSrxCu3Oy solid solutions prepared by melt-processing Supercond. Sci Technol. 9 (1996) 1048.
- 1995
Fedorko, P., Skákalová, V., Kolenič, F., Ritomský, A., Šmatko, V., Rosová, A., : Carbon onions and irradiation of carbon soot. In: Phys. and Chem. Fullerenes and Derivatives. Proc. IWEPNM 95. Singapore: World Sci. Publ. 1995. P. 556.
Fröhlich, K., Machajdík, D., Rosová, A., Vávra, I., Weiss, F., Bochu, B., Senateur, J., : Growth of SrTiO3 thin epitaxial films by aerosol MOCVD Thin Solid Films 260 (1995) 187-191.
Plesch, G., Hanic, F., Buchta, Š., Rosová, A., Cigáň, A., Zrubec, V., Maňka, J., Kristín, J., Dovalová, Z., Danielik, L., : Microstructure, phase analysis, electric and magnetic properties of textured high temperature superconductors YBa2xSrxCu3Oy. In: Meeting Chemical Soc Bratislava 1995. P. 306.
Rosová, A., Chromik, Š., Beňačka, Š., Wuyts, B., : Study of superconducting a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7- thin films deposited on Y2O3/YSZ/Si with PrBa2Cu3O7- seed layer Physica C 253 (1995) 39.
Vávra, I., Rosová, A., Fröhlich, K., Šouc, J., Chromik, Š., : TEM characterisation of buffer layers for epitaxial YBaCuO growth Physica Status Solidi A 150 (1995) 371.
Dèchamps, M., Favre-Nicolin, E., Rosová, A., : Twins and domain structure of YBaCuO Key Engn. Materials 101-102 (1995) 217.
- 1994
Chromik, Š., Wuyts, B., Vávra, I., Rosová, A., Hanic, F., Beňačka, Š., Bruynseraede, Y., : Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting films, without twin planes on Y2O3/YSZ/Si Physica C 226 (1994) 153.
Czyžak, B., Andrzejewski, B., Stankowski, J., Plesch, G., Rosová, A., Buchta, Š., Danielik, L., : Flux trapping and microstructure of bulk textured YBa2Cu3O6.9 ceramics prepared by the quench-and-melt technique Physica Status Solidi A 141 (1994) 191.
Chromik, Š., Rosová, A., Wuyts, B., Beňačka, Š., : Study of a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox superconducting thin films prepared on SrTiO3 and Y2O3/YSZ/Si substrates using PrBa2Cu3Ox seed layer. In: Weak Superconductivity. Eds. Š.Beňačka et al. Bratislava: IEE SAS 1994. P. 293.
- 1993
Rosová, A., Vávra, I., Boulesteix, C., Darriet, B., Chaminade, J., : Domain structure of YBaCuO „single crystals“ Ferroelastics 141 (1993) 73.
Chromik, Š., Vávra, I., Rosová, A., Beňačka, Š., Wuyts, B., Libbrecht, S., Bruynseraede, Y., Liday, J., : Growth and characterization of YBa2Cu3O7 films on Y2O1/YSZ/Si. In: EUCAS 93. Ed. H.C.Freyhardt. Oberursel: DGM, 1993. P. 449.
Rosová, A., Vávra, I., : Characterization of twins in YBa2Cu3O7-y single crystals by transmission electron microscopy, Bull. Czechoslovak Soc Electron Microscopy No.3 (1993) 23.
Rosová, A., Boulesteix, C., Vávra, I., : Role of microtwins in twin lamella intersections and interconnections in YBa2Cu3O7-y Physica C 214 (1993) 247.
Rosová, A., Krekels, T., van Tendeloo, G., Darriet, B., Chambon, M., : Twin boundary structure of Au-doped YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals Ferroelectrics 141 (1993) 87.
- 1991
Fröhlich, K., Rosová, A., Nganga, L., Chaminade, J., Dordor, P., : A.c. susceptibility characterization of as grown YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals Solid State Comm. 80 (1991) 267.
Fröhlich, K., Gömöry, F., Lobotka, P., Rosová, A., : A.C. susceptibility study of YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals. In: 2nd Czechoslov.-Italian Symp. Supercond. Bratislava: IEE SAS 1991. P. 47.
- 1990
Kästner, G., Lacayo, G., Hesse, D., Rosová, A., Herrmann, R., : Twin and tweed configuration in YBCO single crystals. In: Proc. 3rd German – Soviet Bilateral Seminar on HTSC. Karlsruhe: 1990. P. 658.
- 1989
Fröhlich, K., Machajdík, D., Zaťko, B., Rosová, A., Takács, S., : Effects of deposition temperature on properties of CVD prepared Nb3Ge superconductor Czechosl. J. Phys. 39 (1989) 196.
- 1987
Fröhlich, K., Rosová, A., : Elektrické vlastnosti supravodivých vrstiev Nb3Ge pripravených metódou CVD. In: 6. čs. konf. o tenkých vrstvách 1987. Ed. Z.Hájek. Praha: JČSMF 1987. S. 192.