Dr. Rer. Nat. Martin HULMAN

  • 2024

Hrdá, J., Moško, M., Píš, I., Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Hutár, P.,  Precner, M., Dobročka, E., Španková, M., Hulman, M., Chromik, Š., Šiffalovič, P., Bondino, F., and Sojková, M.: Investigating structural, optical, and electron-transport properties of lithium intercalated few-layer MoS2 films: Unraveling the influence of disorder, Applied Phys. Lett. 124 (2024) 123101. (CEMEA ITMS 313021 T081, APVV-19-0365, 21-0231, VEGA2/0068/21, 2/0140/22)

Pribusová Slušná, L., Kotrusz, P., Mustonen, K., Bui, T.T.A., Hulman, M., and Skákalová, V.: Raman study of MoS2/graphene heterostructure. In Sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER64. Ed. B. Mikel. Brno: Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i., 2024, p. 125-127. ISBN 978-80-87441-35-0.

  • 2023

Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Dobročka, E., Precner, M., Sojková, M., Hrdá, J., Gregor, M., and Hulman, M.: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy of MoTe2 thin films, Phys. Status Solidi B 260 (2023) 2300250.

Annušová, A., Labudová, M., Truchan, D., Hegedűšová, V., Švajdlenková, H., Mičušík, M., Kotlár, M., Pribusová Slušná, L., Hulman, M., Salehtash, F., Kálosi, A., Csáderová, L., Švastová, E., Šiffalovič, P., Jergel, M., Pastoreková, S., and Majková, E.: Selective tumor hypoxia targeting using M75 antibody conjugated photothermally active MoOx nanoparticles, ACS Omega 8 (2023) 44497-44513.

Pribusová Slušná, L., Vegso, K., Dobročka, E., Vojteková, T., Nádaždy, P., Halahovets, Y., Sojková, M., Hrdá, J., Precner, M., Šiffalovič, P., Chen, Z., Huang, Y., Ražnjević, S., Zhang, Z., and Hulman, M.: Ordered growth of hexagonal and monoclinic phases of MoTe2 on a sapphire substrate, CrystEngComm 25 (2023) 5706-5713.

Sojková, M., Píš, I., Hrdá, J., Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Vegso, K., Šiffalovič, P., Nádaždy, P., Dobročka, E., Krbal, M., Fons, P.J., Munnik, F., Magnano, E., Hulman, M., and Bondino, F.: Lithium-induced reorientation of few-layer MoS2 films, Chem. Mater. 35 (2023) 6246-6257.

Varga, M., Sojková, M., Hrdá, J., Hutár, P., Parza Saeb, S., Vanko, G., Pribusová-Slušná, L., Ondic, L., Fait, J., Kromka, A., and Hulman, M.: Technological challenges in the fabrication of MoS2/diamond heterostructures. In NANOCON 2022. Proc. 14th Inter. Conf. Nanomater. – Res. & Appl. Ostrava. Tanger Ltd. 2023, pp 21-27. ISBN: 978-80-88365-09-9.

  • 2022

Vegso, K., Shaji, A., Sojková, M., Pribusová Slušná, L., Vojteková, T., Hrdá, J., Halahovets, Y., Hulman, M., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Wiesmann, J., and Šiffalovič, P.: A wide-angle X-ray scattering laboratory setup for tracking phase changes of thin films in a chemical vapor deposition chamber,  Rev. Sci Instrum. 93 (2022) 113909.

Kozak, A., Hofbauerová, M., Halahovets, Y., Pribusová-Slušná, L., Precner, M., Mičušík, M., Orovčík, L., Hulman, M., Stepura, A., Omastová, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Ťapajna, M.: Nanofriction properties of mono- and double-layer Ti3C2Tx MXenes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 (2022) 36815–36824.

Gabinet, U., Lee, C., Kim, N.K., Hulman, M., Thompson, S.M., Kagan, C.R., and Osuji, C.O.: Magnetic field alignment and optical anisotropy of MoS2 nanosheets dispersed in a liquid crystal polymer, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 (2022) 7994–8001.

Shaji, A., Vegso, K., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Nádaždy, P., Halahovets, Y., Pribusová Slušná, L., Vojteková, T., Hrdá, J., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Wiesmann, J., and Šiffalovič, P.: Stepwise sulfurization of MoO3 to MoS2 thin films studied by real-time X-ray scattering, Applied Surface Sci 606 (2022) 154772.

Kozak, A., Sojková, M., Gucmann, F., Bodík, M., Vegso, K., Dobročka, E., Píš, I., Bondino, F., Hulman, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Ťapajna, M.: Effect of the crystallographic c-axis orientation on the tribological properties of the few-layer PtSe2, Applied Surface Sci 605 (2022) 154883.

Mustonen, K., Hofer, Ch., Kotrusz, P., , Markevich, A., Hulman, M., Mangler, C., Susi, T., Pennycook, T.J., Hricovini, K., Richter, Ch. M., Meyer, J.C., Kotakoski, J., and Skákalová, V.: Towards exotic layered materials: 2D cuprous iodide, Adv. Mater. 34 (2022) 2106922.

Vojteková, T., Pribusová-Slušná, L., and Hulman, M.: Optical characterisation of MOTe2 thin films. In Proc. 10th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Eds. M. Feiler et al. Žilina: EDIS 2022. ISBN 978-80-554-1884-1. P. 59-62.

Hrdá, J., Vojteková, T., Pribusová-Slušná, L., Dobročka, E., Hulman, M., Píš, I., and Sojková, M.: Influence of Li-doping on the structural properties of thin-layer MOS2 films. In Proc. 10th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Eds. M. Feiler et al. Žilina: EDIS 2022. ISBN 978-80-554-1884-1. P. 85-88.

Varga, M., Sojková, M., Chromik, Š., Hrdá, J., Parza Saeb, S., Pribusová-Slušná, L., Remes, Z., Ondic, L., Fait, J., Kromka, A., and Hulman, M.: Transition metal dichalcogenides and diamond – new friends for promising heterostructures. In NANOCON 2022. Abstracts 14th Inter. Conf. Nanomater. – Res. & Appl. Ostrava, Tanger Ltd. 2022, p. 59. ISBN 978-80-88356-07-5.

  • 2021

Hulman, M.: Raman spectroscopy of graphene. In Graphene: properties, preparation, characterization, and applications. Elsevier 2021, p. 381-412. ISBN 978-0-08-102848-3.

Pribusová Slušná, L., Vojteková, T.,  Hrdá, J., Pálková, H., Šiffalovič, P., Sojková, M., Vegso, K., Hutár, P., Dobročka, E., Varga, M., and Hulman, M.: Optical characterisation of few-layer PtSe2 nanosheet films, ACS Omega 6 (2021) 35398-35403.

Hrdá, J., Tašková, V., Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Dobročka, E., Píš, I., Bondino, F., Hulman, M., and Sojková, M.: Tuning the charge carrier mobility in few-layer PtSe2 films by Se: Pt ratio, RSC Adv. 11 (2021) 27292.

Kozak,A., Precner, M., Hutár, P., Bodík, M., Vegso, K., Halahovets, Y., Hulman, M., Siffalovic, P., and Ťapajna, M.: Angular dependence of nanofriction of mono- and few-layer MoSe2, Applied Surface Sci 567 (2021) 150807.

Sojková, M., Hrdá, J., Volkov, S., Vegso, K., Shaji, A., Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Gál, N., Dobročka, E., Šiffalovič, P., Roch, T., Gregor, M., and Hulman, M.: Growth of PtSe2 few-layer films on NbN superconducting substrate, Applied Phys. Lett. 119 (2021) 013101.

Shaji, A., Vegso, K., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Nádaždy, P., Hutár, P., Pribusová Slušná, L., Hrdá, J., Bodik, M., Hodas, M., Bernstorff, S., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Schreiber, F., and Šiffalovič, P.: Orientation of few-layer MoS2 films: in-situ x-ray scattering study during sulfurization, J. Phys. Chem. C 125 (2021) 9461–9468.

Mrkývkova, N., Cernescu, A., Futera, Z., Nebojsa, A., Dubroka, A., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Majková, E., Jergel, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Schreiber, F.: Nanoimaging of orientational defects in semiconducting organic films, J. Phys. Chem. C 125 (2021) 9229–9235.

Hotový, I., Spiess, L., Mikolášek, M., Kostič, I., Sojková, M., Romanus, H., Hulman, M., Buc, D., and Řeháček, V.: Layered WS2 thin films prepared by sulfurization of sputtered W films, Applied Surface Sci 544 (2021) 148719.

Španková, M., Sojková, M., Dobročka, E., Hutár, P., Bodík, M., Munnik, F., Hulman, M., and Chromik, Š.: Influence of precursor thin-film quality on the structural properties of large-area MoS2 films grown by sulfurization of MoO3 on c-sapphire, Applied Surface Sci 540 (2021) 148240.

Bodík, M., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Ťapajna, M., Truchlý, M., Vegso, K., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Španková, M., and Šiffalovič, P.: Friction control by engineering the crystallographic orientation of the lubricating few-layer MoS2 films, Applied Surface Sci 540 (2021) 148328.

Sojková, M., Dobročka, E., Hutár, P., Tašková, V., Pribusová Slušná, L., Stoklas, R., Píš, I., Bondino, F., Munnik, F., and Hulman, M.: High carrier mobility epitaxially aligned PtSe2 films grown by one-zone selenization, Applied Surface Sci 538 (2021) 147936.

Hrdá, J., Tašková, V., Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Dobročka, E., Píš, I.. Bondino, F., Hulman, M., and Sojková, M.: Selenium content influences the charge carrier mobility in few-layer PtSe2 films. In Proc. 9th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Žilina: EDIS 2021. ISBN 978-80-554-1735-6. P. 103-106.

Sojková, M., Hrdá, J., Volkov, S., Végso, K., Shaji, A., Vojteková, T., Pribusová Slušná, L., Gál, N.,  Dobročka, E., Šiffalovič, P., Roch, T., Gregor, M., and Hulman, M.: PtSe2 few-layer films grown on NbN superconducting substrate. In Proc. 9th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Žilina: EDIS 2021. ISBN 978-80-554-1735-6. P. 9-12.

  • 2020

Hagara, J., Mrkývkova, N., Feriancová, L., Putala, M., Nádaždy, P., Hodas, M., Shaji, A., Nádaždy, V., Huss-Hansen, M.K., Knaapila, M., Hagenlocher, J., Russegger, N., Zwadlo, M., Merten, L., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Vlad, A., Pandit, P., Roth, S., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Hinderhofer, A., Šiffalovič, P., and Schreiber, F.: Novel highly substituted thiophene-based n-type organic semiconductor: structural study, optical anisotropy and molecular control, CrystEngComm 22 (2020) 7095-7103.

Hutár, P., Sojková, M., Kundrata, I., Vegso, K., Shaji, A., Nádaždy, P., Pribusová Slušná, L., Majková, E., Siffalovic, P., and Hulman, M.: Correlation between the crystalline phase of molybdenum oxide and horizontal alignment in thin MoS2 films, J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020) 19362–19367.

Mrkývkova, N., Nádaždy, P., Hodas, M., Chai, J., Wang, S., Chi, D., Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Chumakov, A., Konovalov, O.V., Hinderhofer, A., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Šiffalovič, P., and Schreiber, F.: Simultaneous monitoring of molecular thin film morphology and crystal structure by x-ray scattering, Cryst. Growth Des. 20 (2020)  5269–5276.

Hagara, J., Mrkývkova, N., Nádaždy, P., Hodas, M., Bodík, M., Jergel, M., Majková, E., Tokár, K., Hutár, P., Sojková, M., Chumakov, A., Konovalov, O., Pandit, P., Roth, S., Hinderhofer, A., Hulman, M., Šiffalovič, P., and Schreiber, F.: Reorientation of π-conjugated molecules on few-layer MoS2 films, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020) 3097-3104.

Sojková, M., Dobročka, E., Hutár, P., Tašková, V., Pribusová Slušná, L., Stoklas, R., Píš, I., Bondino, F., Hulman, M., and Gregušová, D.: Epitaxially aligned PtSe2 films grown by one-zone selenization. In Proc. 8th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. – ADEPT. Žilina: EDIS 2020. ISBN 978-80-554-1735-6. P. 6-9.

  • 2019

Hulman, M., Sojková, M., Végso, K., Mrkývkova, N., Hagara, J., Hutár, P., Kotrusz, P., Hudec, J., Tokar, K., Majková, E., and Šiffalovič, P.: Polarized Raman reveals alignment of few-layer MoS2 films, J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 29468-29475.

Hutár, P., Španková, M., Sojková, M., Dobročka, E., Végso, K., Hagara, J., Halahovets, Y., Majková, E., Šiffalovič, P., and Hulman, M.: Highly crystalline MoS2 thin films fabricated by sulfurization, Phys. Status Solidi B 256 (2019) 1900342.

Brndiarová, J., Šiffalovič, P., Hulman, M., Kalosi, A., Bodik, M., Skákalová, V., Micusik, M., Markovič, Z., Majková, E., and Fröhlich, K.:  Functionalized graphene transistor for ultrasensitive detection of carbon quantum dots, J. Applied Phys. 126 (2019) 214303.

Sojková, M., Végso, K., Mrkývkova, N., Hagara, J., Hutár, P., Rosová, A., Čaplovičová, M., Ludacka, U., Skákalová, V., Majková, E., Šiffalovič, P., and Hulman, M.: Tuning the orientation of few-layer MoS2 films using one-zone sulfurization, RSC Adv. 9 (2019) 29645-29651.

Sojková, M., Šiffalovič, P., Babchenko, O., Vanko, G., Dobročka, E., Hagara, J., Mrkývková, N., Majková, E.,  Ižák, T., Kromka, A., and Hulman, M.: Carbide-free one-zone sulfurization method grows thin MoS2 layers on polycrystalline CVD diamond, Sci Rep. 9 (2019) 2001.

Sojková, M., Šiffalovič, P., Babchenko, O., Vanko, G., Dobročka, E., Hagara, J., Mrkývková, N., Majková, E., Ižák, T., Kromka, A., and Hulman, M.: Carbide-free one-zone sulfurization method grown thin MOS2 layers on polycrystalline CVD diamond. In Proc. ADEPT. 7th Inter. Conf. on Advances in Electron. Photon. Technol. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2019. ISBN 978-80-554-1568-0. P. 281-284.

  • 2018

Hotový, I., Spiess, L., Sojková, M., Kostič, I., Mikolášek, M., Predanocy, M., Romanus, H., Hulman, M., and Řeháček, V.: Structural and optical properties of WS2 prepared using sulfurization of different thick sputtered tungsten films, Applied Surface Sci 461 (2018) 133-138.

Skákalová, V., Kotrusz, P., Jergel, M., Susi, T., Mittelberger, A., Vretenár, V., Šiffalovič, P., Kotakoski, J., Meyer, J.C., and Hulman, M.: Chemical oxidation of graphite: evolution of the structure and properties, J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018) 929−935.

  • 2017

Janke, D., Hulman, M., Wenisch, R., Gemming, S., Rafaja, D., and Krause, M.: Influence of nickel catalyst morphology on layer-exchange-based carbon crystallisation of Ni/a-C bilayers, Phys. Status Solidi B 254 (2017) 1700234.

Susi, T., Skákalová, V., Mittelberger, A., Kotrusz, P., Hulman, M., Pennycook, T., Mangler, C., Kotakoski, J., Meyer, J., : Computational insights and the observation of SiC nanograin assembly: towards 2D silicon carbide. Sci Reports 7 (2017) 4399. (Not IEE SAS).

Varga, M., Ižák, T., Vretenár, V., Kozak, H., Holovsky, J., Artemenko, A., Hulman, M., Skákalová, V., Lee, D., Kromka, A., : Diamond/carbon nanotube composites: Raman, FTIR, and XPS spectroscopic studies,. Carbon 111 (2017) 54-61.

Chromik, Š., Sojková, M., Vretenár, V., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Hulman, M., : Influence of GaN/AlGaN/GaN (0001) and Si (100) substrates on structural properties of extremely thin MoS2 films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Sci 395 (2017) 232-236.

Sojková, M., Chromik, Š., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Hutár, P., Machajdík, D., Kobzev, A., Hulman, M., : MoS2 thin films prepared by sulfurization Proc. SPIE 10354 (2017) 103541K-1.

Chauhan, P., Hasenöhrl, S., Hulman, M., Kováč, J., Rosová, A., Šiffalovič, P., Kuzmík, J., : Study of surface morphology and optical properties of InAlN epilayers grown on c-sapphire at different temperatures by MOCVD In: Proc. ADEPT. 5st Inter. Conf. on Advan. in Electronic and Photonic Technol. Eds. I. Lettrichová et al. Žilina: Univ. Žilina 2017. ISBN 978-80-554-1342-6. P. 125-128.

  • 2016

Kostiuk, D., Bodik, M., Šiffalovič, P., Jergel, M., Halahovets, Y., Hodas, M., Pelletta, M., Pelach, M., Hulman, M., Spitalsky, Z., Omastová, M., Majková, E., : Reliable determination of the few-layer graphene oxide thickness using Raman spectroscopy. J. Raman Spectrosc. 47 (2016) 391-394.

  • 2015

Brndiarová, J., Fröhlich, K., Hulman, M., Rosová, A., Dobročka, E., Kahro, T., Aarik, J., : Integration of atomic layer deposited Al2O3 dielectrics with graphene In: Proc. 21th Inter. Conf. on Applied Phys. of Cond. Matter (APCOM 2015). Eds. J. Vajda and I. Jamnický. Bratislava: FEI STU 2015. ISBN 978-80-227-4373-0. P. 169-174.

Sojková, M., Hulman, M., Chromik, Š., Micusik, M., Dobročka, E., Gaži, Š., Španková, M., : MoS2 thin film fabrication. In: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Sci. 2015 – SURFINT-SREN IV. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. R. Brunner. Bratislava: CU 2015. ISBN: 978-80-223-3975-9. P. 129.

Lobato, B., Vretenár, V., Kotrusz, P., Hulman, M., Centeno, T., : Reduced graphite oxide in supercapacitor electrodes. J. Colloid Interface Sci 446 (2015) 203-207.

  • 2014

Skákalová, V., Vretenár, V., Kopera, Ľ., Kotrusz, P., Mangler, C., Meško, M., Meyer, J., Hulman, M., :Electronic transport in composites of graphite oxide with carbon nanotubes. Carbon 72 (2014) 224-232.

Hulman, M., : Raman spectroscopy of graphene. In: Graphene. Eds. V.Skákalová, and A.B.Kaiser. London: Woodhead Publ. 2014. ISBN 978-0-85709-508-4. P. 156-183. (Not IEE SAS).

Meško, M., Vretenár, V., Kotrusz, P., Hulman, M., Skákalová, V., : Synthesis of carbon nanowalls on macroporous nickel foam by atmospheric glow discharge chemical vapour deposition,. Phys. Status Solidi B 251 (2014) 933–936. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2012

Meško, M., Vretenár, V., Kotrusz, P., Hulman, M., Šoltýs, J., Skákalová, V., : Carbon nanowalls synthesis by means of atmospheric dcPECVD method. Phys. Status Solidi B 249 (2012) 2625–2628.

  • 2010

Neubauer, E., Kitzmantel, M., Hulman, M., Angerer, P., : Potential and challenges of metal-matrix-composites reinforced with carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes. Comp. Sci Technol. 70 (2010) 2228–2236. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2009

Hulman, M., Skákalová, V., Krasheninnikov, A., Roth, S., : Effects of ion beam heating on Raman spectra of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Applied Phys. Lett. 94 (2009) 071907. (Not IEE SAS).

Uddin, S., Mahmud, T., Wolf, C., Glanz, C., Kolaric, I., Hulman, M., Neubauer, E., Roth, S., : Thermal expansion co-efficient of nanotube–metal composites. Phys. Status Solidi B 246 (2009) 2836–2839. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2008

Hulman, M., Haluška, M., Scalia, G., Obergfell, D., Roth, S., : Effects of charge impurities and laser energy on raman spectra of graphene. Nano Lett. 8 (2008) 3594–3597. (Not IEE SAS).

Plank, W., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Kock, A., Roppert, K., Kukovecz, A., Krenn, J., Bischof, R., : Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of the liquid crystal 8CB using chip structures. Phys. Status Solidi B 245 (2008) 2193–2196. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2007

Hulman, M., Tajmar, M., : Indium ion emission from nanotube fibres Nanotechnol. 18 (2007) 495709. (Not IEE SAS).

Haluška, M., Obergfell, D., Meyer, J., Scalia, G., Ulbricht, G., Krauss, B., Chae, D., Lohmann, T., Lebert, M., Kaempgen, M., Hulman, M., Smet, J., Roth, S., von Klitzing, K., : Investigation of the shift of Raman modes of graphene flakes. Phys. Status Solidi B 244 (2007) 4143–4146. (Not IEE SAS).

Michel, K., Verberck, B., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Krause, M., : Superposition of quantum and classical rotational motions in Sc2C2@C84 fullerite. J. Chem. Phys. 126 (2007) 064304. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Tajmar, M., : The dielectrophoretic attachment of nanotube fibres on tungsten needles. Nanotechnol. 18 (2007) 145504. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2006

Kuzmany, H., Hulman, M., Pfeiffer, R., Simon, F., : Raman scattering of carbon nanotubes NATO Sci Ser. II 222 (2006) 89-120. (Not IEE SAS).

Hölzl, C., Kuzmany, H., Hulman, M., Wu, J., Müllen, K., Boroviak-Palen, E., Kalenczuk, R., Kukovecz, A., :Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of flat and curved carbon cluster. Phys. Status Solidi B 243 (2006) 3142–3145. (Not IEE SAS).

Haluška, M., Hulman, M., Hornbostel, B., Čech, J., Skákalová, V., Roth, S., : Synthesis of SWCNTs for C82 peapods by arc-discharge process using nonmagnetic catalysts. Phys. Status Solidi B 243 (2006) 3042–3045. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2005

Kuzmany, H., Pfeiffer, R., Simon, F., Kramberger, C., Hulman, M., Costa, P., : Physics and chemistry inside nanotubes. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostr. 13 (SUPPL. 1) (2005) 179-188. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Krause, M., Dubay, O., Kresse, G., Vietze, K., Seifert, G., Wang, C., Shinohara, H., Kuzmany, H., : Quantized rotational states in endohedral fullerenes AIP Conf. Proc. 786 (2005) 56. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Skákalová, V., Roth, S., Kuzmany, H., : Raman spectroscopy of single-wall carbon nanotubes and graphite irradiated by γ rays. J. Applied Phys. 98 (2005) 024311. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2004

Darmo, J., Kröll, J., Unterrainer, K., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Absorption of single-wall carbon nanotubes at Terahertz frequencies In: Conf. Digest 2004 Joint 29th Inter. Conf. Infrared and Millim. Waves & 12th Inter. Conf. Terahertz Electron. Karlsruhe 2004. P. 409-410. (Not IEE SAS).

Krause, M., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Dubay, O., Kresse, G., Vietze, K., Seifert, G., Wang, C., Shinohara, H., : Fullerene quantum gyroscope. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 137403. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Costa, P., Friedrichs, S., Green, M., : Light-induced instability of PbO-filled single-wall carbon nanotubes. Applied Phys. Lett. 85 (2004) 2068. (Not IEE SAS).

Kuzmany, H., Pfeiffer, R., Hulman, M., Kramberger, C., : Raman spectroscopy of fullerenes and fullerene–nanotube composites. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc A 362, no. 1824 (2004) 2375-2406. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Costa, P., Green, M., Friedrichs, S., Kuzmany, H., : Raman spectroscopy of PbO-filled single wall carbon nanotubes AIP Conf. Proc. 723 (2004) 278-281. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Dubay, O., Kresse, G., Li, L., Tang, Z., Knoll, P., Kaindl, R., : Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes grown in zeolite crystals. Carbon 42 (2004) 1071–1075. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Pfeiffer, R., Kuzmany, H., : Raman spectroscopy of small-diameter nanotubes. New J. Phys. 6 (2004) 1. (Not IEE SAS).

Darmo, J., Kröll, J., Unterrainer, K., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Terahertz time-resolved linear spectroscopy of single-wall carbon nanotube films OSA Trends in Optics Photon. Ser. 97 (2004) 1061-1062. (Not IEE SAS).

Darmo, J., Kröll, J., Unterrainer, K., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Terahertz time-resolved linear spectroscopy of single-wall carbon nanotube films In: ASDAM 2004. Piscataway: IEEE 2004. P. 239-242. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2003

Skákalová, V., Hulman, M., Fedorko, P., Lukac, P., Roth, S., : Effect of gamma-irradiation on single-wall carbon nanotube paper AIP Conf. Proc. 685 (2003) 143-147. (Not IEE SAS).

Becher, M., Haluška, M., Hirscher, M., Quintel, A., Skákalová, V., Dettlaff-Weglikovska, U., Chen, X., Kappes, M., Hulman, M., Choi, Y., Roth, S., Meregalli, V., Parrinello, M., Ströbel, R., Jörissen, L., Fink, J., Züttel, A., Stepanek, I., Bernier, P., : Hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes Stockage d’hydrogène dans les nanotubes de carbone. Comptes Rendus Physique 4 (2003) 1055–1062. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Li, L., Tang, Z., Dubay, O., Kresse, G., Kuzmany, H., : Raman spectroscopy of SWNTs in zeolite crystals AIP Conf. Proc. 685 (2003) 207-210. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Dubay, O., Kresse, G., Li, L., Tang, Z., : Raman spectroscopy of template grown single wall carbon nanotubes in zeolite crystals. J. Chem. Phys. 119 (2003) 3384. (Not IEE SAS).

Hasi, F., Simon, F., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Temperature activated BN substitution of SWCNT AIP Conf. Proc. 685 (2003) 370-373. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2002

Chen, X., Dettlaff-Weglikovska, U., Haluška, M., Hulman, M., Roth, S., : Pressure isotherms of hydrogen adsorption in carbon nanostructures Mater. Research Soc Symp. Proc. 706 (2002) 295-300. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2001

Kuzmany, H., Plank, W., Hulman, M., Kramberger, C., Grüneis, A., Pichler, T., Peterlik, H., Kataura, H., Achiba, Y., : Determination of SWCNT diameters from the Raman response of the radial breathing mode. European Phys. J. B 22 (2001) 307-320. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Plank, W., Kuzmany, H., : Distribution of spectral moments for the radial breathing mode of single wall carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 081406(R). (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Krause, M., Kuzmany, H., Inakuma, M., Shinohara, H., : Fullerene quantum gyroscope, low energy modes of metals in fullerene cages. Ferroelectr. 249 (2001) 107-115. (Not IEE SAS).

Haluška, M., Hulman, M., Hirscher, M., Becher, M., Roth, S., Stepanek, I., Bernier, P., : Hydrogen storage in mechanically treated single wall carbon nanotubes AIP Conf. Proc. 591 (2001) 603-608. (Not IEE SAS).

Hirscher, M., Becher, M., Haluška, M., Dettlaff-Weglikovska, U., Quintel, A., Duesberg, G., Choi, Y., Downes, P., Hulman, M., Roth, S., Stepanek, I., Bernier, P., : Hydrogen storage in sonicated carbon materials. Applied Phys. A 72 (2001) 129-132. (Not IEE SAS).

Kuzmany, H., Milnera, M., Hulman, M., Jogl, C., Plank, W., Kurti, J., : Low energy excitations in fullerene dimers and in single wall carbon nanotubes. Ferroelectr. 249 (2001) 125-134. (Not IEE SAS).

Grüneis, A., Hulman, M., Kramberger, C., Peterlik, H., Kuzmany, H., Kataura, H., Achiba, Y., : Oscillatory behavior of Raman modes in SWCNT AIP Conf. Proc. 591 (2001) 319-322. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Plank, W., Kuzmany, H., : Oscillatory behaviour of the photoselective resonance scattering of single wall carbon nanotubes. Synthetic Metals 121 (2001) 1241–1242. (Not IEE SAS).

Kuzmany, H., Hulman, M., Plank, W., Grüneis, A., Kramberger, C., Peterlik, H., Pichler, T., Kataura, H., Achiba, Y., : Quantum oscillations for the spectral moments of Raman spectra from SWCNT AIP Conf. Proc. 590 (2001) 81-86. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 2000

Krause, M., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Georgi, P., Dunsch, L., Inakuma, M., Dennis, T., Shinohara, H., : Bonding and dynamics of diatomic metal encapsulates in carbon cages AIP Conf. Proc. 544 (2000) 150-154. (Not IEE SAS).

Kuzmany, H., Hulman, M., Plank, W., : Carbon nanostructure characterization by optics and resonance raman scattering Front. Nano-Optoelectr. Systems 6 (2000) 243-258. (Not IEE SAS).

Krause, M., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Kuran, P., Dunsch, L., Dennis, T., Inakuma, M., Shinohara, H., :Low-energy vibrations in Sc2@C84 and Tm@C82 metallofullerenes with different carbon cages☆. J. Molecular Struct. 521 (2000) 325–340. (Not IEE SAS).

Milnera, M., Kurti, J., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Periodic resonance excitation and intertube interaction from quasicontinuous distributed helicities in single-wall carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 1324–1327. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Plank, W., Kurti, J., Kuzmany, H., : Resonance excitation, intertube coupling and distribution of helicities in single-wall carbon nanotubes AIP Conf. Proc. 544 (2000) 271-275. (Not IEE SAS).

Inakuma, M., Yamamoto, E., Kai, T., Wang, C., Tomiyama, T., Shinohara, H., Dennis, T., Hulman, M., Krause, M., Kuzmany, H., : Structural and electronic properties of isomers of Sc2@C84(I, II, III): 13C NMR and IR/raman spectroscopic studies. J. Phys. Chem. B 104 (2000) 5072–5077. (Not IEE SAS).

Dennis, T., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Shinohara, H., : Vibrational infrared spectra of the two major isomers of [84]fullerene:  C84{D2(IV)} and C84{D2d(II)}. J. Phys. Chem. B 104 (2000) 5411–5413. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 1999

Krause, M., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Dennis, T., Inakuma, M., Shinohara, H., : A Raman study of empty C-84 isomers D-2 and D-2d and three isomers of Sc-2@C-84 AIP Conf. Proc. 486 (1999) 136-139. (Not IEE SAS).

Kurti, J., Milnera, M., Hulman, M., Zhou, O., Kuzmany, H., : About the composition of single wall carbon nanotube bundles: An analysis from optical, Raman, and IR experiments AIP Conf. Proc. 486 (1999) 278-283. (Not IEE SAS).

Fedorko, P., Skákalová, V., Végh, D., Hulman, M., : Conformational transition in polypyrrole at low pressure. Synthetic Metals 101 (1999) 308–309. (Not IEE SAS).

Krause, M., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Dennis, T., Inakuma, M., Shinohara, H., : Diatomic metal encapsulates in fullerene cages: A Raman and infrared analysis of C84 and Sc2@C84 with D2d symmetry. J. Chem. Phys. 111 (1999) 7976. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Inakuma, M., Shinohara, H., Kuzmany, H., : Infrared measurements for two isomers of the endohedral metallofullerene Sc2@C84. Synthetic Metals 103 (1999) 2565-2566. (Not IEE SAS).

Dennis, T., Shinohara, H., Margadonna, S., Prassides, K., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Isolation and characterisation of [84]fullerene isomers AIP Conf. Proc. 486 (1999) 187-190. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Krause, M., Inakuma, M., Dennis, T., Shinohara, H., Kuzmany, H., : LR and Raman analysis of diatomic encapsulates in fullerene cages AIP Conf. Proc. 486 (1999) 90-94. (Not IEE SAS).

Kurti, J., Kuzmany, H., Burger, B., Hulman, M., Winter, J., Kresse, G., : Resonance raman investigation of single wall carbon nanotubes. Synthetic Metals 103 (1999) 2508–2509. (Not IEE SAS).

Kuzmany, H., Burger, B., Hulman, M., Kurti, J., Rinzler, A., Smalley, R., : Spectroscopic analysis of different types of single-wall carbon nanotubes. Europhys. Lett. 44 (1999) 518. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 1998

Hulman, M., Inakuma, M., Shinohara, H., Kuzmany, H., : Far- and mid-infrared transmission for two isomers of the endohedral metallofullerene SC2@C-84 AIP Conf. Proc. 442 (1998) 379-382. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Kappes, M., Yamamoto, E., Shinohara, H., : Infrared absorption line width of pristine and endohedral fullerenes. Physica B 244 (1998) 192–195. (Not IEE SAS).

Fedorko, P., Skákalová, V., Hulman, M., Kováč, Š., Foltin, O., Végh, D., : Low-pressure-induced conformational transition in doped polypyrrole: optical and IR spectra. Advanced Mater. Optics Electr. 8 (1998) 81-85. (Not IEE SAS).

Kurti, J., Kuzmany, H., Burger, B., Hulman, M., Rinzler, A., Smalley, R., : Resonance Raman scattering of the radial breathing mode in single wall carbon nanotubes AIP Conf. Proc. 442 (1998) 101-106. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 1997

Winter, J., Burger, B., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., Soldatov, A., : Experimental access to doped fullerene polymers. Applied Phys. A 64 (1997) 257-262. (Not IEE SAS).

Hulman, M., Pichler, T., Kuzmany, H., Zerbetto, F., Yamamoto, E., Shinohara, H., : Vibrational structure of C84 and Sc2@C84 analyzed by IR spectroscopy. J. Molecular Structure 408–409 (1997) 359–362. (Not IEE SAS).

  • 1996

Pichler, T., Haluška, M., Winter, J., Winkler, R., Burger, B., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Fullerene single crystals: structure and electronic properties. Fullerene Sci Technol. 4 (1996) 227-255. (Not IEE SAS).

Haluška, M., Zehetbauer, M., Hulman, M., Kuzmany, H., : Microhardness and raman spectroscopy for characterization of fullerite single crystals Mater. Sci Forum 210-213 (1996) 267-274. (Not IEE SAS).