RNDr. Antónia MOŠKOVÁ, CSc.

  • 2024

Moško, M., Koscelanská, M., Mošková, A., Vidiš, , Volkov, S., Gregor, M., Poláčková, M., Roch, T., Grančič, B., Satrapinsky, L., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., and Plecenik, T.: Observation and characterization of titanium-like nano-filament in TiO2 memristor using superconducting electrode(s) and Andreev spectroscopy featured, J. Applied Phys. 136 (2024) 054303.

Moško, M., Koscelanská, M., Mošková, A., Vidiš, M., Volkov, S., Gregor, M., Poláčková, M., Roch, T., Grančič, B., Satrapinsky, L., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., and Plecenik, T.: Characterization of conductive nanofilament(s) in TiO2 memristor by point contat Andreev reflection spectroscopy. In: Proc. 14th Inter. Conf. Solid State Surfaces Interfaces Conf. – SSSI 2024. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. B. Brunner. Bratislava: Comenius Univ. 2024, p. 40. ISBN 978-80-223-5941-2.

  • 2022

Moško, M., Koscelanská, M., Plecenik, T., Volko, S., Gregor, M., Mošková, A., Vidiš, M., Durina, P., Roch, T., Grančič, B., Satrapinsky, L., Kúš, P., and Plecenik, A.:  Point contact spectroscopy of superconductors using nanofilament in a titanium-oxide based memristor. In: Proc. 12th Inter. Conf. Solid State Surfaces Interfaces Conf. – SSSI 2022. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. B. Brunner. Bratislava: Comenius Univ. 2022, p. 30-34. ISBN 978-80-223-5494-3.

  • 2021

Mošková, A., Moško, M., Precner, M., Mikolášek, M., Rosová, A., Mičušík, M., Štrbík, V., Šoltýs, J., Gucmann, F., Dobročka, E., and Fröhlich, K.: Doping efficiency and electron transport in Al-doped ZnO films grown by atomic layer deposition, J. Applied Phys. 130 (2021) 035106.

Kundrata, I., Mošková, A., Moško, M., Mičušík, M., Dobročka, E., and Fröhlich, K.: Atomic layer deposition of lithium metaphosphate from H3PO4 and P4O10 facilitated via direct liquid injection: Experiment and theory, J. Vacuum Sci Technol. A 39 (2021) 062407.

  • 2018

Mošková, A. and Moško, M.: States-conserving density of states for Altshuler-Aronov effect: Heuristic derivation, Solid State Comm. 284-286 (2018) 56-61.

  • 2017

Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Note on the Coulomb blockade of a weak tunnel junction with Nyquist noise: Conductance formula for a broad temperature range,. Phys. Status Solidi C 14 (2017) 1700029.

  • 2015

Plecenik, T., Moško, M., Haidry, A., Durina, P., Truchly, M., Grančič, B., Gregor, M., Roch, T., Satrapinskyy, L., Mošková, A., Mikula, M., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., : Fast highly-sensitive room-temperature semiconductor gas sensor based on the nanoscale Pt-TiO2-Pt sandwich. Sensors Actuators B 207 (2015) 351-361.

Krško, O., Plecenik, T., Moško, M., Haidry, A., Durina, P., Truchly, M., Grančič, B., Gregor, M., Roch, T., Satrapinskyy, L., Mošková, A., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., : Highly sensitive hydrogen semiconductor gas sensor operating at room temperature. Procedia Engn. 120 (2015) 618-622.

Plecenik, T., Moško, M., Haidry, A., Durina, P., Truchly, M., Krško, O., Grančič, B., Gregor, M., Roch, T., Satrapinskyy, L., Mošková, A., Mikula, M., Kúš, P., Plecenik, A., : Highly sensitive Pt/TiO2/Pt sandwich type hydrogen gas sensor operating at room temperature. In: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Sci. 2015 – SURFINT-SREN IV. Extend. Abstract Book. Ed. R. Brunner. Bratislava: CU 2015. ISBN: 978-80-223-3975-9. P. 116-117.

  • 2014

Plecenik, A., Haidry, A., Plecenik, T., Durina, P., Truchly, M., Moško, M., Grančič, B., Gregor, M., Roch, T., Satrapinskyy, L., Mošková, A., Mikula, M., Kúš, P., : Metal oxide gas sensors on the nanoscale. Proc. SPIE 9083 (2014) 9083OY.

  • 2013

Mošková, A., Moško, M., Tóbik, J., : Theoretical study of persistent current in a nanoring made of a band insulator. Phys. Status Solidi B 250 (2013) 147-159.

  • 2011

Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Jednoelektrónové tunelovanie a coulombovská blokáda. In: Kryofyzika a nanoelektronika. Košice: ÚEF SAV, 2011. ISBN 978-80-968060-9-6. S. 179-201.

  • 2009

Tóbik, J., Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Persistent currents in perfect crystalline insulators: realistic tight-binding model. In: Proc. 17th Conf. Slovak Physicists. Ed. M. Reiffers. Bratislava: Slovak Phys. Soc., 2009. ISBN 978-80-969124-7-6. P. 49-50.

  • 2008

Mošková, A., Moško, M., Gendiar, A., : Possible persistent current in a ring made of the perfect crystalline insulator. Physica E 40 (2008) 1991-1993.

  • 2000

Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Phase-shift analysis of two-dimensional carrier-carrier scattering in GaAs and GaN: Comparison with Born and classical approximations. Phys. Rev. B 61 (2000) 3048.

  • 1998

Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Phase-shift analysis of two-dimensional carrier-carrier scattering. In: HEAD ’97. Eds. P.Kordoš and J. Novák. NATO ASI Series 4/45. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ. 1998. P. 87.

  • 1996

Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Microscopic origin of femtosecond spectral hole burning in laser excited quantum wells. In: HEAD 95. Eds. J.Novák et el. NATO ASI Series 3, High Technol. 11. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ. 1996. P. 75.

Moško, M., Mošková, A., : Near-band edge spectral hole in a quantum well: No evidence for subpicosecond plasma thermalisation Acta Phys. Polonica A 90 (1996) 1055.

  • 1995

Moško, M., Mošková, A., Cambel, V., : Carrier-carrier scattering in photoexcited intrinsic GaAs quantum wells and its effect on femtosecond plasma thermalization Phys. Rev. B 51 (1995) 16860.

  • 1994

Mošková, A., Moško, M., : Exchange carrier-carrier scattering of photoexcited spin-polarized carriers in GaAs quantum wells: Monte Carlo study Phys. Rev. B 49 (1994) 7443.

Moško, M., Mošková, A., : Photoexcited spin-polarized carriers in GaAs quantum wells: Monte Carlo study of exchange carrier-carrier scattering Semicond. Sci Technol. 9 (1994) 478.

  • 1992

Moško, M., Cambel, V., Mošková, A., : Electron-electron drag between parallel two-dimensional gases Phys. Rev. B 46 (1992) 5012.

  • 1991

Moško, M., Mošková, A., : Ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of electron-electron scattering: Improvements of conventional methods Phys. Rev. B 44 (1991) 10794.