Laboratory consists Raman system (WiTEC) with three lasers with wavelengths of 355, 532 and 785 nm for excitation of spectra. Laser light is focused on a sample with a confocal microscope which also collects light scattered by the sample. The system uses three spectrometers equipped with CCD cameras, one optimised for each laser line. There is another spectrometer in the system used for luminescence measurements in the optical and near-infrared range up to 2.2 µm.
- WiTeC Alpha 300R microRaman system
- unit for polarization measurements
- Bragg gratings for excitations 532 nm and 785 nm for measuring the spectra down to ~10 cm-1
- LHe cryostat
- xyz piezo table for 2D and 3D mapping
- Raman measurements
- Photoluminescence measurements from 360 nm to 2200 nm
Contact: Dr. Martin Hulman, +421 2 5922 2974
Access: Individual access after introductory training (4 hours), online booking
Price: 0 Eur/hour for SAS employees
Overview of the Raman system from WiTeC