The clean room facility is used for processing of modern electronic devices, sensors, and transistors. It contains two rooms: Photolithography and Metal deposition laboratory. Class cleanliness is 1 000 by US Fed. Standard 209 (ISO Class 6 by ISO 14644-1), the dust particle count is kept at 1 000 particles sized 0.3 μm and larger per cubic foot. The powerful ventilation system also maintains the constant temperature (22 °C) and humidity (40%).
- Mask aligners KARL SUSS MJB 4 (DEEP UV, resolution down to 0.5 μm) and KARL SUSS MJB 3
- Spin coater WS-400B Lite Laurell Technologies
- Low pressure plasma system FEMTO (RF-power max. 100 W)
- Optical Microscope AXIO LAB A1 with digital camera AxioCam ERc5S
- Water Purification System DIRECT-Q 3 UV-R
- Optical photolithography
- Preparation and processing of samples for Electron-beam lithography
- Oxygen plasma treatment
- Wet etching with high quality VLSI chemicals
Contact: Ing. Eva Kováčová, Tel.: +421-2-5922 2937
Access: guided access
Price: 10 Eur/hour for SAS employees (running costs and consumables)
Documentation: SUSS MJB4
Photolithography Laboratory in the Clean room