I.FAST – Podpora inovácií v urýchľovačovom výskume a technológií | |
Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology | |
Program: | Horizon 2020 |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 1.5.2021 – 30.4.2025 |
ARIES – Výskum a inovácie urýchľovačov pre európsku vedu a spoločnosť | |
Accelerator research and innovation for european science and society | |
Program: | Horizon 2020 |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 1.5.2017 – 30.4.2021 |
Tepelná stabilita supravodivých cievok a filamentovaných REBCO pások | |
Thermal stability of superconducting coils and filamentized REBCO tapes | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD |
Annotation: | The project investigates electro-thermal stability of filamentized superconducting REBCO tapes andsuperconducting coils at transporting the electric current. The goal is to develop theoretical models and numericalmethods allowing to determine the maximum transport current that can flow through a superconducting coil orthrough a filamentized tape without the risk of a rapid local heating. Characterization of tapes and coils will bebased on the standard measurement methods as well as on specially designed experiments, which will allow toincorporate the real parameters of available superconducting tapes into the models. In order to experimentallyverify the theoretical models of thermal stability of superconducting coils, specific model coils will be built,equipped with multiple voltage and temperature sensors for detailed monitoring of the electro-thermal stability.The outcomes of the theoretical models will subsequently be applied at manufacturing bigger coils, relevant forrealistic electric devices. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026 |
Nízkostratový supravodivý kábel typu CORC z REBCO vodičov | |
Low-loss superconducting CORC-like cable from REBCO conductors | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD |
Annotation: | Aim of the project is to elaborate the design of a superconducting CORC-like cable with considerably reduced AClosses. Project is focused on identification of the key parameters of the cable design, on the construction of modelcables and their experimental characterisation. The research will follow two basic directions: optimisation ofgeometrical layout of the individual REBCO tapes in the cable and investigation of possible utilisation of lowconductivity materials for the central core of the cable. Geometrical optimisation of the cable will be based onresults of numerical simulations employing the Finite Element Method and the Minimum Electro-Magnetic EntropyProduction method. In the experimental part, sets of short model cables will be manufactured for tests of differentgeometrical configurations and different materials for the central core. Investigated will be the total AC losses,basic transport parameters and degradation of superconducting tapes due to mechanical loading in the cablingprocess. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023 |
Vysokoteplotná supravodivá cievka pre motory elektrických a hybridných lietadiel | |
High temperature superconducting coils in motors for electric and hybrid aircrafts | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Pardo Enric, PhD. |
Annotation: | Full superconducting electric motors are very promising to provide therequired power density to enablecommercial hybrid and electric airplanes. These can reduce emissions by75 % in CO2 and 90 % in NOx, followingthe ACARE Flightpath 2050 targets of the European Union. Superconductingmotors can also be applied to cleanersea or sweet water transport. In spite of the extensive research in thearea, the electro-magnetic and electro-thermal properties of superconducting coils in the motor magneticenvironment remain largely unknown, partiallybecause of the lack of measurements of the relevant temperatures(between 20-40 K) and modeling methods forfull superconducting motors.The aim of this project is to gain this understanding and develop numerical modeling methods to enable the design of future superconducting motors. These methods will be compared to experiments in the relevant temperature range for motor applications. |
Duration: | 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2023 |
Magnetická interakcia supravodivých a feromagnetických vrstiev: modelovanie, charakterizácia a aplikácie | |
Magnetic interaction of superconducting and ferromagnetic layers: modelling, characterization and applications | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD |
Annotation: | The project aims to investigate the mutual magnetic interaction between superconducting and ferromagneticlayers. Theoretical investigation will rely on numerical models based on the Finite Element Method and theMinimum Electro-Magnetic Entropy Production method. The project will greatly improve the capabilities of thenumerical methods, enabling accurate modelling of real geometries.Experimental investigation is based on characterization of the individual superconducting and ferromagneticlayers and on characterization of simple compound structures, with emphasis on conditions of AC field.Commercially available superconducting tapes will mainly be used as the superconducting elements andcomposites containing ferrite powder will mainly be used as ferromagnetic elements.Using the developed numerical models, the project will analyze and optimize motors with superconductingwindings, as well as design and construct improved magnetic cloaks for shielding AC field. |
Duration: | 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020 |
Pinning v komerčných coated vodičoch | |
Pinning in commercial coated conductors | |
Program: | SASPRO |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen, PhD |
Annotation: | The project will investigate pinning mechanisms in commercial ReBCO coated conductors coming from different industrial producers. Different manufacturing processes incorporate various kinds of pinning centers into functional superconducting layers of these conductors and as a consequence a very diverse mixture of pinning centers with dissimilar strength dependence on temperature and magnetic field can be found. Main focus will be on the temperature and magnetic field range interesting for applications in electric machinery (electric motors, generators, transformers, etc.) – temperatures 65 K to 77 K and fields 0 to 5 T. The aim is to identify which of the pinning mechanism is the most effective in the temperature and field domain of our interest and develop experimental techniques for its classification and description. Scaling of the critical current density and of the depinning activation energy with temperature and applied magnetic field will be experimentally characterized for all the commercial ReBCO coated conductors considered. At first the experiments in a broad range of available temperatures (4.2 K to 77 K) and applied magnetic fields (0 to 14 T) will be performed, focusing in the second stage on the domain perspective for the electric machinery applications. The experimental results will be compared with the predictions of available pinning models in order to determine and distinguish the different pinning mechanisms. Project combines experimental activity with application and development of theoretical models. Basic experimental techniques will be magnetization loop measurements and magnetic relaxation measurements in the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, combined with transport measurements of current-voltage characteristics at various orientations of applied magnetic field. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018 |