Transition to standard work activity in IEE SAS from 12th of May 2020

Following the recommendations of the Crisis Assembly (CA) of the SAS for full start of the standard working regime at SAS organizations as well as in connection with the continuing favorable development of the COVID-19 situation and lifting the restrictions of the Central CA of the Slovak Republic and the Chief Hygienist, CA of the IEE SAS announces transition to
standard work activity in IEE SAS from 12th of May 2020
- The management of the IEE SAS and the staff must continue to ensure increased hygienic regime at the institute, i.e. wearing masks, disinfection of hands, disinfection of all critical areas such as floors, door handles and hand rails, ensuring sufficient airing of the premises, prohibition of entry to the workplace for persons with respiratory disease, etc.
- Two employees can sit in the smaller rooms (or three in the larger rooms) maintaining a distance of 2 m and constant airing.
- Foreign business trips continue to be prohibited.
- Department meetings continue to be prohibited, and heads of departments are encouraged to use teleconference meetings.
- Smaller meetings with number of participants up to 10 are allowed in a common meeting room (101), however, it is necessary to ensure a 2-meter distance between the participants and airing.
- The special conditions of individual categories of employees are possible (e.g. age over 65 years, parents of young children, employees with risk diseases, etc.) and in specific cases, work from home will be allowed. Such exception will be approved by the head of the department and the management of the institute.
- The CA of the IEE SAS is currently suspending its activities, however, it may be resumed at any time in the case of a worsening of the situation with development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia or in the IEE SAS.
Photo: internet (