Return of IEE SAS employees from high-risk countries with respect to Covid-19 pandemic situation

According to the Measure of the Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic announced on 3 July 2020, all persons arriving to the Slovak Republic from 6 July 2020 7.00 AM who visited any country that is not considered as a lower-level risk in respect to COVID-19 epidemiological situation in last 14 days (current list), must undergo the isolation at home or in a suitable establishment until receiving a negative RT-PCR test to COVID-19.
For doctoral or postdoctoral students who live in the SAS dormitory (i.e. those who are not accommodated in a private apartment in Slovakia) and travel to a high-risk country with respect to COVID-19 epidemiological situation, the Presidency of SAS has set-up the dormitory on Royova 10 as a quarantine facility starting from 20th August. Detailed instructions for the return of these employees are given in Manuál pre doktorandov_EN. In case of a positive test and such course of the disease which does not require hospitalization, the employee will remain in isolation on Royova 10.
The coordinator of the IEE SAS for communication with the quarantine facility is Ing. Milan Ťapajna, Ph.D. Employees who plan to visit a high-risk country are therefore obliged to notify the coordinator with date of the start of the trip and the planned return.
Illustration photo: internet (