Instructions for work in IEE SAS from 20/04/2020

On April 15, 2020, the Crisis Assembly (CA) of IEE SAS met and agreed on the further instructions for the upcoming period:
- The heads of the scientific departments provide the signed documents ‘Home office work description’ for the month of March and April (from 10.3.2020) to the IEE management, describing activities related to work at home. The document is signed by both the member of department (for each day of work at home) and the head of the department.
- Members of administration and technical department continue to work in special state (solved individually).
- From April 20, the Institute will be opened for limited number of employees in heightened hygienic conditions. The main point is to push forward the delayed experiments necessary for the projects. This mode means:
- Heads of departments organize the work of the department so that there are up to 10 people at the institute at the same time for each department and that they sit in rooms one by one, if possible. Preferably, only workers performing the experiment go to work. Workers staying at home will continue to issue ‘Home office work description’ for the relevant days.
- All staff at the institute adhere to strict hygienic conditions – wearing masks, gloves, frequent washing of hands, airing of rooms, avoiding meetings in large numbers (departmental meetings are still prohibited), elevator, communicating with the administration by telephone or electronically, etc.
- Some necessary sanitary measures will be carried out by the Institute – delivery of masks, gloves, regular disinfection of the entrance lobby, toilets, railings handles, etc.
- CA recommends minimizing operations that increase the possibility of virus transmission (manipulating with keys – keep the office keys in the door, using your own pen, avoid drinking coffee at the porters and using the elevator etc.).
- To reduce the number of staff present at the Institute, offices and laboratories at one time:
- The staff of scientific departments older than 65 years still have an order to work at home;
- Workers under the age of 65 with health problems may remain in work at home,
- Theoreticians, PhD students writing PhD. Thesis and Research workers writing an article are encouraged to work from home.
- Heads of departments will propose how to ensure that only one worker is in a single office at a time. Work at home, work in laboratories, work alternation in the morning – afternoon and so on can be used. CA will help with the solution if necessary.
- Number of workers who can work simultaneously in the laboratory will be limited for particular laboratories, e.g. Cryolab – three, Cleen Room – two, SEM lab. – two, and so on. The head of the laboratory will be responsible for keeping the maximum number of workers.
- From April 20, the porters will work in standard mode.
- The Institute of Measurement Sciences will be open from 9.00 to 14.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, other days from 10.00 to 13.00
Foto: SITA