Instructions for work in IEE SAS – update

The IEE Crisis Assembly (CA) meeting held on April 27 2020 and decided the following rules:
- A company holiday will take place from 4th of May to 10th of May 2020.
- On 11th of May 2020 we continue in the same regime as for the last 2 weeks (combination of work at IEE and work at home).
- On 11th of May 2020, CA will decide how we will continue further (i.e. from 12.5. 2020); it is also likely to start a normal working regime for all employees of the institute (considering mothers with children, etc.). This decision will depend on the development of the situation in the Slovak Republic and the decisions of the Government of the Slovak Republic.
- Following the guidelines of the SAS Crisis Assembly published on 22 April 2020, all SAS employees must use all the holiday left from 2019 by the end of June 2020. All employees are therefore tasked to follow this requireent and to coordinate the use of holidays within the departments/work teams so that the disruption of the scientific tasks and projects are minimized.
- The information on the number of days of unused holiday for the year 2019 can be provided to you upon request by Mr. Zofcsáková.
- Institute of Measurement Sciences will start working in standard regime from next week; the institute will be open daily from 8.00 to 16.00.
Regarding the company holiday, the Collective Agreement for 2019/2020 is amended as follows:
In part II. Conditions of employment are amended as follows:
The basic amount of holiday in 2020 for all employees is 9 weeks. In connection with the emergency situation with the Covid-19 disease, four weeks of holiday are reserved for company holiday use according to the instructions of the Institute management and the Crisis Assembly of the IEE SAS.
Photo: Archives of IEE SAS