

Príprava a charakterizácia pokročilých GaN nano-hetero-štruktur
Advanced GaN nano-hetero-structures – preparation and characterization
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2017
ERG – Zelená energia pre spoločnosť
Energy for a Green Society
Program: ENIAC
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.6.2011 – 31.5.2014
Nová výkonná optika pre infračervenú oblasť založená na gáliumfosfide VGF GaP
New power optics for infrared range based on gallium phosphide
Program: EUREKA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.3.2007 – 1.4.2010
Supravodivé pásky a polovodičové kvantové bodky: nanoštruktúry pre súdobé informatické a energetické technológie
Superconducting tapes and semiconductor quantum dots: nanostructures for todays information and energy technologies
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2009
Pokročilé nanoštruktúry a materiály pre využitie v informačných a energetických technológiách. Štrukturálne aspekty
Advanced nanostructures and materials for applications in informations and energy Technologies. Structural and electrotechnical aspects
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007
Investigation of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures of GAN for high-frequency and high-power devices
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2006
Štúdium GaN heteroštruktúr (kov-izolant-polovodič)
Investigation of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures of GAN for high-frequency and high-power devices
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2006
VGFGAPLED – Gálium fosfidové substráty pripravené metódou VGF pre použitie na prípravu luminiscenčných diód
New gallium phosphide grown by vertical gradient freeze method for light emitting diodes
Program: FP6
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.2.2002 – 1.8.2005


Fotonické laboratórium na čipe: výskum a vývoj platformy plazmonického senzora pre okamžitú detekciu zložiek v roztokoch
Photonic Lab-on-a-Chip: investigation and development of plasmonic sensor platform for immediate detection of composites in solutions
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 31.12.2024
Nanooptické sondy a senzory integrované na optickom vlákne
Nano-optical probes and sensors integrated on optical fiber
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.8.2021 – 31.12.2024
Výskum a vývoj kontaktov pre nové materiály a súčiastky
Contact engineering for advanced materials and devices
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Gregušová Dagmar, DrSc.
Annotation: Intensive research has so far been done into metallic contacts to semiconductors. However, new types ofconductivity, materials and devices, and new contact formation mechanisms require new insights into theformation of such contacts. Our aim is to determine the processes and physics behind metallization schemes fornormally-off InAlN-based heterostructure high electron mobility transistors with hole conductivity. InAlN with ahigh molar fraction of InN will be doped with Mg, and the ohmic and Schottky metallic stacks will be optimized. New transition metal dichalkogenide materials (TMDCs) are very promising for new device applications. However,metallization schemes for TMDCs are very challenging. TMDCs exhibit varying band gap widths in dependenceof their thickness. Our aim is to study metallization schemes for TMDCs, their topology, and explain differences between ex-foliated and grown samples, and differences between back-gated and top-gated devices in correlation with basic TMDCs properties.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Fotonické nanoštruktúry pripravené laserovou 3D litografiou pre biosenzory
Photonic nanostructures prepared by 3D laser lithography for biosensing
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 31.12.2020
Moderné nanoštruktúry pripravené sofistikovanou MOVPE technológiou
Advanced nanostructures prepared by sophisticated MOVPE technology
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Annotation: This project is focused on the preparation of advanced nanowires and nanocones prepared by MOVPEtechnology. The main goal of the project is to study the growth and properties of GaP and GaN based nanowiresprepared by vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) technique. In addition we will concentrate our efforts on improvements andenhancement of the most recent experience obtained within previous projects. Our research will be focused intothree areas: (i) stemming from the expected application a most suitable material system will be applied (ii) themodification of the growth conditions (mainly diameter of seeds, growth temperature andV/III ratio) with the aim tomodify mechanical dimension of the nanowires (i.e. transfer from nanowires to nanocones) (iii) acquire newknowledge on the deposition of the metallic nanograins on the top of the nanocones and nanowires with aim tooptimize their properties for the SERS experiments.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020
Univerzálna nanoštrukturovaná platforma pre interdisciplinárne použitie
Universal nanorod platform for interdisciplinary applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 31.12.2018
Fotonické štruktúry pre integrovanú optoelektroniku
Photonic structures for integrated optoelectronics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.10.2013 – 31.12.2016
Nanoštruktúry a ich aplikácie v optoelektronických súčiastkach
Advanced nanostructures for application in optoelectronic devices
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016
Výskum prípravy moderného polovodičového materiálu a substrátov VGF GaP o priemere 100 mm pre potreby konverzie CO2 na užitočné chemikálie
Research and development of advanced semiconductor material and substrates VGF GaP with 100 nm diameter for conversion of CO2 into value addeed chemicals
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.2.2012 – 30.11.2015
GRONA – Príprava nanodrôtov pre fotovoltaické aplikácie
Growth of nanowires for photovoltaic applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Moderné polovodičové súčiastky s precízne navrhnutou pásovou štruktúrou a povrchovými vlastnosťami
Advanced semiconductor structures with tailored band-gap structure and surface properties
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 21.12.2012
MOS HFET tranzistory na báze III-V polovodičov pre vysokoteplotné aplikácie
MOS HFET transistors based on III-N semiconductors for high temperature applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 30.8.2012
Syntéza nitridu hliníka AlN na báze PBN technológie
AlN synthesis based on PBN technology
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.9.2009 – 30.9.2011
CENAMOST – Centrum excelencie NAno-/mikro-elektronických, optoelektronických a senzorických technológií
Centre of Excellence in Nano-/Micro-electronic, Optoelectronic and Sensoric Technologies
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2008 – 30.6.2011
Epi-ready substráty VGF GaP (S)
Epi-ready substrates VGF GaP (S)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.6.2008 – 31.12.2010
INFRALENS – Nová optika založená na VGFGaP pre infračervené senzory
New power optics for infrared range based on gallium phosphide
Program: Podpora MVTS z prostriedkov SAV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 16.7.2009 – 31.12.2009
Nová výkonná optika pre infračervenú oblasť založená na gáliumfosfide VGF GaP
New power optics for infrared range based on gallium phosphide
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.2.2007 – 31.12.2009
Výskum vzniku a vlastností pyrolytického nitridu bóru-PBN
Research work on formation and properties of pyrolytic boron nitride
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2009
Nanorozmer a jeho vplyv na vlastnosti MOCVD polovodičových vrstiev a štruktúr
Nanodimension and its influence on properties of movpe semiconductor layers and structures
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008
Epitaxné heteroštruktúry pre luminiscenčné diódy s vysokou svietivosťou pripravené na základe substrátov GaP
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef, DrSc.
Duration: 1.2.2004 – 31.12.2006