Electrical Characterization

The laboratory provides electrical characterization of four- and two-terminal semiconductor structures and devices (transistors, diodes, MOS, MIM, and TLM structures). Two independent fully-automated systems enable measurements of samples on wafer, as well as partially and fully packed devices and data analysis.



  • DC and pulsed IV measurement of semiconductor structures and devices
  • Capacitance-voltage and (light-assisted) capacitance-transient measurement, AC spectroscopy

Contact: M. Tapajna, Tel.: +421-2-5922 2777

Access: Individual access after introductory training (2 hours), online booking

Price:  0 Eur/hour for SAS employees

Documentation: 4200_SCS, 4200-CVU, 4200_PIV


Keithley 4200 semiconductor characterization system