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Detailed program:    in pdf-format

Presentation titles in blue below are linked to the pdf file

Sunday, May 11
17:00Registration Opens
18:00Welcome Reception at Hotel Tatra

Monday, May 12
8:30Welcome Address
Enric Pardo, Conference Chairman
Xavier Granados, Chairman of the HTS Modelling Workgroup
9:00John Clem Memorial Session                                Chair: A. Campbell
A. Campbell, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Y. Mawatari, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
A. Sanchez, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
9:45Plenary Session
Philippe Masson, University of Houston, USA
Numerical Methods for Design and Optimization of Fully Superconducting Machines
10:30Coffee Break
Slowly Changing Magnetic Fields: Finite Element Methods                Chairs: A. Morandi, L. Prigozhin
11:00 F. Sirois (Polytechn. Montreal):
(Invited)Identification of key numerical parameters for improving the computational performances of finite element solutions of highly non-linear eddy current problems
11:30 A. Wan (Polytechn. Montreal):
Adaptive space-time finite element method: Toward effective reduction of degrees of freedom for simulating HTS devices
11:50 V. Zermeno (KIT):
(Invited) Recent developments in DC models of superconductors and their application to the design of cables and coils
12:20 V. Lahtinen (Tampere Univ. Technol.):
A modelling tool for simulating hysteresis losses in superconductors utilizing an H-oriented finite element method formulation with cohomology basis functions
12:40 S. Farinon (INFN Genova):
Modeling experimental magnetization cycles by finite element simulations
14:00Poster Session
Slowly Changing Magnetic Fields: Variational Principles                         Chair: E. Pardo
15:10 L. Prigozhin (Ben Gurion Univ.):
(Invited) Numerical solution of thin film problems revisited
15:40 A. Badia-Majos (Univ. Zaragoza):
(Invited) Modelling current-voltage characteristics of practical superconductors: theory and application
16:10 R. Otin (CIMNE):
A finite element and massively parallel code for the multi-physics simulation of high temperature superconducting devices
16:30Coffee Break
Rotating Machines                         Chair: B. Dutoit
17:00 M. D. Ainslie (Univ. Cambridge):
Modelling considerations for trapped flux-type superconducting electric machine design
17:20 J. Lopez (UPC):
Stacks of superconducting tapes based on coated conductors architecture: Bulks substitution?
17:40 X. Granados (ICMAB):
Design and prototype of a trapped flux motor based on stacks of HTS coated conductors

Tuesday, May 13
Novel Phenomena and Metamaterials                      Chairs: A. Campbell, A. Sanchez
8:30 C. Navau (Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona):
(Invited) Modeling and experimentally realizing superconducting-ferromagnetic metamaterials
9:00 F. Gömöry (IEE SAS):
Magnetization loop modelling for a superconductor/ferromagnetic composite
9:20 Y. Mawatari (AIST):
(Invited) Analytical Investigation on magnetic-field and current distributions in superconducting strips for modelling of power devices and single-photon detectors
9:50 V. Sokolovsky (Ben Gurion Univ.):
Modeling superconductor-chip-based magnetic traps for ultra-cold atoms
10:10 Yu. M. Shukrinov (BLTP, JINR):
Modeling of resonance and chaotic features of coupled Josephson junctions in high temperature superconductors
10:30Coffee Break
Bulk Magnetization               Chairs: Y. Mawatari, B. Vanderheyden
11:15 A. Campbell (Univ. Cambridge):
(Invited) A direct solution of the critical state based on the physics of flux lines
11:45 S. Kirsch (SUPRATECS):
Coupled electromagnetic-fluid modelling of a bulk superconductor cooled by a cryogenic fluid
12:05 T. Kii (Kyoto Univ.):
Numerical modelling of a bulk HTS staggered array undulator
12:25 Z. Xu (KIT):
Split-coil magnetisation of bulk HTS: understanding the mechanisms
Thermal Quench and Mechanical Modelling I                Chairs: F. Sirois, F. Grilli
13:45 A. Morandi (Univ. Bologna):
(Invited) Modeling of the resistive type superconducting fault current limiter for power system analysis and optimization
14:15 A. Coombs (Univ. Cambridge):
A resistor network model for the analysis of superconducting fault current limiters
14:35 D. Colangelo (EPFL):
Analysis of the influence of the normal zone propagation velocity on the design of resistive fault current limiters
14:55 E. Härö (Tampere Univ. Technol.):
Modular quench analysis software development for HTS coils
15:15Coffee Break
16:00Organized Discussion
18:00Boat Trip on Danube & Conference Dinner - Gathering Point at 17:15 at Hotel Tatra Main Hall

Wednesday, May 14
Magnets and SMES                  Chairs: A. Badia, M. Ainslie
8:30K. Kajikawa (Kyushu Univ.):
(Invited) Numerical evaluation of AC losses in an HTS insert coil for high field magnet during its energization
9:00 E. Pardo (IEE SAS):
Relaxation effects and AC loss in superconducting windings: fast parallel numerical method
9:20 H. Zhang (Univ. Bath):
Numerical study of large-scale 2G HTS magnets for very high magnetic field
9:40 J. Pitel (IEE SAS):
Critical currents and electric fields of individual turns of HTS coils
10:00Coffee Break
Thermal Quench and Mechanical Modelling II             Chairs: F. Gömöry, A. Stenvall
10:30 M. Stepien (Silesian Univ. Technol.):
Numerical analysis of a tape-to-tape (2G) interaction under a quench conditions
10:50 M. Breschi (Univ. Bologna):
Comparison of a FEM model and a circuit model for the quench analysis of HTS tapes
11:10 K. Ilin (Univ. Twente):
FEM Modelling of stress-strain state in REBCO Tape under tensile, torsional and transverse load
11:30 K. Konstantopoulou (Univ. Politec. Madrid):
SEM in situ fragmentation test of REBCO coated layer and numerical simulation of its fracture behavior
11:50Discussion Conclusions
Finite Element Methods: Commercial Codes (F. Grilli)
Finite Element Methods: Self Programmed Codes (F. Sirois)
Variational Principles (C. Lopez)
Electro-Thermal and Quench Modelling (P. Masson)
Bulks (M. Ainslie)
Rotating Machines (X. Granados)
Magnets and Coils (M. Breschi)
Superconductor-Ferromagnet Composites (F. Gomory)
Cables and Coupling Effects (F. Grilli)
12:20Closing Remarks
Enric Pardo, Conference Chair
14:00Lab Tour to Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS

List of Posters

P1 A.N. Maksimova (Nat. Res. Nuclear Univ.):
Simulation of current-voltage characteristics of layered HTSC with ferromagnetic defects
P2 S. Yu. Medvedeva (Moscow Inst. Phys. Technol.):
Modelling of chaotic phenomena in Josephson junctions
P3 L. Tomków (Wroclaw Univ. Technol.):
Modelling of hybrid superconducting magnetic screen based on solid BSCCO cylinder and YBCO tape
P4 N. Glowa (EPFL-CRPP):
Quench analysis in a system of LTS outsert solenoidal coil and HTS insert coil
P5 I.R. Rahmonov (BLTP):
Mathematical modelling of two parallel Josephson junctions stacks
P7 D. Xu (Shanghai JiaoTong Univ.):
An coupled analysis of the HTS magnet and exciting source in dynamic disturbance
P8 G. Escamez (Nexans):
Numerical modelling of AC losses in HTS tube using an H-formulation
P9 A. Palfalvi (Furukawa Electric Inst. Technol.):
Thermomechanical aspects of superconductor coils
P10 A. Morandi (Univ. Bologna):
In-depth induction heating of large steel slabs by means of magnetic saturation: Modeling and results
P11 A. Badel (CNRS):
Modelling of ReBCO coated conductors in FCL to study the effect of local critical current non-uniformities on overall behavior
P12 L. Gozzelino (Univ. di Torino):
Magnetic field mitigation by superconducting/ferromagnetic coaxial shields
P14 B. Grzesik (Silesian Univ. Technol.):
HTS SQUID - a tool for teaching
P15 H. Zhang (Bath Univ.):
AC loss calculation in a stack of double pancakes of YBCO coated conductor using front track approximation
P17 M. Baghdadi (Univ. Cambridge):
Thermal and magnetic model of superconducting synchronous motor based on superconducting stacked tapes
P18 S. Zou (KIT):
Critical current uniformity examination of long HTS tape using magnetic-circuit method

Instructions for Presenters


The length of contributed and invited talks will be of 20 and 30 minutes, respectively, including between 3 to 5 minutes of questions.
The file format for the slides should be in either portable document format (pdf) or Microsoft Power Point 2007 or higher (pptx). The slides should be loaded to the presentation computer at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. However, we strongly recommend to load the files one day in advance in order to avoid software compatibility issues. Presenters may bring their own laptop for the presentations, although the computer connectivity to the projector should be checked one day in advance (or as early as possible regarding Monday 12th presentations).
All talk presenters will have also at their disposition a poster slot. The philosophy is to write certain details in the poster, such as equation deductions. The poster corresponding to a talk should have the same title, author list and mainly the same contents. In addition, posters related to talks should be placed not earlier than 18:00 on Monday 12th and may be left for the rest of the workshop. Please, see further instructions for posters below.


The available panel area will be of 90 x 120 cm portrait, although we recommend A0 size (84.1 x 118.9 cm) for the poster.
Once posters are placed in their panel, may be left for the rest of the workshop. Presentations of the poster-only type should be placed well before the poster session on Monday 12th at 14:00, although we recommend to place the poster before Monday morning coffee break. Posters related to talks should be placed at any time after 18:00 on Monday 12th in order to keep the focus on poster-only presentations on Monday poster session and coffee breaks. We kindly request to all presenters willing to bring a poster to confirm the use of their slot no later than Wednesday 4th of May.