Time | Sunday, June 3 |
14:00 | Registration at the SUZA hotel |
19:00 | Welcome Reception |
Time | Monday, June 4 |
8:00 | Registration at the SUZA hotel |
9:00 | Opening Ceremony |
9:10 | M. Kappers: Growth of InGaN/GaN structures for blue and green emitters, a comparison (invited) between polar and non-polar sapphire substrates |
9:50 | H. Hardtdegen: MOVPE growth optimization for AlGaN/GaN-HEMTs (invited) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:50 | Poster Session A | Poster Session B |
12:45 | Lunch |
14:00 | A. Bonanni: MOVPE of Fe-doped GaN below and above the solubility limit: growth, in-situ and (invited) ex-situ characterization |
14:40 | Poster Session C | Poster Session D |
16:30 | Bus departure to the port |
17:00 | Boat trip on Danube river |
20:00 | End of the trip |
Time | Tuesday, June 5 |
8:00 | Registration at the SUZA hotel |
9:00 | J. Roberts: Mid infra-red quantum cascade laser grown by MOVPE (invited) |
9:40 | T. Makimoto: Deep UV light emitting diodes by MOVPE (invited) |
10:20 | Coffee Break |
10:50 | Poster Session E | Poster Session F |
12:45 | Lunch |
14:00 | K. Leifer: Quantitative transmission electron microscopy for the analysis of interfaces and (invited) quantum nano-structures |
14:50 | F. Schulte: Growth of InGaN optoelectronic structures on 150 mm sapphire wafers in a (invited) planetary reactor |
15:30 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Poster Session G |
19:00 | Workshop Dinner |
Time | Wednesday, June 6 |
9:00 | K. Volz: Recent developments in dilute nitride III/V-semiconductors grown by MOVPE (invited) |
9:40 | Coffee Break |
10:10 | Poster Session H | Poster Session I |
12:45 | Closing Ceremony |
13:00 | Lunch |
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