Exhibition & Sponsoring
An important part of the workshop will be the exhibition, which will provide the participants with plenty of information on products and services from leading companies. It will take place near the entrance to the lecture hall during the workshop.
Exhibitors wishing to advertise their company, products, and services, please contact:
Stanislav Hasenöhrl
Phone: +421 2 5477 5820, +421 2 5477 3545
Fax: +421 2 5477 5816
E-mail: stanislav.hasenohrl@savba.sk or ew-movpe@savba.sk
There are conference events still available for sponsorship.
Download exhibition application form:

Type of stantard conference stand offered for exhibition: 
Registered exhibitors can send their conference stuff to the conference hotel in advance. At the conference hotel they will take care of it from Wednesday, 30 May. Exhibitors who have ordered exhibition booths will have them prepared on Sunday, 3 June from 5 pm.
The shipping address of the conference and exhibition place is:
Drotarska cesta 46
811 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 2 59354 114 (client service), +421 2 59354 999 (reception)
Fax: +421 2 62801 843 (client service), +421 2 62801 135 (reception)